Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 782 Come on, just come on

Chapter 782 Come on, just come on

Carl sneered, with a contemptuous expression: "Go, tell everyone to be vigilant."

"Yes." The bodyguard stepped back.

Carl approached the terrace and looked up at the bottomless forest. His little girl was there, attacking him at any time.

He thought that she would not come back in the short term, because the incident hit her too hard.

Unexpectedly, after half a month of separation, she reappeared and continued to take revenge relentlessly.

Carl had a look of joy on his face, she was worthy of being his fancy girl.

Her stubborn and undefeated personality is what he needs and desires most.

Come on, just come on.

He was just afraid that if she didn't come, as long as she came, she could be captured and imprisoned by his side forever.

Time passed bit by bit, and in the silent space, the ancient heavy pendulum sounded continuously.

Again and again, second after second.


It seemed a long time, Carl couldn't help frowning, turned around and shouted outside: "Come on."

He wants to know the latest information, where are they?
In the silent big house, no one responded.

Including bodyguards and servants.

He listened sideways, it seemed strangely quiet outside, he had a bad feeling in his heart, put down the red wine glass in his hand, and stepped out of the study door.

There was no one of the bodyguards who were waiting at the door.

"Come on!"

What answered him was still the eerie silence.

problem occurs!
With this thought in Carl's mind, he immediately pulled out the pistol from his back and tiptoed towards the living room against the wall.

At this time, footsteps sounded from outside, and two people ran in: "Master, master."

Take a closer look, it's one of your own.

"What happened just now? Where did they go?" Carl frowned, and anger appeared on his plain face.

There is absolutely nothing to be missed about what happened tonight. He is waiting for Ye Ziye to make a comeback, and for the opportunity to catch her.

The bodyguard explained: "I heard a noise just now, let's run out to have a look."

"What's found?" Is it finally here?


"No?" Impossible, too much time has passed.

Just as he was thinking hard, there was an explosion outside the garden, coming from the garage on the left.

(End of this chapter)

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