Chapter 11
Ordinarily, Nanshan was about to be blown up by the shameless teacher in front of her, but she endured and endured, thinking that she should eat breakfast before talking, so she turned around abruptly and ran to Fengniang's room without looking back.

Feng Niang was still sleeping, Nanshan climbed onto the bed and shook her awake: "Feng Niang, get up and have breakfast."

Feng Niang sat up, yawned and asked, "It's so early today?"

Nanshan quickly brought her the clothes to be changed, and replied: "A field snail gentleman came to the house, and he has already prepared breakfast. After eating quickly, I can drive him away."

"Hey, it's Mr. Pei Lang." Feng Niang said lazily.

Nanshan was a little surprised, and Feng Niang said: "It seems that Mr. Pei Lang likes the lady very much, the lady might as well accept him. If you talk about the family, the lady's background..." She stopped in time, raised her hand and patted her own face. mouth, "What nonsense is the old man talking about?"

Nanshan stuffed all the clothes for her, turned around and climbed out of the bed, walked to the dressing table, combed her hair quickly, and went out to wash her face.The sun gradually showed its face, and she recalled the many happy endings in her dreams, and felt that the morning light was dizzying.She took a cup and squatted on the porch to rinse her mouth. Just as she was about to vomit on the ground, a pair of shoes appeared in her sight.

She looked up and saw Pei Qu standing in front of her, blocking the light, so she lowered her head and continued to gargle.

Pei Qu suddenly squatted down opposite her, without saying a word.Nan Shan wanted to back up, but it was really inconvenient for her to move back in this crouched position, so she frowned slightly.She took a sip of water, her cheeks bulged, and she could hear the sound.Suddenly, Pei Qu reached out and pressed her head lightly, took the cup in her hand and held it to her lips, saying, "Don't spit on the ground."

Her floor was boarded and she didn't clean it very often, so she always treated it with care.Pei Qu looked down and asked, "Don't you think it's much cleaner?"

Nan Shan also lowered his head and took a look, sure enough!The industrious Mr. Tianluo not only cooked breakfast, but also wiped the floor of her house clean.She pretended to rinse her mouth again, spit the water into the cup, then snatched the cup as quickly as possible, and said, "Teacher, go and fill up the porridge to cool it down."

Pei Qu looked at her bright, moist and soft lips, wanted to rub her lips, but stood up restrainedly, and said, "It's ready, eat it quickly."

Nan Shan waited for him to turn around, stood up quickly, and stooped into Feng Niang's room: "Feng Niang, come and have breakfast with me, or it will be cold."

She was eager to get someone for company, as if her teacher was going to eat her at the dinner table.

So Feng Niang was dragged by her to the main room, and when she sat down, she sighed: "The breakfast cooked by Pei Langjun is really much more delicious, better than the lady's..."

Nan Shan caught a glimpse of Pei Qu walking out of the main room with the last bowl in his hand, she quickly signaled Feng Niang not to speak.

Fengniang said quite honestly: "It's better than my wife."

Due to the loss of taste, Nanshan lost his talent in cooking, and the food he cooked tasted very strange.

Pei Qu sat down across from Xiaoan as if he hadn't heard of it, and started to eat breakfast in silence.

This meal was very strange, Pei Qu looked like a family member, but in fact he was not.Nanshan longed for company from the bottom of her heart, but she also felt that this was no different from her sweet and warm dreams, and it was not easy to realize.

She chewed the tasteless cake, drank the tasteless porridge, and poured the life-sustaining food into her stomach, and heard Pei channel: "In a few days, Princess Shangyuan will hold a banquet in Furong Garden, do you know?"

Nan Shan raised his eyes: "I know."

"Are you going?"

"Yes." Nanshan felt that he was about to become a private servant of Shangyuan's family, and every time Shangyuan held a banquet, he would call her no matter what the name was.This time, Shangyuan did not entertain the ladies of the Chashan Association, but paid for the banquet by himself.Of course, this banquet also has a name, because her younger brother—Wu Wang is going back to Beijing.

Pei Qu didn't ask any more questions. At this time, the door of the room had already been opened, and it was getting late, so he had to rush to the Yamen.Since he hadn't slept all night, he looked tired with a tired look on his face.After dinner, Nanshan sent him to the door, and only said "Good morning, teacher" and closed the door.

Pei Qu led the horse and stood outside for a while, and Nanshan closed the door and turned around and stood for a while too.The two of them stood for a long time as if they had made an appointment, and then they walked in opposite directions—Pei Qu walked back to Wannian County along the street, and Nanshan walked back to the main room.

Nanshan looked up at the sky over Chang'an County, the sky was so clear that it was unreal, she squinted her eyes, and then stretched out her hands to block the sun, feeling that she had nowhere to hide, as if she was about to be sunburned and disappear.

After staying in the dark and damp environment for a long time, they will have a desire almost greedy for bright sunlight.But even so, when I really encounter the light, I feel uncomfortable all over, and I find that I should hide.

During the ten-day holiday, the city of Chang'an was covered in gray, as if there would be a rain at any moment.Nanshan doesn't really like this kind of weather, but he seems to be very used to it.Early in the morning, she rode a horse and galloped to Qujiang Pond in the southeast corner of the city.At this time, Qujiang looked around, and the lotus leaves were green all over the sky, and because of the gloomy weather, it was always foggy from a distance, like a pond where immortals play.

