Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 938 Extra 1: Be good, I love you the most

Chapter 938 Extra 1: Be good, I love you the most (5)

My friend Zhuzhu called several times and asked her why she hasn't come back yet?
At the beginning, it was promised to go back to school in ten days, but now it has been delayed again and again, and it has been a month.

Shen Qiuyue couldn't find an excuse, nor did she know how to deceive her.

Parents also called, and they asked where she had gone?

The head teacher called and said that she had gone through the suspension procedure, what the hell was she doing?
He ordered her to go back within three days, otherwise she would be searched for in the newspaper.

And asked her to go home immediately and explain the matter.

Paper can't contain fire, the family and school know about her, if she doesn't go back, the classmates will know about her soon.

What she said to Zhuzhu at the beginning will also be exposed as lies again and again.

Going is already a fact that can no longer be delayed.

There are very few things in the rental house, just a few pieces of clothing.

And since she had a relationship with Fang Lin, her sleeping place at night has changed from the ninth floor to the tenth floor.

Fang Lin bought her some new daily necessities.

After class for a while, he took her to shop and bought some long-sleeved clothes for her in early autumn.

Every night the two of them ate at home, watched TV, chatted, and then they would have sex and love.

For Fang Lin's work in Baihutang, he always took time out of class and went back to the main hall to deal with it properly.

Never spend time after school, nor waste time with her.

Unless Zuo Zhe and the others called him out, he would rather stay at home and watch her make dinner and clean up the house.

That feeling is very happy and contented.

After thinking for two days, Shen Qiuyue finally made a decision. She decided to go back to her school.

That's the life she wants to live.

Everything with Fang Lin here is not real, he can't give her a sense of security.

There was a knot in her heart, Fang Lin abandoned Xiaomei, maybe one day she would abandon herself too.

Rather than being hurt, it is better to leave in a cool and straightforward manner.

She is really a coward, who turned the original revenge plan into a big act of losing her body and love.

Thinking of this, she felt uncomfortable.

"How about we go to the city to see a movie tomorrow, Sunday?"

"I have some things to do tomorrow." She lay with her back on his back, thinking how to tell him about leaving.

"What are you doing? I'll go with you." His hand caressed her plump body, rubbing her fingers lightly.

"No need, I... actually made an appointment with a friend." She took his hand off, and she always blushed when he teased her.

(End of this chapter)

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