Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 900 Extra Story 1: I Live Alone

Chapter 900 Extra Story 1: I Live Alone (4)

She wanted to get his attention, but now she had achieved her goal, but it was not the beautiful attention she expected, but a messy and dirty first impression.

Woohoo, her face was lost by the dust on the floor.

Fang Lin walked into her living room, then went out to the terrace to have a look, but when he came back, he said: "The escape door of the anti-theft iron fence on your balcony is broken."

"Huh?" A thoughtless sentence called her back who was too far away from her mind.

"It's been a few years, and it hasn't been fixed yet." Fang Lin shook his head, a little dissatisfied, and then saw her dumbfounded, and then remembered the strangeness of his own words, so he explained: "I lived here a few years ago. , and later... because I wanted a higher floor, so I moved up to the tenth floor."

In fact, when he lived here, the angle of looking at Zuo Zhe's house was not very good.

But because the upstairs was already full of residents, he didn't rent the unit on the tenth floor until the other party moved out, and abandoned the unit on the ninth floor.

The escape door of the anti-theft iron fence on the terrace was accidentally broken by him at the beginning, but the owner and subsequent tenants have not repaired it.

Shen Qiuyue looked at him in astonishment, it turned out that he was concerned about her safety.

With some inexplicable feelings in her heart, she quickly answered him: "I understand, I will call someone to fix it."

"Yeah." He didn't say anything more, and pointed to the direction upstairs: "I'm going back, if you have anything to do, come up to me."

"Wait, can you tell me your cell phone number?" She blushed, hoping it wouldn't be too abrupt to ask.

"Okay." After that, he asked her for a pen and paper, copied down his number, and then asked her for her mobile phone number.

After exchanging numbers, Fang Lin really left, and Shen Qiuyue didn't dare to look for him for the fourth time.

That's all for today, it's pretty good progress.

[—Ye Xiwei's original *** Tencent first release —].
Gangpei High School, Class B of the second year of high school.

Fang Lin was sitting in the corner behind, lowering his head, calculating complex geometry problems.

The entire sophomore class is not arranged according to grades, but according to Zuo Zhe's idea.

He purposely arranged himself, Qin Jun's siblings, Jiang Yaoyao, Shan Nantao and others together.

The feeling given to others is that Baihu's heavyweights are all in class A, while ignoring other classes.

(End of this chapter)

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