Nanshan reined in the reins and looked far away, and the Furong Garden came into view.To the west of Qujiang Lake is the Apricot Garden and the Da Ci'en Temple. Most of the time, there is always traffic and horses congested, and it seems that it is difficult to have a quiet time.Due to the bad weather today, there are many fewer people than usual.At this time, if you stand at the Jiangting Pavilion with your hands behind your back, and one or two friends come to drink to Qujiang with a few jugs, it will be the bliss of life.

But Nanshan doesn't drink alcohol, and she has imagined countless times of drinking and crying along the river, but it is only in her dreams.It seems to be such a cloudy day, and the surroundings are full of misty rain and fog, making it hard to open your eyes.The wine was mixed with rain, and later mixed with some subtle salty taste, I don't know if it was sweat or tears.

Only in her dream can she taste the long-lost taste. The subtle taste of everything explodes and explodes on the taste buds on the tip of the tongue, which is very nostalgic.

There was a muffled thunder, no, it was going to rain.

Nanshan took the bamboo hat and coir raincoat from the bag on the back of the horse, and when he was about to put them on, he heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance.She turned her head and saw an official in blue official uniform—oh, it was her teacher Pei Qu— galloping towards him.

Pei Qu slowed down, the horse's hooves clicked, and Nan Shan tilted his head.

Nearby, Pei Qu reined in the reins and looked down at Nanshan: "Did you come here so early to see Qujiang?"

"Some female relatives will arrive today. The princess asked the students to come and help earlier." She was still adjusting her coir raincoat as she spoke, and added, "It's going to rain, did the teacher bring rain gear?"

Pei Jun said coolly: "No, if you get wet, you'll get wet."

"Oh." She lowered her head and continued to fiddle with the belt of her coir raincoat, but somehow it was difficult to untangle a particularly intricate knot.The more she struggled, the more chaotic she became, her brows were slightly frowned, showing an unhappy expression.

Pei Qu sat on the horse and watched her untie the knot, endured it, and did not get off the horse.Nanshan wore a vermilion short jacket today, paired with a white skirt, which looked extraordinarily bright in this gray weather, with the sky-high lotus leaves as a backdrop, making her look like a newly bloomed flower.Is it gardenia or peony?It cannot be clearly distinguished.

Pei Qu was a little stunned. Many years ago, Chao Ge was also wearing such clothes, but it was much smaller than this one.

Nan Shan finally untied the belt of her coir raincoat, let out a long breath, and looked up at Pei Qu: "The student is leaving first."

"I want to go there too, let's go together." Pei Qu said hastily.

Nan Shan turned his head and curled his lips quickly, thinking that Pei Jun was really thick-skinned to the extreme.

Pei Qu seemed to feel her slander, and said softly from behind: "The teacher here has been here for a long time, and you can lead the way."

Nan Shan got on his horse and let out a barely audible snort.

Pei Qu said again: "I have rice."

Nanshan thought that his current situation really required him to bend his waist for five buckets of rice, so he said nothing, and ran forward to lead the way, holding the reins tightly and pinching the horse's belly.

Pei Qu came here today not because he was invited, but because he is an official of Wannian County.It seems to be her own business that the princess pays for the banquet of the ministers, but in fact, once it involves a banquet of this size, the Jingzhao Mansion must come forward to organize it, so Shangyuan basically only pays for it, without any effort or thought.But nowadays, Jingzhao Mansion loves "playing football" very much. Seeing that Shangyuan was involved, it cleverly kicked off the handling of matters to Wannian County. go do it.

All of this was expected by Shangyuan, so when she checked out the banquet list, she didn't invite Pei Qu at all, because she knew that Pei Qu would appear in another capacity.

After a leisurely ten-day vacation, the officials went to the princess's banquet, and they had to meet the long-lost King Wu again.

Nanshan rushed to the Furong Garden, saw the deacon of the princess mansion, and hurriedly followed the deacon to go in.Seeing that she had left her behind, Pei Qu was not angry, and stopped her.

Nan Shan suddenly stopped, looked back, and said: "This is the Furong Garden, what else is there for the teacher?"

Her heartless appearance was really annoying, Pei Qu squeezed a gadget in his hand, and tightened his fists.He said calmly, "No, I just told you to leave later."

"Does the teacher want me to lead the way back?"

"No——" Pei Qu said it with a little difficulty, but what he said was, "Yes, you ran too fast just now, and I don't remember the way." Forget it, it's better to say this reason.

Nanshan saw through him at a glance, and said in surprise: "Is the teacher going to surprise me later?"

Pei Qu felt that there was nothing he could do.

For the first time, he felt that he couldn't hide his twisted thoughts.

The deacon next to him looked at the strange couple and couldn't help laughing.Pei Qu glanced at him, so the deacon said tactfully: "Officer Nan Media, I'll go there first, you will come later, don't worry."

Nan Shan watched helplessly as the steward walked away, then turned around and faced Pei Qu openly.

Pei Qu rubbed the things in his palm again, but turned around, led the horse, and untied two cloth bags from the saddle.

He walked up to Nanshan with a cloth bag in one hand and put it on the ground.

Nanshan leaned over and turned over a bag of rice and a bag of peaches.Faced with this surprise, she almost couldn't straighten up, and finally raised her head, but saw a carriage approaching from a distance.

She yelled badly, picked up two big bags without hesitation, turned around and walked quickly.

