Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 936 Extra 1: Be good, I love you the most

Chapter 936 Extra 1: Be good, I love you the most (1)

"But..." Shen Qiuyue was in a dilemma. She didn't want his things, and she didn't want to be confused in the future: "Things are too expensive, and I don't like wearing accessories."

"It's okay, I have savings! We bought it and put it at home, so we can wear it when we need it later."

Fang Lin thought that she felt sorry for his money, so he coaxed her while walking towards the counter.

The decorations in the store are dazzling, and the flashing pearls hurt the eyes.

Fang Lin lowered his head and began to study. Shen Qiuyue wanted to leave, but his right hand was tightly held by him, so he couldn't leave.

In the end, Fang Lin picked out a unique diamond ring, which was small and cute, without flashes of glamour, and only wanted a simple and beautiful style.

After all, she is still a high school student, if she wears too expensive accessories, it will attract the prying eyes of others.

He didn't want her to become a patron of thieves.

Putting the diamond ring into her finger, a happy smile appeared on his face: "It's pretty good, what do you think?"

Shen Qiuyue's originally resistant heart was completely changed because of his enthusiasm and the radiance of the diamond ring.

She looked at the small stone between her fingers, the shimmering light, and the design of the style very much to her liking.

It's really beautiful!

Fang Lin asked again: "How is it?"

"Well, it looks good." She smiled back at him, with a warm feeling in her heart.

"Like it?"

She nodded slightly in default.

Fang Lin asked the staff to ask for the bill.

Shen Qiuyue looked up and saw that it cost more than 3 yuan.

"What? So expensive?" She thought it was several thousand yuan at most, but when she looked back, where was the diamond ring worth several thousand yuan?
"No, I don't want it anymore." She immediately took off the diamond ring and returned it to the staff in the store.

Fang Lin just smiled, and reached out to ask for the diamond ring on the employee's hand, but didn't give it to Shen Qiuyue, but went directly to pay the bill.

"Fang Lin." Shen Qiuyue called, and hurriedly followed him to dissuade him.

More than 3 yuan is not a small amount. For a student studying in school, it is too extravagant and luxurious.

He opened his palm and put it in front of her: "If you don't wear it, I'll keep it at home. Anyway, I'm going to order the ring tonight."

"Fang Lin!"

"Listen to me, dear, put it on."


"Be good, I love you the most."

In the end, Shen Qiuyue had no choice but to put on the ring.

Looking at the sparkling diamond ring, Shen Qiuyue's heart sank a little.


There will be Zuo Zhe and Ye Ziye in the future.The treasure sinks to the bottom of the turtle.But recently I really have no way to separate myself, thank you for your understanding, and thank you friends who like Fanwai.

(End of this chapter)

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