Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 876 Happiness is within reach

Chapter 876 Happiness is within reach
"She is our most cherished descendant of the Nie family, Nie Xiwei. Please take care of her from now on."

At the end of Season's speech, he put down the microphone, indicating that he had finished speaking.

There were thunderous applause and cheers from the audience, all because of his touching speech.

Season's love for his younger sister, and the importance Nie's parents attached to Ye Ziye, can be seen from this.

After the applause, the housekeeper and servants came out with extra-large cakes. The cake was ten stories high, and there was a burst of chestnut fragrance.

Ye Ziye looked at Season, then looked at the grandfather, father and several uncles, aunts and brothers below, and couldn't hide his excitement.

A big teardrop, accompanied by her smiling face, slid down gently.

She never thought that she could have such a warm and warm birthday.

What's more, she didn't expect that after losing her only close relative, Yeguya, she could still have a birthday with chestnut cake.

It turns out that as long as she is willing, happiness is readily available.

She couldn't control herself, and she began to cry bitterly, rubbing her face with her hands.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhe hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her softly to comfort her: "Silly girl, what's there to cry about, you should laugh."

The other members of the Nie family surrounded her to comfort her.

She sniffed and stared at Season: "My brother is so bad, he insisted on making me cry."

It's okay, why do you say such sensational and nasty words?It caused her to lose control and cry in front of all her relatives and friends.

Season, as before, gently stroked her hair: "This is what I say from the bottom of my heart, and it is what I have always longed for."

Encouraging applause rang out from the audience again, and everyone comforted her: "Don't cry, don't cry for today's birthday."

"You won't be pretty if you cry, you have to be a beautiful birthday girl."

"Yeah, don't cry."

Zuo Zhe took the tissue from Lan Xin and gently wiped away her tears.

He found that Ye Ziye was very strong on the outside, but somewhere in her heart was very soft, as long as she touched her wound, she would be defeated like a mountain.

And this weakness comes from the care and attention of the Nie family.

Perhaps, in fact, Ye Ziye also longed for the approval of the Nie family.

Whenever this aspect is involved, she will become very fragile and out of control.

Slowly, Ye Ziye controlled her excitement.

She sniffed, collected her thoughts, took a deep breath, and asked Season for a microphone.

(End of this chapter)

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