Nanshan walked like flying with a big bag in both hands, but Pei Qu couldn't laugh when he saw her funny back.She turned a corner and quickly disappeared. Pei Qu opened his fist and looked at the things in his palm, but at this time someone had already walked behind him.

It was Shen Fengge who came, and he quickly glanced at a small nuclear carving in Pei Qu's palm.This kind of thing carved out of peach pits can be put on children's hands and necks, and can also be used to tie purses for young ladies. It is really not something that big men will use.

Pei Qu tightened his fists, turned his head to see Shen Fengge standing beside him, and said, "The host came very early."

"The princess is throwing a big banquet, of course we have to come early to arrest those who violate discipline and law." Shen Fengge said bluntly, looked at Pei Qu, and said in a business-like manner, "If Shaofu Pei has any acts of favoritism and corruption in the process of handling the matter, Shen will also No mercy."

Banqueting is a private matter, but it has been increasingly restricted in recent years.Shangyuan held a banquet, but the government had to organize the whole process, which was actually a kind of control.And every time such a banquet, someone from Yushitai will definitely come, even if the host does not invite, it is already a tacit rule.

Ordinarily, it would be fine to have a censor attendant, but this time it was Master Shen himself!If the gang of gluttonous old men find out, they might faint—won’t you let people have fun eating and having fun?Don't stare!
Watch out for eye diseases sooner or later!
In the eyes of everyone, Mr. Shen is a person with a cold atmosphere and a bad appetite. He had better be a little self-aware today and sit far away.

After hearing his unceremonious warning, Pei Qu nodded and replied: "Pei understands, if the host has no other instructions, Pei will go to work now."

"Pei Shaofu don't want to slip away, we have to go together." He said and grabbed Pei Qu's upper arm, as if Pei Qu was a prisoner on the run.

Today's Taizhu Shen has no demeanor at all, he is an annoying Taiwan official, troublesome and a bit long-winded.Could it be that the censor will look like this once he starts working?

Pei Qu thought he had no clue, so he tolerated him following along.

It was not the first time that Wannian County organized a banquet for someone. The officials and soldiers were very experienced, and the people they hired were also very reliable. Pei Qu only needed to give some pointers. In fact, most of the time, he only needed to nod his head.Standing beside him, Shen Fengge said with his hands behind his back: "Although it looks like it's just a banquet, there are many tricks in every link. It's better for Shaofu Pei to be cautious, so as not to make a mistake and be blamed in the end."

As a Censor Tai official, it is too kind to be able to say such words to the officials under surveillance.Pei Qu cautiously didn't answer, and turned his head to ask someone to brush up the long case again.

Seeing that he did not return, Shen Fengge said flatly: "Did Shaofu Pei think that I was just joking?"

"Pei thinks that he has acted rightly and that there are no mistakes in the links. If there is a problem, he is willing to take responsibility; but if someone wants to make something out of nothing, Pei can't hold back just to prevent it." Pei Qu replied frankly and naturally, "I want to add There is no excuse for the crime, if you really want to find Pei's fault, if you can prevent it today, you may not be able to prevent it tomorrow."

After hearing what he said, Shen Fengge thought that he took Nanshan to bail Fengniang in Chang'an County in a fair manner, and vaguely felt that he was indeed different.

Over the years, he has helped the emperor create high pressure and set up bureaus for dissidents. He has met too many officials who are timid and timid. It is rare for Pei Qu to be so upright.Perhaps because of being away all year round, this person in front of him has an almost naive insistence on the law and justice, which is actually a good thing, but—how far can he go?

Nanshan greeted the female guests, and the rain poured down with a "swoosh".The heavy rain did not spoil the interest of the female guests, and the laughter of "giggle" was endless.

Mrs. Yao said heartily: "It's raining, it's much quieter. You can have a drink today, and it's okay to go back later."

"It's not good to drink too much, and then you won't even be able to see your gentleman's face clearly. Little Nineteen—" Mrs. Cao turned her head to look at Nanshan with a small white furry dog ​​in her arms, and asked with a smile, "Today But it's also arranged to see each other?"

Before Nanshan had time to go back, Mrs. Wang over there had already interjected: "All the old guys who came here today, what's there to look at?"

"Eh, no, I heard that the princess has even invited this year's new subjects. Unmarried talents are in high demand." Mrs. Cao said, but the topic of discussion has changed, "Princess invites new subjects, is it true? I intend to win over..."

The female guests did not shy away from current affairs, and later they also brought up the affairs of the eldest grandson's wife's family.The eldest grandson lady hadn't shown up for a long time due to an accident at home, but everyone tacitly knew where the eldest grandson lady was going.

Things in the world are hard to say, a while ago we were drinking and having fun together, but now we only have speculation and sighs.

The male and female guests have separate banquet halls, each playing their own games without interfering with each other.Shangyuan came late, but King Wu did not show up.Shangyuan said that King Wu was ill, so he couldn't arrive, and let everyone have fun.Shangyuan's complexion is also extremely bad. The siblings seem to be born with a sick body, and they will never be fully healthy.

Although she is in poor health, she still has eagle-like sharp eyes.There were so many food tables for this banquet, and money was spent like water, but it was not in vain.Smart people know that this banquet is an invitation to stand in line.Shangyuan invited many people, some of them came as promised, while others could not shirk for various reasons.

The reasons are well known to each other.

When the first emperor passed away, the crown prince was only a child, and was carried up by a group of people crying, but before the enthronement ceremony, he accidentally fell to his death.As soon as the crown prince died, there was an uproar in the court, and the minister Gu Ming panicked. Unexpectedly, at this time, the king of Yue armed the palace and seized the throne in a dishonorable manner.

