Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 757 This Is What He Called Love

Chapter 757 This Is What He Called Love

Both Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye were silent, and they didn't react for a long time. Unexpectedly, Carl, who was gentle and weak on the outside, actually had a heart that screamed blood.

Especially Ye Ziye's face turned paler, no wonder Carl has inexplicable affection for her, because their backgrounds are so similar.

They are all unrecognized illegitimate children, and they all want to get rid of the humiliating and helpless life in the past.

He succeeded, he eradicated those who made him ashamed, and he has his own country.

So he helped her unconditionally, wanting her to follow the same path as him.

Also because of this, he doesn't know how to pity at all, doesn't know how to cherish life, and treats human life like nothing.

So he could not care about her feelings, and ordered her parents to be hit to one death and one injury.

This is the way he loves others. In order to achieve his goal, he can do whatever he can, and he can hurt others at will.

Simon continued: "We have also investigated the Tom you are referring to. He used to be a retired soldier and is now the chief killer under the name of Carl."

So there is no need to say any more, the facts are in front of you, Tom, who kidnapped Ye Ziye and killed her parents, has an inseparable relationship with Carl.

Tom is his subordinate, without Carl's permission, Tom will not go on this mission.

Ye Ziye's hands clenched into fists, trembling slightly.

She trusts him so much, but he treats her like this, playing her like a fool, helping her get out of the Nie family, helping her find the life she wants, and saying that he loves her are all fake.

He gave her an illusion, making her think that he was a good person. He looked dignified on the outside, but he was as poisonous as a snake on the inside, pushing her into the dark abyss.

This is his so-called love, which is outrageously selfish and disgustingly cold-blooded.

Zuo Zhe's hand covered the back of her trembling hand, looking at Simon and Tyler: "Do you have his address?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone looked at him in astonishment.

"What do you want to do?"

"Meet him for a while and ask the truth."

Tyler disapproved: "No, you can't go to him, it's too dangerous."

【Many friends want to know the ending. In fact, if you read a lot of books, you will know that the ending must be two people together.The ending is not important, the process is the most important. I reiterate that this article will be finished this month. Friends who are impatient can read it all at once at the end of the month.I can't just get things done hastily for the ending, and I can't write some long-winded words for the sake of crazy updates.I am responsible to other readers.Finish today, continue tomorrow. 】

(End of this chapter)

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