Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 798 Towards Unprecedented Harmony

Chapter 798 Towards Unprecedented Harmony

The first thing to do when returning to China is to visit Nie Fan in the hospital.

He was still unconscious, and He Yanran was still taking care of him. This time when He Yanran met her, there was no confrontation and strangeness in the past.

The two greeted each other politely and chatted about some trivial things in life.

After that, they went to Nie's house for dinner. Grandpa and three older brothers were there, but among them, only Season knew what they were doing when they returned to America.

Everyone else thought Ye Ziye couldn't accept the news of her mother's death, and hid herself and refused to see anyone.

When we saw her today, she returned to her former vivacity and self-confidence, and their hanging hearts finally let go.

During the dinner, Nie Zhenlong suggested: "Xi Wei, you can move in with us and let us take care of you."

In the past 17 years, their grandparents have not gotten along well, and as elders, they long for this opportunity to make up for it.

"No, I'm used to being alone, I'm afraid I won't get used to it."

Firstly, she considered that everyone's living habits are different, and secondly, He Yanran now lives in the Nie Mansion. Although everyone has no grudges, she doesn't want to embarrass her.

No matter who is right or who is wrong, she is always an illegitimate daughter, the original culprit who destroyed her marriage, without her existence, of course He Yanran would not abandon her family.

This heavy oppressive feeling will make her and He Yanran feel uncomfortable, so let's just meet up once in a while.

The current relationship is very good, um, it is an unprecedented harmony.

In the past, she might move in deliberately to embarrass He Yanran, but now she is different. After experiencing these things, she knows how to look at things from the standpoint of others.

He Yanran didn't embarrass her, why should she embarrass the other party?

She and He Yanran have always been her brother's two equally important family members. She doesn't want to make it difficult for Season, nor does she want to make it difficult for Grandpa.

Often as long as you think about things for others, the resentment in your heart will be less.

"How can you not get used to it? The second and third children are like this. If you like to stay for a few days, you won't come if you don't like it. You can do the same."

Nie Zhenlong looked at her lovingly, and patted the back of her hand: "You are no different from them, you know? You are also my grandson of Nie Zhenlong."

Ye Ziye was very moved when she heard the words. Grandpa's words were too powerful. He told her not to think about it. She is no different from the three brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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