At that time, it was even said that the death of the little prince was also caused by the King of Yue.The king of Yue murdered the crown prince, and the act of seizing the throne was simply inhumane, unrighteous, and unfaithful.The king of Yue is the younger brother of the late emperor, that is, the current sage, because the methods of the superior are somewhat contemptible, so he can't stabilize his subject.It is precisely because of this that King Yue has been adopting a high-pressure policy since he came to power—will he accept it?If you are not convinced, I invite you to see the King of Hades.

On the one hand, he kept losing the hearts of his ministers, but on the other hand, he tried his best to win over the hearts of the people, beautified the process of enthronement, and said that the seizure of the throne was a great mission from heaven and he had to do it.

The common people are the most indifferent. No matter who is in charge of the world, as long as they don't steal their rations, they are willing to live in peace and contentment. Not to mention that after the new emperor ascended the throne, he vigorously promoted the new policy of tax reduction and exemption, which actually brought benefits.

The people had no objection, but the clan and officials couldn't swallow this breath after all, not to mention the Holy One was tolerant to the people, but he was extremely strict with them.He continued to weaken the power of the clan, dispersed the power on a large scale, and cultivated eyes, ears and minions, which made the clan and some officials intolerable—until that year, all the kings conspired to rebel.

Speaking of this turmoil, it was extremely tragic in the end. After the bloody and long suppression, none of the kings should be killed or exiled, and none of them can retreat unscathed.

It was also after the turmoil subsided that no one in the whole country dared to criticize the current dynasty. It seemed that everyone chose to accept it indiscriminately.

More than ten years have passed in a flash, and many things have happened during this period, but there is one thing that has always been a serious concern for the Holy Majesty - he has no children under his knees.As if to pay the price for these years of killing, this person in power can only watch himself getting older, but he can't find an heir.

Who will be the next emperor has become an open question.

Among the surviving children of the first emperor, apart from King Wu, only Shangyuan remained.King Wu has been working outside these years, unable to get close to the center of power, and has been under guard, which is equivalent to house arrest; while Shangyuan is in Jingzhao Mansion, she is also suppressed, even though she has put a lot of effort into making friends.

She is the one who loves to host banquets the most in the whole capital, and she is the one who loves to go to other people's homes. She is a ghost that wanders in the two capitals, and no one knows her sincerity.I'm afraid that even the king of Wu can't see what her sister is thinking.

King Wu's return this time is undoubtedly a signal.Although it is still vague, the ministers believe that the answer will be revealed soon, and the duel is coming.

The atmosphere of the court hall was very similar to the weather in Xijing at this time, except that the rain had not yet fallen, but the dark wind was surging, and the curtains were already ringing.

At this time, Nanshan finally broke away from the noisy banquet, and wanted to find a place to find something to fill his stomach.She remembered the bag of peaches that Pei Qu had given her, so she walked through the small corridor to the hut on the west side to get it.

When she was approaching the door, she suddenly heard some movement. After recognizing that the sound was coming from the room, she turned around and was about to leave, but unexpectedly, the door was suddenly opened at this time, and a head poked out.

Nan Shan was taken aback, but he remained calm, stood up straight and asked, "What is Master doing here?"

Li Guanbai said "ah": "So it's his disciple!" He added, "I thought eating over there was too boring, so I went out for a walk, only to find that there was a bag of peaches hidden in it, and I was about to eat it, what do you want?" don't want?"

"That peach is mine!" Nanshan hurried into the room to check if there were any peaches she hid in the corner.

The old man followed suit and said, "Don't be so stingy, grandson." Before he could finish speaking, he reached out and took out a peach, wiped it and said, "I haven't eaten it yet, let me taste one first!"

Guanbai opened his mouth to bite, Nanshan looked at him, but the old man frowned, and then spit out the peach meat in a "bah": "It's too bad, this is the worst peach, who gave it to you?"

Nanshan looked at the piece of peach flesh that was spat on the ground, and said sadly, "It was given by the teacher."

"Hey! He bought such inferior peaches for you because he bullied you because you couldn't taste them. My apprentice is really stingy!"

"certainly not!"

Guan Bai stood up, looked at a bag next to him, and said disgustedly: "The rice is not good rice, it must not taste good."

Nanshan was suddenly angry, she tied the two bags again, hugged them and said, "Master, don't speak ill of Teacher!"

The old man looked at her like a seven or eight-year-old child, and laughed: "You have been fascinated by that brat! Don't believe him, he is a bad person! It is said that he still has the treasures that he lost a few years ago. Guoxi, if it’s real, it’s really necrotic!”

Nan Shan's face changed slightly, but he still looked angry: "Master, you are talking nonsense!" She moved her ears slightly as soon as she finished speaking, and she heard someone approaching outside, so she quickly stretched out her fingers and pressed her lips, signaling Guan Bai not to speak.

Guan Bai was taken aback by Nanshan's sudden "silence" movement, and then he heard footsteps outside.The footsteps gradually stopped, as if they were outside, and Nan Shan could clearly discern not one person, at least two people, in the corridor outside.

"Why are your hands shaking! Don't panic! Be careful not to spill the plate!" The strange male voice scolded, "Hurry up and send it with them!"

