Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 958 Extra Story 1: Trust him?Don't believe him?

Chapter 958 Extra Story 1: Trust him?Don't believe him? (7)

On this day, Fang Lin came to school to pick up Shen Qiuyue, and he deliberately appeared in front of Xiaomei and Zhuzhu.

Shen Qiuyue was taken aback at first, fearing that Xiaomei would be sad, but finally decided to trust Fang Lin's decision.

He held out his hand to her, and she gave it to her in trepidation.

"Is it your boyfriend? He's so handsome." Xiaomei was the first to scream, "When did it happen?"

Zhuzhu also came up to observe: "What's his name?"

"My name is Fang Lin."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Xiaomei felt a little sad: "It's the same name as my boyfriend."

Shen Qiuyue's eyes widened. How come she never thought of this question?

Xiaomei's boyfriend and her boyfriend may coincidentally belong to the same Baihutang, and they are also named Fang Lin.

From this point of view, the blame can only be blamed on the people from the detective agency who made an oolong and let her find the wrong person.

Fang Lin thought for a while, and considering that Xiaomei was Shen Qiuyue's friend, he said frankly, "Your Fang Lin, his real name is Fang Lun."

Xiaomei's face changed slightly, and then she smiled softly: "He told me, he already told me last night."

That's the case, no wonder Xiaomei's expression is so indifferent.

Fang Lin smiled and took Shen Qiuyue's hand: "You two, let's go first, we still have things to do."

"OK, bye!"

After leaving school, Fang Lin knew that she had a lot of questions to ask.

But now that everything has been settled, Fang Lin decided to tell her the whole story in detail.

It turned out that Fang Lun met Xiaomei when he used his name falsely. After the two had feelings, Fang Lun retreated a little, so he left Xiaomei.

So there was an episode of Shen Qiuyue looking for Fang Lin. Later, because Fang Lun really fell in love with Xiaomei, he couldn't help but come back to find her.

But the matter must not be exposed, he continued to act under Fang Lin's name until Shangguan Lu asked him to cancel all actions the day before yesterday.

Fang Lun thought about it all night, and finally decided to confess everything to Xiaomei.

But at this time, Xiaomei couldn't accept a criminal.

Dependent origin and extinction, everyone returns to their own lives.

After hearing this, Shen Qiuyue was astonished.

It seemed that I was so lucky that I met Fang Lin by mistake, and then fell in love with him.

If she had found Fang Lun at the beginning, the result would have been a different scene.

Maybe, there is really going to be a love triangle now.

Fang Lin was a little angry: "You can actually laugh. It seems that you haven't learned the lesson you should have."

"I'm happy because I met you."

She hugged his waist tightly, and all the doubts were solved.

(End of this chapter)

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