Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 888 Extra Story 1: Zuo Zhe's Shadow Bodyguard

Chapter 888 Extra Story 1: Zuo Zhe's Shadow Bodyguard (1)

The next morning, when Zuo Peng heard the news, the two of them had landed safely in California.

Ye Ziye was pecking at it, should he find action superstar and Governor of California Arnold Shuhua Xinli beer to sign in.

Zuo Peng never imagined that the two people who did not fly away on December 12nd disappeared in the sky on December 2th.

When Zuo Zhe didn't leave at first, he was overjoyed, thinking he had guessed right.

Now when Zuo Zhe really left, he couldn't laugh anymore, and he was paralyzed at home and confessed.

He gave up completely and only asked his son to come back as soon as possible.

However, his request may not be fulfilled.

As soon as Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye picked up their luggage, they ran away gracefully, enjoying themselves in the sun and on the beach.

Leave the whole mess to Qin Jun and Fang Lin to clean up, without saying a word of thanks.

The brothers in Baihutang were in a mess, and they talked a lot, making the uncertain atmosphere even more uncertain.

Zuo Zhe refused to come back, Zuo Peng was furious, Jiang Yongbang and Qin Lang were at a loss, Qin Jun and Fang Lin had to take care of both sides.

The novice was forced to get on the horse, and the two of them were devastated. Fortunately, small things continued, but no big things came.

Fang Lin, who spent the night in the gang, finally returned to his residence exhausted.

His residence is near the school, and Zuo Zhe's residence is opposite the balcony.

This was specially arranged when he was the captain of the shadow bodyguard. Later, when he was promoted to be a military adviser, he got used to living there, but he was reluctant to move away.

Until now, he has become the deputy hall master, and he still lives in this small place.

Because there is her presence here.

Fang Lin entered the bedroom lightly, and by the dim light, saw a body nestled on the bed.

A curled up female body.

Her name is Shen Qiuyue, and she is his nagging girlfriend.

Seeing her here, Fang Lin's exhausted body suddenly regained energy.

He came to her bed and bent down to look at her carefully.

She slept deeply, snoring softly, her slightly parted lips were very cute and alluring.

He couldn't help reaching out to touch her skin lightly, feeling her presence reassured him.

Suddenly she turned away and pulled the sheet up over her head.

The original snoring sound was gone, signaling that its owner had woken up.

Fang Lin's eyebrows furrowed with her usual disgust and resistance. He didn't like her turning her back to him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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