As soon as the voice fell, the footsteps sounded again, and soon gradually faded away.Nanshan got up abruptly, walked to the window without a sound, opened the gap slightly, and saw two orderlies, one in front and one behind, had turned to the corridor on the right, the one in front was holding a food plate in his hand, and the one in the back looked like a supervisor followed.

Guan Bai, who has always been carefree, was thoughtful at this time, while Nanshan tied his two pockets tightly, turned his head to look at Guan Bai, and warned: "Master, don't touch my peach! Don't even look at it!" !" Guan Bai said: "Whoever cares about your peaches is inferior peaches! I won't stay here anymore, I'll go over there to drink."

The master, grandfather and grandson looked like they were falling out, but in fact they each had their own minds to leave.Guan Bai really went to the banquet hall, Nanshan went in the opposite direction to the banquet hall for the female guests.At this time, the female guests had almost eaten and drank, and the ladies who thought it was boring were planning to play some small games. When they saw Nanshan coming, they said: "Is it true that Xiao Nineteen has no arrangements for a visit today?"

Nanshan said: "It's not a big deal if ladies want to go and have a look, but the princess must agree to it."

The deacon Mrs. Wang said: "The princess said that she is free, so we should be allowed to go and have a look. We don't know what the new princes will look like this year!" Go ask."

Mrs. Wang went to confirm, and came back after a while: "Princess asked Xiao Nineteen to go there." She also said, "It's almost finishing up there, and the last big dish is about to be served."

The big dishes that Mrs. Wang said did not refer to a certain dish.According to the current habit of extravagant banquets, everyone at the banquet will have a different last dish.The dishes are set early in the morning, and the thoughtful hosts will serve the dishes according to each person's different preferences, so that the invited people can feel that they are valued and fully treated.

Nanshan suddenly thought of the two people in the corridor just now and the food plate they were carrying.

She went to the banquet hall on the other side with all her heart, and entered through the small door at the back, only to see Shangyuan sitting on the main seat, with a bead curtain in front of it, and in front of the bead curtain were long tables, and all the officials sat around the long table , Everyone has food in front of them.

Shangyuan greeted her over, but he greeted her warmly for a while, and then said: "Xiao Shijiu, help me to see." She whispered softly, and it was even more impossible for the people below to hear what she was saying.Shangyuan looked down at these people outside the bead curtain, his eyes were a little confused: "Are they all good people?"

Nanshan thought it was strange for Shangyuan to ask such a question, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Shouldn't you know the details of each of them..." Shangyuan's voice was hoarse and lazy, and when he looked at Nanshan, he was a little gentle.

This is not a good sign, Nanshan hurriedly said: "Princess Hui, I just remember the household registration firmly, and many people's names and faces don't match, let alone the details."

Nanshan is as cunning as a little loach.Shangyuan was not in a hurry to answer, she clapped her hands lightly, and suddenly a handyman came in through the side doors on both sides with food trays.Nanshan knew that this was the last dish.

Nearly a hundred dishes were brought to the table one by one, Nanshan watched quietly through the bead curtain, her eyes suddenly narrowed, and she recognized the person walking in the corridor just now, but her expression changed instantly Change, because that person put the food plate in his hand respectfully in front of Shen Fengge.

It was a plate of fresh fish carp with a special sauce.Almost everyone in the court knows that Shen Fengge loves fish carp, and he likes to eat fish carp almost every day. Therefore, there are also carp people who are very good at cutting carp in Shen's residence, so that the host can eat fish carp that he likes at any time .The last dish in today's banquet is a typical match.

However, judging by Nanshan's life experience and intuition, this plate of fish carp contains a lot of tricks, and Shen Fengge's best choice is not to eat a bite.

But can Shen Fengge guess what's wrong?Nanshan saw that Shen Fengge didn't seem to be in a hurry to eat fish carp, but was leisurely listening to a person next to him.Nan Shan thought about it quickly, even thought about the worst consequences, and finally decided that he couldn't let Shen Fengge eat that plate of fish and carp.

If something happened at this banquet, Pei Qu might not be able to get rid of his involvement. Once he was involved... Nan Shan turned his head to look at Shang Yuan, and said respectfully: "Just now, the ladies want to see Xinke this spring, I wonder if it is possible?"

"Ms. Wang has already told me." Shangyuan said casually, "You can look at them for them first, and then talk if there is something suitable." She cast her eyes on a long table in the southeast corner, "Would you like In the past? They probably welcome you to say goodbye."

Nan Shan nodded, then bowed and walked out of the curtain, pretending to be a maidservant, and walked towards the banquet.Because there were many servants and servants during the banquet, she didn't look very impressive.

She stared at Shen Fengge all the time, even though Shen Fengge hadn't moved her chopsticks for a long time, she still couldn't breathe a sigh of relief.Her original plan was to go around Shen Fengge's table to remind him, although it would appear deliberate, but there was no other way.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "My good disciple is here!"

When Nanshan saw it, it really was Guanbai.At this moment, the little old man stood up holding the wine cup, and greeted her: "Come on, disciples and grandchildren, I will introduce you to some old friends of mine."

Although the banquet was already lively, they all hugged each other and talked about their own things. Guan Bai's voice suddenly rang out, so that everyone looked at Nanshan and the old man.

Nanshan acted accordingly and bowed deeply: "I thought that the master would not come out of the temple, but I didn't expect to meet the master here. What a coincidence."

The old man yelled: "The bad disciples have completely forgotten about me, a bad old man, and I am not filial at all! What are you busy with recently?"

