Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 940 Extra 1: Be good, I love you the most

Chapter 940 Extra 1: Be good, I love you the most (7)

Zhuzhu asked curiously: "Which cousin?"

"A distant cousin, you, I don't know." Shen Qiuyue feared that the more she said, the harder it would be to lie, so she hurriedly changed the subject: "By the way, when is the school's final exam?"

"Next Thursday, are you coming back to take the exam?"

"Of course." Afterwards, everyone talked about other topics, but Xiaomei never got up with a word.

Shen Qiuyue saw it in her eyes, felt pain in her heart, and her guilt deepened along with her heartache.

At dinner, the three of them ate together outside.

During the dinner, Shen Qiuyue's cell phone rang.

She took it out and saw that the word Fang Lin was displayed on it, and her face suddenly turned pale in fright.

Looking up at Xiaomei, she happened to be looking at him blankly.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?"

"No, no." She quickly put down the phone and forced a smile: "It's just some boring calls."

While talking, his hands were under the table to remove the battery of the mobile phone.

Shen Qiuyue couldn't understand the taste of this meal, and she kept thinking about Fang Lin's call.

Now he must be desperately looking for her.

Later, when she broke up with her friend and returned home, she quickly put the battery back in and hesitated for a moment whether to call or not.

How to explain that she didn't go back after calling?
If you don't go back today, what about tomorrow?
Find a perfect excuse and make it clear to him that she will not go back in the future.

While feeling uneasy, Fang Lin's phone rang.

She hesitated for a moment, took a deep breath and connected. Before she could speak, Fang Lin's worried voice came over: "Qiuyue? Where are you? Why did you turn off the phone?"

"I, I'm going home."

"As long as you're fine, I'll go pick you up now." Only then did his voice slow down.


"Why not?"

"Fang Lin, I want to go back to my original school to study."

"Do you want to go back?" Fang Lin paused, and quickly made a decision: "Well...as long as you like it."

Although he didn't want her to leave him, he had no objection when he thought that her pure and innocent appearance was really not suitable for studying in Gangpei, where dragons and snakes were mixed together.

Anyway, he was going to buy a car, and the distance between the urban area and the downtown area was only an hour.

He could pick her up every day. Thinking of this, he certainly didn't vote against it.

Shen Qiuyue seemed very disappointed because of his words, did she just agree to let go so easily?
Is this what he calls love?

(End of this chapter)

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