Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 862 I'm Not Small 4

Chapter 862

Faced with such enthusiastic expectations from his relatives, Ye Ziye's words of rejection stuck in his throat, and he couldn't say a word.

Later, we discussed the details of the dance party, and they were as happy as celebrating a celebration.

Ye Ziye sat there with a smile and nodded, but felt troubled in his heart, how should he talk about this matter with Zuo Zhe after returning home?

Later, chatting and chatting, Nie Hong came.

He was surprised to see Ye Ziye, and dragged her to the garden with a mysterious look.

"Little Four, tell me the truth..."

Ye Ziye suddenly felt powerless: "I'm not Xiao Si, I'm Zi Ye."

"It's just a title, not to mention that Ziye is not good, I don't like it."

Nervous Nie Hong, habitually put one arm around other people's necks, looking like the whole world is his brother, and he doesn't think that Ye Ziye is a girl.

There were several black lines on her face: "My name, you don't need to like it."

Nie Hong waved his hand, and continued to speak indifferently: "Fourth brother, I heard that Zuo Zuo is no longer the head of the hall?"

"What's the fourth? What's left, right, right?" Was stunned by anger.

Why did the second brother casually give other people fancy names, and change them so ugly.

what!She wanted to vomit blood.

Nie Hong looked at her with a stern face, and explained angrily: "The fourth child is you, and Zuo Zuo is your family Zuo Zhe. Why are you so stupid?"

When speaking, he deliberately emphasized his tone, and pointed a finger straight at the tip of Ye Ziye's nose.

Ye Ziye stared at the fingers in front of him, narrowed his eyes, and let out a dangerous smell.

The next second, she opened her mouth and took a bite.

"Ah!" A certain man screamed.

At this time, through the gate of the front garden, I drove into a white Ferrari FF.

Season's car.

Seeing the shadow of the sports car, Ye Ziye immediately let go of Nie Hong's fingers, ran over happily, and left poor Nie Hong on the spot crying.

After Season entered the gate, he saw a dark yellow Lexus. When he was wondering whose car it was, he saw Ye Ziye running towards him.

He turned the steering wheel, and instead of driving the car into the garage, it parked beside the Lexus.

She looked at the white sports car with a smile on her face, planning a conspiracy in her heart, and immediately called obediently: "Brother, sister-in-law."

Season frowned slightly, when he saw Ye Ziye, he suddenly realized that this sports car must belong to her.

(End of this chapter)

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