Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 766 Irrefutable Evidence

Chapter 766 Irrefutable Evidence

Ye Ziye looked at him incredulously, and then took a closer look at the document: "You did it?"

It turned out to be exactly the same information.

Carl pursed his lips tightly, thinking about the words of redemption in his mind.

Then Zuo Zhe looked at the familiar items in the corner of his eyes in the drawer. He pushed aside the stationery and papers on it, and took it out from inside.

He sneered, and raised Ye Ziye's lost saber: "No? Then how do you explain this?"

The saber gifted by Season, with the word Nie engraved on the end of the handle.

Ye Ziye was completely shocked, staring at it with wide eyes, as if seeing a ghost.

This saber, when they besieged Tom that day, he forcibly escaped with the saber stuck in his body.

What was originally in Tom's hands was found at Carl's house at this moment.

He actually said that it had nothing to do with him?
"Isn't Tom your subordinate? So how do you explain this saber?" Ye Ziye snatched the saber, held it tightly, and yelled at Carl angrily, "What else did you do?"

"I..." The sudden loophole caught Carl off guard.

He never expected that Ye Ziye and Zuo Zhe would come looking for him, let alone that they would find evidence.

The overwhelming evidence.

When he was still breaking up for the last time, trying to think of a remedy, an even bigger loophole was exposed.

One lie after another, like a dam without an embankment, the flood inside rushed towards him with thousands of troops.

Cover him up until he can't breathe.

Ye Ziye looked at his blue and white face with a guilty and flickering expression, her heart stopped completely.

No matter how many reasons, no amount of defense is in vain, his expression has already betrayed him.

Ye Ziye tightly grasped the saber in his hand, angry and cheated, suddenly rushed towards her.

The scene of the car accident that day resurfaced in her mind.

The two bodies were knocked into fragments and fell into a pool of blood, so chilling and frightening, so soul-stirring.

The death of her mother and the serious injury of her father aroused the sadness she had recovered for a long time.

The fingers holding the saber trembled, and the knuckles were slightly white. She stared at him closely and asked, "Why? Why did you do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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