Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 928 Extra Story 1: From now on, you will be mine

Chapter 928 Extra Story 1: From now on, you will be mine (2)

After lunch, Shen Qiuyue cleaned up the dishes and cleaned them. Fang Lin stood beside her and looked at her, holding grapes in his hand and waiting for some water to wash them.

After she put the dishes away, she took the plate in his hand, filled it with water, and patiently washed the grapes in the plate.

He tentatively asked: "Today is Saturday, aren't you going home?"

"I won't go back until next week." Just in time to go back to school to visit Xiaomei and Zhuzhu.

"Why did you change schools suddenly? Was the original school not good?"

"Hmm..." She hummed vaguely.

Fang Lin thought for a while and asked, "Do you have a boyfriend?"

She raised her head in astonishment, looked at his handsome face, and looked at his bland expression.

what does he mean?Why did you suddenly ask her if she has a boyfriend?

Seeing her deep in thought, Fang Lin felt a little unhappy.

The answer she needs to think about must be the answer she is not willing to tell.

Maybe she already has a good boyfriend. How can a girl as pure as her not be pursued by boys?
Fang Lin found that she didn't like this feeling very much, and didn't like the fact that she already had a boyfriend.



"I don't have a boyfriend." She decided to tell the truth.

Fang Lin didn't believe it: "How is it possible? You are so beautiful, right? There should be many boys who like you."

Shen Qiuyue looked at him, pecking at the true meaning of his words.

Her heart was up and down, and suddenly she didn't know where the courage came from, and she asked him abruptly: "So...do you like me?"

She regretted it to death when she said it.

How could she be so stupid?

If Fang Lin replied that she didn't like it, that would be great, her plan for revenge was in vain at the same time, she could pack up and go home early.

But what if the answer is like?What should she do next?

Shen Qiuyue didn't have time to think about it, Fang Lin replied almost immediately, without a moment's hesitation: "I like you."

The answer he blurted out stunned the two of them on the spot.

After Shen Qiuyue was stunned, her face blushed unconsciously.

She lowered her head shyly, with indescribable joy and joy in her heart.

Seeing her shy look, he felt sweet and loving in his heart, and couldn't help stretching out his hand to gently caress her arm.

It turns out that this is the feeling of liking someone.

Before I knew it, I fell in love with it.

His hand touched her skin, it was smooth and lukewarm, with the pulsating feeling of heartbeat, how wonderful!
Shen Qiuyue shrank her hands suddenly, avoiding his touch, and took a step back.

(End of this chapter)

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