Nanshan played with the old man very cooperatively: "Recently, the official media office has been busy with chores, and there are too many people who want to talk about kissing, oh——I was commissioned not long ago, and I can't get away from talking about kissing for Master Shen. Well, I hope Master will forgive me."

During the dinner, the voices of "Oh?" "Huh?" "Hey?" "Ah?"

In fact, some people knew about Shen Fengge's commissioning of a matchmaker, but more people heard of it for the first time.Shen Fengge wanted to ask for a wife, it was too rare, just this matter alone, it was worth talking for a long time.

Shangyuan sat behind the bead curtain and watched quietly, his thin, bloodless lips slightly raised, waiting for the next article.

Shen Fengge raised his eyes slowly, and moved his gaze to Nanshan who was wearing a red and white long dress, and Nanshan also glanced at him at this moment.

Across the table, Shen Fengge seemed to know that she had something to say to him, so he simply stopped in silence.

At this time, Pei Qu, who was sitting in the southwest corner, slowly turned the cup in his hand. Based on his understanding of Guanbai and Nanshan, he could tell at a glance that this was the master, grandfather and grandson playing a play. Shen Fengge is related.

Although he sensed Nanshan's certainty, he was still faintly worried, but it was inconvenient for him to come forward at this time, so he had to wait.

Guan Bai laughed without hesitation at this time: "Master Shen? Master Shen also wants to marry a wife? Even if you get married with great effort, it will be useful!"

Rumor has it that the host is not humane at all, so there seems to be a mockery in Guan Bai's words.This remark made a group of courtiers around want to laugh along with it, but since the master himself was not too presumptuous here, he could only hold back in a serious manner.

Guan Bai is a well-known madman, it is not uncommon for him to say anything, and there is no need to argue with him, but Shen Fengge looked at him, and his voice was so cold that he wanted to kill: "Oh? It's useless for Shen to marry a wife?"

The atmosphere during the banquet suddenly turned cold, even Guan Bai was startled, thinking that this stinking boy has now turned into a thousand-year-old ice, so scary that he can't even make a joke... He kept muttering something bad, something bad, The joke was overdone.This brat doesn't want to kill me, right? Let him eat that plate of broken fish. It's best if he eats it to death. If he eats it to death, he won't cause trouble for himself...

Guan Bai's thoughts turned quickly, just a moment ago he was thinking of solving this possible trouble for his apprentice, but at this moment he thought it would be better to let the conspiracy happen...

Nanshan quickly judged Guan Bai's vacillation, so he immediately apologized to Shen Fengge for his master, and almost fell to his knees: "Master was joking, please forgive me..." She quickly changed the subject, "In addition, a certain I found a suitable lady for the host, and I hope the host will set a time to see each other."

"Oh, it's so fast." Shen Fengge's voice was cool, "It seems that we need to prepare the matchmaking ceremony early." After he finished speaking, he said, "Come here."

Nanshan was looking forward to this sentence, if Shen Fengge didn't say this sentence, she would have to find another way.

She walked to Shen Fengge's side, lowered her head and asked obsequiously: "Does the master have any other orders?"

There was a subtle expression on Shen Fengge's usually icy face, and he suddenly hooked his hands, indicating that Nanshan should be lower.

Nan Shan leaned over and lowered his head, he was already very close, looking rather ambiguous.

There were clicks of tsk-tsk in the middle of the banquet again, and everyone slandered in their hearts: "The host is really a beast in clothes, he won't let such a small media official go." "Wait.

Shen Fengge only spat out one word: "Say."

Nan Shan said: "I want that plate of fish carp, I'm very hungry."

"I've rewarded you." Shen Fengge said as he turned his head and reached out to take the plate of fish carp, "If the Southern media official is hungry, he can eat it. Such fish carp is not something you can eat casually."

Nanshan hurriedly took the plate of fish carp, and thanked him generously: "The host is really generous, so I'm not polite. I have to go to Xinke this spring to talk about something, so I'm leaving now."

After Nanshan finished speaking, he took the plate of fish carp and walked to the southeast corner.Seeing her coming this spring, the talents of the new disciplines were very interested.They had heard about this legendary little man in Chang'an County's official media yamen for a long time, and seeing them today, they really wanted to chat.

I heard that Nanshan's memory is amazing, and the new subjects tested her on this one and that on her, and finally they all expressed that they had to accept it, and some people said: "If the Nanshan media official is bigger and rougher, he can pretend to be a man and become a swordsman! There is nothing you can't pass the exam!"

Nanshan hurriedly said that she dared not dare, she was still holding the plate of fish carp in her arms, her appearance was quite funny.The new subjects inquired about the current marriage matchmaking market in Chang'an City, and then they were quite considerate of her and said: "The officials of the Southern Media Agency go and eat this fish, if you don't eat it, it will be ruined!"

If Nanshan got it, he quickly hugged the plate of fish carp, walked around to the back, and walked quickly.Shangyuan saw her every move clearly through the bead curtain, but he didn't make it clear and let her go.

Nanshan turned into the small gate, walked forward with his head down, and bumped into a person head-on.She was startled, and when she saw Pei Qu, she breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that there was no one around, she said, "Why is the teacher here?"

Pei Qu looked down at the plate of fish carp: "What's wrong with this plate of fish carp? Do you suspect there is something wrong with it?"

