Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 910 Extra Story 1: He Deliberately Introduced Her Zhang Family

Chapter 910 Extra Story 1: He deliberately lured her home (4)

I still remember the smug look when Xiaomei happily ran to her and Zhuzhu two months ago and told her that she had found her true son.

It seems that the little stars in the sky are turning and twinkling for her.

But two months later, the situation was completely reversed.

Xiaomei said that Fang Lin wanted to break up with her because he fell in love with someone else, and he disliked her, throwing her away like garbage without a trace of nostalgia.

A friend with deep roots in love couldn't figure it out, so he approached Fang Lin, but the other party kept avoiding him except for speaking ill.

A first love that ended without a cause, a fate that was too late to bear fruit, just withered to death like this.

Poor young Ai, who once committed suicide for this...

Both Shen Qiuyue and Zhuzhu were very angry. They felt that the man was playing with their feelings, and they wanted to seek justice for their friends.

After several investigations, they learned that he was studying at Gangpei High School and that he was a gangster of the famous Baihutang.

It was rumored that Fang Lin had a good friendship with Zuo Zhe, the young hall master of Baihutang, and he was even close friends with Jiang Yaoyao, the daughter of the chief hall master.

The opponent's power is so powerful, they are just two little girls, how can they seek justice for Xiaomei?
At that time, Shen Qiuyue naturally felt uncomfortable seeing her friend's miserable life.

Later, he gritted his teeth and came up with a plan for revenge.

Since Fang Lin is a playboy, since he has abandoned his friends so cruelly.

Then she will let him taste the feeling of being abandoned. The best way is to make Fang Lin fall in love with her, and then trample him under her feet and cast aside.

Just like how she treated Xiaomei back then.

Only in this way can her angry heart be calmed down, and Xiaomei will be freed from the pain.

It is not worth crying for such a man.

However, when she told Zhuzhu about this idea, Zhuzhu tried her best to prevent her from doing so.

First of all, the other party is a gangster from the underworld, and they can't do anything. They have different ideas from those who grew up in their normal families. Fighting and taking drugs is a trivial matter.

Secondly, it was too dangerous for her to take the risk alone.

So what if revenge comes three times?Xiaomei's lost feelings will never be regained.

Because of Zhuzhu's disapproval, Shen Qiuyue did not insist on doing this.

But in the bottom of my heart, I firmly believe that it is feasible.

So this is the situation now.

Shen Qiuyue deceived everyone in the world, quietly ran to Gangpei High School, and quietly contacted Fang Lin.

And her plan is known only to herself, and Zhuzhu doesn't have the slightest doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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