Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 879 Is this also called gift giving?

Chapter 879 Is this also called gift giving?

Season not only has to take care of his university studies, he also has to take care of the family business, and more importantly, he has to take care of his newlywed wife. In his busy schedule, he makes every effort to fight for Ye Ziye without offending the parents of both parties and taking everyone into consideration. with everything it should be.

He even spared no effort in making friends for her safety, thinking that when he first dated Ye Ziye, Season had already come to her door to test him.

As a brother, he is really competent.

Later, when Season agreed with him, he secretly helped him a lot, like the incident of hitting someone, and other things.

Through his relationship with the Nie family, he helped him solve many problems on the white road.

These seasons have not been stated clearly, but he knows it very clearly.

"Actually, Season didn't treat Ziye badly, he didn't have to help her like that."

It's just that he is a very kind and sensitive person, he can't tolerate his family being wronged, just like when he was a child, he didn't like the little fat man to bully Nie Hong.

Nie Fan looked at the front with deep empathy, the outstanding son and the daughter who made his heart ache.

He Yanran looked at him, and the two smiled knowingly.

The three of them are all people he owes, and they are also his close family members.

At this moment, Nie Jiajun came over, and after he nodded to Nie Fan, he said directly to Zuo Zhe, "Xiao Si said that she would give up her car to me. I thought about it and thought it was wrong. It was your birthday gift for her." A gift. I think I will keep it for her temporarily, when you come back, I will return it to you."

Ye Ziye approached him that day, and she said that she wanted to give him a gift, which was a sports car that was in the monthly payment.

Nie Jiajun almost fainted at the time, is this also called giving a gift?

After careful questioning, she learned that she was about to leave China to live in a foreign country, and asked him to keep the matter a secret.

But he still couldn't help telling his elder brother, and the whole Nie family knew that Ye Ziye was leaving China.

Later, Nie Hong came to tell him that the supercar was Ye Ziye's birthday gift.

He naturally understood what Nie Hong meant. He was jealous that the fourth child was kind to him and gave him a sports car, even though it was a sports car in the monthly payment.

So he told the matter to make him embarrassed to accept this heavy gift.

His second brother is often very childish, always comparing the weight of the two in everyone's hearts, who is more important than who is less.

(End of this chapter)

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