Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 882 You Can't Escape In This Life

Chapter 882 You Can't Escape In This Life
Nie Fan didn't ask any further questions, he patted Zuo Zhe's shoulder lightly, and said meaningfully: "Xi Wei left it to you, you should cherish her well, and don't let her face pain again."

Zuo Zhe looked at him and solemnly promised: "Don't worry, I will protect her and prevent anyone from hurting her, including myself."

"Okay, okay." Nie Fan was very comforting, and kept nodding.

Each one of them was better than him, braver than him, going forward to the people they loved, not afraid of being hurt.

He left with champagne and walked towards his wife He Yanran.

Fortunately, in this life, he had time to settle the feud with her, and he would spend the rest of his life loving this woman who fell in love at first sight for twenty years.

Nie Jiajun also left, walking towards his Xiaoya.

Suddenly, Zuo Zhe became a little lonely and deserted.

He looked at the little woman in the dream department again.

At this time, the smile on Ye Ziye's face was a little stiff, probably too many people and too many new faces flocked to her.

She couldn't bear it any longer, and there were still countless people around her who wanted to say hello to her.

At just the right time, the music in the hall sounded, and the brightly lit lights were replaced with soft and comfortable lights.

Dance time begins.

Zuo Zhe put down the champagne in his hand, walked towards them, and squeezed into the crowd to rescue his poor little wife.

He came in front of her and bowed politely: "Miss Nie, do you want to dance for your face?"

Everyone was stunned, and turned their gazes from Ye Ziye to Zuo Zhe, and their puzzled gazes turned into understanding.

They retreated one after another, leaving space and time for this golden couple.

Romantic dance music wafted, Ye Ziye and Zuo Zhe led the dance, followed by Season and Lan Xin, the perfect match.

One after another, couples walked into the middle of the dance floor holding hands.

In the colorful streamer, Zuo Zhe hugged Ye Ziye's slender waist: "Your father and the others already know about our departure, and wish us a smooth journey."

"Oh?" She was slightly stunned, and finally smiled lightly in relief: "I still can't escape their eyes."

I used to hate the feeling of being known whereabouts, but now I feel very sweet and warm.

Only family members care about their whereabouts like this.

You can't force it to be someone else.

"You can't escape in this life." He picked up a strand of hair that fell off her chest, and gently put it back into the bun on the back of her head: "You can't escape the Nie family, you can't escape the Zuo family."

(End of this chapter)

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