Nan Shan nodded hastily. She didn't explain the reason in detail, but said: "The student is afraid that someone has tampered with this plate of fish carp. If something happens at the banquet, I'm afraid the teacher will not be able to explain it."

"You did a good job." He spoke very calmly, put his hand on the edge of the plate, but pursed his lips seriously, and said, "No, two slices are missing."

Nanshan was shocked!Two slices missing?She raised her head: "I remember the host didn't eat it!"

"Not only did he move, but he didn't even give you the sauce." Pei Qu took the plate completely, "Come with me."

He walked quickly, carrying the plate of fish carp quickly through the small door, but stopped outside the kitchen.The kitchen workers inside were still busy, so Pei Qu put the food plate on the ground, walked in with his hands behind his back, and asked lightly, "Is the cherry ready to be mixed soon?"

The chef is mixing sugar and cheese into the cherries, and finally put them in small bowls and present them to the guests as dessert.Because cherries are very rare in the two capitals, and when they are about to go out of the market, many customers will secretly take the cherries home to eat.

The handymen were setting out the bowls, and Pei Qu walked through them as usual on inspection. He paused behind one of them and said, "It hasn't been wiped clean." The man seemed a little disturbed, and quickly took a clean white towel and wiped the bowl again wiped.

Nan Shan stood outside, poked half of his head to look in, and confirmed that the person the teacher was pointing to was the handyman delivering fish carp.She immediately became alert, although this person's face was very familiar, if she knew his name and where he lived, she could easily find out some connections.

He is just a small shrimp, not very important, but he is a good bait.

Nan Shan looked down at the plate of fish carp on the ground, thought for a while to pick it up, and walked into the kitchen carelessly.Pei Qu, who was supervising the work, raised his head to look at her, and also saw the plate in her hand: "Why are the Southern media officials here?"

Nan Shan puffed his cheeks, and said: "Master Shen gave someone a plate of fish carp to eat, but after tasting two mouthfuls, he really couldn't stand such raw food, and also heard that fish carp is quite expensive, so he took it here because he didn't want to waste it. See if anyone wants to eat."

She acted very realistically, and Pei Qu understood the purpose of her performance. She was explaining in front of the handyman why the plate of fish carp was in her hands, and she should want to dispose of the fish on the spot. carp.

Pei Qu then said: "If you don't want to eat it, just pour it out."

Nanshan hurriedly said: "Oh, what a pity, it would be nice to have some cherries." She sighed and walked to the swill tank holding the plate of fish carp, and poured all the fish into the slop tank with a "crash", and then proudly poured the fish into the bowl. Put the plate on the long table, "Master Pei will keep busy, so I'll leave first."

Pei Qu watched her walk out staggeringly, and continued to supervise the work as if nothing had happened. Although she walked back and forth, she glanced at that person from time to time.At this moment, the handyman buried his head in his work, tried his best to pretend to be calm, and didn't dare to make any small movements except to fill the bowl with cherries deftly.

The rain outside was much lighter. By the time the handymen sent the cherries to the banquet hall, the rain had almost stopped.

There seemed to be no twists and turns in a Qujiang banquet from beginning to end, but it was hard to say about the little moves.Pei Qu didn't intend to startle the snake, so he pretended not to know.He was not surprised by what happened today, but it was hard to tell who the other party's target was.Shen Fengge, as the head of the Taiwan official, must have many enemies, and it is not uncommon for someone to want to harm him.But the other party seemed to have other plans for choosing such an occasion.

Maybe he wanted to kill two birds with one stone, harming Shen Fengge and framing him at the same time?But he is only a county captain, who is watching him?

All the officials ate and drank, and after they were full, they touched their chubby stomachs and thanked Shang Yuan, and they all said goodbye.Some went to Xingyuan to continue the next game, and some went to Da Ci'en Temple to reunite with their families... Summer vacation is always too short, not enough fun, not enough fun!

The banquet participants scattered like birds and beasts, leaving a mess waiting for someone to clean up.Pei Qu was so conscientious, naturally he had to wait until the Furong Garden banquet hall was cleaned up before leaving.He stuffed Guan Bai, who was drunk, into the carriage, and patted him on the back: "Teacher, it's better to go back to the official residence to spend the night. The abbot will blow out the smell of alcohol."

Guan Bai shook his head, stretched out his hand and slapped Pei Qu hard: "Stinky boy, if you weren't clever for your teacher today, you wouldn't be able to eat and walk around."

Of course Pei Qu couldn't suffer this blow in vain, so he leaned forward, taking advantage of Bai's unconsciousness and asked, "Teacher knows that his disciple is Chaoge, right?"

Guan Bai was vague: "Ah? What? Who is that?"

"Does the teacher of Chaoge know how she came here these years? Why did she lose her sense of taste?"

Guan Bai continued to evade his words, and in the end he simply became drunk and slapped Pei Qu on the head: "Stinky boy! Do you want to talk to the teacher like this? I want to go back! Go back!"

Only then did Pei Qu stand up straight again, took a step back, and told the coachman, "Take the teacher home."

The carriage turned a corner and left with a "tat-tat-tat", the sky was still the same, but it was getting late.Pei Qu watched the carriage go away, turned back to the banquet hall and watched the handymen and soldiers complete the follow-up work before planning to leave.As soon as he turned around, he saw a small head poking inside.

It was almost Youshi, and the sky was getting dark outside the banquet hall. Standing here, one could even hear the continuous sound of frogs in the lotus pond in Qujiang.When Pei Qu walked out, the rain began to fall again.

