Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 774 Maybe This Is Called Retribution

Chapter 774 Maybe This Is Called Retribution

Her world became dark and cold, lonely and hopeless, and her heart was torn apart with her mother's burial.

She and Ye Guya are two different personalities, Ye Guya doesn't like her unrestrained debauchery, and she also doesn't like her mother's simplicity and cowardice.

But for the past 16 years, they depended on each other, loved each other, and lived with mutual tolerance.

Losing the other party suddenly, and dying in such a horrible and innocent way, Ye Ziye felt remorse and hatred in his heart.

She hated Carl as much as she hated herself.

Ye Ziye still refused to leave, Zuo Zhe hugged her body and comforted her softly.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the sky was getting darker.

Later, Season confessed to Zuo Zhe and handed her over to him to take care of her. In the end, the members of the Nie family left with a heavy heart.

In the end, only the two of them were left in the cemetery, drenched in the rain...


It was only after Ye Ziye cried and passed out that Zuo Zhe could take her back to the villa.

He didn't dare to take her back to the old house, there were too many memories of Yeguya, as long as she stepped into that room, she was like a lost soul, unable to speak or laugh.

After returning home, he changed her wet clothes, put on clean pajamas, and covered her with a quilt.

He sat on the bed and looked at her quietly, his heart clenched tightly, the pain was so painful that he couldn't hurt anymore.

He held her hand and swore that he would never let anyone who hurt her go.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Zuo Zhe's case was not decided because miraculously no witnesses could be found.

A while ago, Baihutang and Nie's work separately, and Baihutang was responsible for contacting the bribery of pedestrians on the street on the day of the incident.

Nie used his connections to clear up the relevant departments. In the end, the case was shelved due to insufficient evidence in all aspects.

Tom was still lying in the hospital, maybe this is called retribution, he knocked Nie Fan into a coma, and he was also knocked into a coma.

After such a commotion, another half month passed.

November came suddenly, with gusts of cold wind.

Ye Ziye's mood calmed down a lot, during which Qin Yi and Jiang Yaoyao visited her several times.

They told her the good news. It turned out that after the National Day, Gangpei High School had a new school belle.

(End of this chapter)

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