Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 949 Extra Story 1: You Can't Leave Me

Chapter 949 Extra Story 1: You Can't Leave Me (8)

Two days later, Fang Lin was arrested by Zuo Zhe for questioning. It turned out that Zuo Zhe and Qin Jun already knew a thing or two about his bullying behavior.

They didn't scold him, but simply said a few words, and then asked him to go on a mission and let him leave here for a few days.

Fang Lin left, and Shen Qiuyue was free.

She happily ran up to the top of the stairs screaming, and then viciously asked her friends to go shopping in the mall.

In the past, because of lack of time, she had to rush to cook for Fang Lin every day, but now she doesn't have to, she can eat out with them.

Xiaomei hadn't seen her for many days, and she was in a very cheerful mood, with constant laughter.

Shen Qiuyue was surprised, took her to go to the toilet, and asked Zhuzhu in a low voice: "Xiaomei finally got out of the shadow of broken love?"

"There, her ex-boyfriend found her, look how happy she is." Zhuzhu couldn't agree more.

"Ex-boyfriend?" Shen Qiuyue's expression changed: "Fang Lin?"

Zhuzhu snorted: "Who else would it be?"

Shen Qiuyue's smile froze. Did Fang Lin say that he was on a business trip just to meet Xiaomei?
"These two days they always stick together."

She was shocked: "Have you seen him?"

"I've seen it before, but he's really handsome, no wonder he's fascinated by Xiaomei."

Shen Qiuyue suddenly didn't want to talk anymore, she was very panicked in her heart.

Zhuzhu continued: "Unexpectedly, that guy, with a glib appearance, turned out to be very capable in handling affairs. I heard that he was recently promoted to the young hall master of Baihutang."

A feeling of oppression pressed towards Shen Qiuyue's heart.

At this time Xiaomei came back, smiling shyly, chatting on the phone: "Well, I see, I'll go over now."

Shen Qiuyue and Zhuzhu looked at their friends who were completely different from each other, their faces were full of peach blossoms.

Zhuzhu marveled at the magic of love: "Don't ask, it must be Fang Lin."

"Yes, he asked me out for dinner." Xiaomei looked at the two friends very embarrassedly: "I..., I want to go first."

Zhuzhu sneered: "We value sex over friends."

"Excuse me, can I treat you next time?"

"You said it." Zhuzhu turned her anger into a smile, and waved her hand to signal her to leave.

"I knew you were good sisters, that... let's call." After speaking, she ran away quickly.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Shen Qiuyue felt a pain in her heart.

Originally, Fang Lin left, temporarily freed from his troubles, she was happy in her heart.

But now seeing her friend go on Fang Lin's date, her heart suddenly became deserted and lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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