The rain fell like fog, and because everyone walked about the same, Furong Garden was extraordinarily quiet.Seeing Pei Qu coming out, Nan Shan quickly stood up straight, like a pawn.

Pei Qu said, "Still leaving?"

"The students also want to leave earlier, but the teacher is so busy now, the students have to wait." She stretched out her hands and handed a handkerchief bag to Pei Qu, "I left two yuan before throwing it away, maybe it will be useful."

When the handkerchief bag was opened, it was two pieces of fish carp that had gone bad.

Pei Qu really wanted to praise her for her meticulousness, but he didn't want to make her cock her tail, so she took it without saying anything, and said, "Do you want to try poison?"

As soon as the words fell, a silver needle was handed over.

Pei Qu didn't ask her why she carried the silver needle with her, but only took it to test the poison.But Nanshan said: "Some poisonous silver needles could not be tested, so the students caught a mouse."

Pei Qu had no doubts about her skills, seeing that the silver needle didn't respond, he said, "Take me there."

The child was willing to be used by him, and he treated him very well today. He led him to a hut and stopped, opened the door and entered, and there was a "chirp, squeak, squeak" sound.

A poor mouse is trapped in a small cloth bag, struggling angrily, but it doesn't know when it will die, oh, the sickness is approaching.

Nanshan carefully caught it, pinched it and fed it fish fillets. The little mouse struggled to finish eating, and Nanshan threw it back into the bag again.The two master and apprentice sat down on the ground in the hut, the sky outside was getting darker and darker, and the rain had no intention of stopping.Nanshan worked hard all day, didn't eat anything, and felt a little sleepy.

She turned her head to look at Pei Qu, and suddenly wanted to lean on him, just like she did many years ago.But she can't do this, the encounter is rare, and she cherishes it very much, but the way forward is really too vague.She only thought that it would be good if she could help him, but she couldn't be trapped by it.

She didn't express her emotions casually, but just stared at the white cloth bag stupidly.The two waited for a long time, but the little thing in the bag was still alive and kicking. Nan Shan got up and said, "I'll eat a peach." She got up and was about to get it, but Pei Qu suddenly grabbed her.

"Just now you took the fish carp with your hands, and you caught the mice again." He concluded, "Wash your hands before you take the peaches."

As he spoke, he got up, took a peach from the bag, and took Nanshan out to wash his hands, washing the peach along the way.

Nanshan squatted on the ground and dipped his hands into the cool well water, sighed comfortably: "It's so cool! Teacher, do you want to wash it too?"

Unexpectedly, Pei Qu took another wooden basin, fetched water and concentrated on washing the peaches.

The master and apprentice were washing their hands and peaches in the corridor, while the misty rain outside was still falling, endlessly.Pei Qu handed the peach to her, and Nan Shan took a bite with his head down, and said, "Is this really an inferior peach? I just think it's crunchy, and it takes a lot of effort to eat it."

Wazi detested peaches, Pei Qu sighed helplessly, and looked pitiful: "It's not easy for this peach tree to grow to the point where it can bloom and bear fruit."

Wazi seemed to understand the hard work involved, nodded, and ate up the peach flesh, leaving only one core.She held up the core and looked left and right, when a hand stretched out from the side.The touch of the skin after being soaked in the well water was very delicate. Nanshan's breathing was stagnant, and before she had time to react, a nuclear carving tied with a red string was clasped around her wrist.Pei Qu let go of his hand and said, "I'll put it on for you."

Nanshan looked at it under the dark light of the sky: "It's made of a peach pit!" She dismantled it without hesitation, "Is it the peach pit that I ate at my house that day? The teacher is so stingy, even the peach pit won't be thrown away. , and make it into a bracelet, which looks like a child who can't wipe his nose clean." She dismissed the teacher's kindness as worthless, and said snobbishly: "If you want to give it, you should give it a gold bracelet and jade. Bracelet, otherwise how can I get it out..."

The bad apprentice Lion opened his mouth, and the thick-skinned teacher said: "Just wear this, this is to ward off evil spirits."

The unpleasant gift-giving process came to an end, Pei Qu got up, and wanted to go to the house to see the condition of the mouse, Nan Shan quickly followed.

At this time, there was no movement in the house at all, Nanshan untied the bag, took out the mouse, touched it but said: "It's not dead yet." The poor mouse was crookedly sick, looking like it was dying.

At this time, Nanshan said: "The rat has not died after eating it for so long, and the silver needle can't be tested, so the poison may not be fatal."

"You forgot the sauce." Pei Qu said calmly, as if he had seen the world, "The sauce is an important part of eating fish."

"Will it be fatal if you dip it in the sauce?" Nanshan asked again, "What about the sauce?"

"It's gone." Pei said, "I went to look for it after the banquet, but the sauce dish was gone." He paused for a moment, "The host took the sauce, and the two pieces of fish should be the same He went along."

When he said this, he had already anticipated what Shen Fengge was doing - catching mice and testing for poison.

But Shen Fengge, as a cautious Taiwan official, is much more professional in testing poison than the innocent duo of master and apprentice.

At this time, he had already seen the results of the poison test—the one who ate only fish carp did not die, the one who ate only sauce did not die, but the one who ate fish carp dipped in sauce died.

In his impression, there is such a person who is very keen on this method of poisoning.

He suddenly turned his head and said to the deacon, "Let Nanshan come over."

(End of this chapter)

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