Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 904 Extra Story 1: I Live Alone

Chapter 904 Extra Story 1: I Live Alone (8)

Fang Lin, who was about to step out of the classroom door, stopped when he heard the words, and turned to look at Shen Qiuyue.

She walked very slowly, as if she was accommodating her right waist injury.

Fang Lin didn't say anything, just stood at the door of the classroom and waited for her to come.

He is Zuo Zhe's shadow bodyguard, a bodyguard who doesn't want to draw attention from others.

It is impossible for him to forcefully scold Shen Qiuyue for having a headache for his classmates, let alone beat them until their heads are bleeding.

He only met her not long ago, but the relationship he caused her to be hurt was nothing more than that.

"Sorry." She came to him and apologized.

"It doesn't matter." He motioned for her to go first, and then followed her: "Do you want to go back to the doctor today?"

"No need, the doctor said that after taking the medicine, it will be almost fine."

"How many days are left for the medicine?"

She replied guiltily, "One week."

"Is there any external medicine?"

"Yes, I have."

The two chatted, and slowly stepped out of the gate of the high school, heading for the nearest tea restaurant.

The cafeteria is full of Gangpei students, as long as they have a little money and status, they don't eat in the cafeteria of the school, but move to the cafeteria outside the school.

The area around here is a factory area. Apart from factories, there are a variety of large and small restaurants.

Quick fast food culture, mass production, no nutrition and no taste at all.

Shen Qiuyue originally wanted to invite him to a high-end and romantic restaurant, but considering her own wallet, she still had to pay for the next month's expenses.

She dismissed the idea of ​​being brave.

The two ordered meal A separately, and in the noisy environment, like an old couple without any communication language, they lowered their heads and ate silently.

Fang Lin ate quickly and boldly, and cleaned up in less than 2 minutes.

Shen Qiuyue stared at his empty plate with wide eyes, and then saw that she had only eaten a quarter of the meal: "You, do you need to order more?"

No matter how you look at it, Fang Lin looks like a person who has been hungry for a long time.

"No need." Eating too much is not good for the body.

Fang Lin picked up the teacup and drank the tea, putting the soup aside.

In fact, Shen Qiuyue doesn't have much appetite, and she always eats fast food outside these days, which makes her almost nauseated.

She prefers to cook home-cooked dishes at home, which are economical and affordable.

Soon she put down her chopsticks: "Let's go."

She couldn't talk to him at all here, it was too noisy and there was no atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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