Chapter 19
Grand Master Yuan's death was a major event in the court. Countless officials came to the mansion to express their condolences, and the threshold was about to be broken.The inside of Yuan's house was unbelievably lively for a while, and the tables outside were changing one after another. If it weren't for the white hangings everywhere in the mansion, people would suspect that it was a wedding banquet at all.

A group of veterans were lying in front of the mourning hall and weeping loudly, they didn't care about their own image at all, they only thought about how to act as they grieved, they were all masters of singing in the world of monsters.In comparison, the grief of the people of Yuan's family is more real, but it does not rule out the guys who "have other calculations". After all, the whole family will face the problem of "redistribution of family wealth" after Grand Master Yuan leaves.

Before Grand Master Yuan left, he only left a will, saying that the late emperor promised to leave him a land next to the mausoleum in the early years, and he would sleep there forever.

As for how to distribute the family wealth, the old man has no idea at all, as if he doesn't care that his children and grandchildren will fight over their heads, he is so generous.

Little Liuniang was dressed up as a little white man by the nanny, and her hair was wrapped in plain cloth, looking pitiful.There are not many worries hidden in her little head. One is that her grandfather left like this, and she feels a little lonely, and no matter how much she misses him, it seems that he will never come back; the other is the uncle who ate fish and carp to death last time Where did it go?Was it true that all the bodies were stolen?It's so pitiful, my grandfather still has a coffin anyway, and the host uncle probably won't even sleep in the coffin.

She knelt in the mourning hall and mourned silently for a while, and when she looked up, she saw Pei Qu kowtowing to her grandfather's tablet.Sixteen Niang sniffed, and quietly called out when Pei Qu came over: "Uncle Yunqi..."

Hearing her low voice, Pei Qu lowered his head and glanced to the side, only to see the little girl kneeling neatly, poking her head forward, with two black pupils on her fair face. Turn, as if thinking about something important.

Pei Qu turned around and knelt down in front of her: "What's wrong with Liu Niang?"

Little Liuniang looked at both sides, stretched out her hand to grab Pei Qu's sleeve, and whispered: "Uncle Yunqi, follow me." The little girl got up after finishing speaking, and led Pei Qu quickly across the side small gate.

Finally escaping from the ashes of the incense sticks and howling, Little Liuniang couldn't help taking a few breaths of clean air, dragged Pei Qu to the table in the east corner and sat down, took a glass of water and drank it with her head down.

"Has Liu Niang stayed in the mourning hall for a long time?"

She nodded hastily, held the cup and "gurgled" and finished drinking the cool drink mixed with a little paper ashes. She quickly looked around, grabbed a fruit and stuffed it into her mouth. It seemed that she was very hungry.

"Originally there was a wet nurse who took care of me. Now the wet nurse is also very busy, and the house is in a mess." There are even ordinary people from Chang'an who come and go, some of them just to make a living, it is indeed very chaotic.

She finished eating quickly, wiped her mouth and talked to Pei Channel: "I heard people say in the past two days that I am not a child of the Yuan family. Is this true?"

"Not a child of the Yuan family? Whose family is that?"

"Say I picked it up."

"Who told you that?"

"Cousin, cousin said so."

"How did you say it?"

"That's what it said." Little Sixteen Niang was very cunning, and when she saw Pei Qu tricking her, she turned her finger back again, "Hey, hasn't Uncle Yunqi heard such rumors? They say that I don't look alike at all. My grandparents, so they were adopted."

"I've never heard of it." Pei Qu's treacherous and cunning is comparable to that of Liu Niang. He thinks that everything is not peaceful now, and it's not the time to tell her what happened back then.So he said, "The Grand Master treats you better than anyone else, if you are not a child of the Yuan family, why would he do this?"

"Also..." Little Liuniang scratched her head, sat down and continued to drink water and eat fruit.

The weather changed suddenly, the sky that was still sunny turned gloomy, and even the wind picked up, blowing the white cloth strips in the mansion, and the ashes of ghost coins and paper swirled high, as if they were really taken away by the dead .

Sixteen Niang rested outside for a long time, and seeing her father, General Yuan approaching from a distance, she hurriedly jumped off the bench and ran away.But she was planning to run away, and she didn't forget to grab Pei Qu and ask a core question: "They said that my father is actually the host of the show. Is this true?"

"Your father is here." Pei Qu glanced at General Yuan who was striding towards him, and Xiao Liuniang ran away in fright.

General Yuan approached and said: "The little girl is young and stubborn, if she offends you, Shaofu Pei should not take it to heart."

Pei Qu arched his hands, indicating that it's okay.Turning around to look, where is the sign of Sixteen Niang?

Because of the bad weather, Pei Qu only exchanged a few words with General Yuan before leaving.Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the door, he bumped into Pei Jin'an who came to express his condolences, so he had to accompany his father to socialize.After finally dealing with all these incidents, Pei Qu was about to leave, when Pei Jin'an lowered his voice and said to him, "He died yesterday afternoon, and the news is still being suppressed right now, and it will be released when things calm down here."

"Everything is ready at father's place, only the east wind is missing, isn't it?"

"The east wind is here too, but it's just that the knife is caught in the east wind. I'm afraid it's not that simple."

The two walked and talked in a low voice. Although others couldn't hear what they said, they could tell from Pei Jin'an's expression that they were not talking about anything ordinary.

"Your fourth brother is still locked up. It doesn't matter if your eldest brother is far away, but you should be more careful." Pei Jin'an only hurriedly ordered this sentence, his feet stopped suddenly, and he suddenly asked, "Is Chaoge the inner guard's right?" wrong?"

"What is father going to do?"

The corners of Pei Jinan's lips pressed down, full of thoughts: "It's nothing, just ask."

After he finished speaking, he quickened his pace and walked in another direction, leaving only Pei Qu stuck in place.It was evening, the sky was completely dark, the wind was getting stronger, and a few drops of rain fell occasionally, but it was not a climate.

The street drums were beating desperately, as if a storm was coming, and they didn't even give people a chance to catch their breath.Pei Qu left Yuan's house in a hurry, the air was clear and humid, and there was a gust of wind blowing every inch of it. He rode fast on his horse, and before the sound of the drums died down, he left the gate and rushed home.

Turning into Chongyifang, the passers-by became less and less, only the sound of the wind and the sound of horseshoes in the ears, and no living person could be seen in the field of vision.Pei Qu turned a corner sharply, and a hidden nail suddenly hit him!Pei Qu leaned down suddenly and escaped by chance, tightened the reins and turned his horse's head to run towards the nearest Wuhou shop.

Then in an instant, another hidden nail struck straight at him and plunged into the horse's leg.The horse raised its head and neighed, its hind legs bent and its knees fell to the ground.Pei Qu fell off his horse, and when he looked up, he vaguely saw someone on the wall.

Pei Qu abandoned his horse and fled, but the man jumped off the wall to chase him.Hidden nails came out frequently, Pei Qu tried his best to hide, but in the end he was hit twice.The dark nail pierced deeply into his back shoulder, which was a dull pain that could not be bitten or swallowed.Pei Qu didn't care too much, because there was an alley in front of him, and Wuhou's shop could be reached by turning around, so he gritted his teeth and ran forward desperately.However, at this moment, he suddenly noticed a change in the wind behind him, and then heard a "ding——"——

It was the sound of weapons colliding!
Pei Qu turned his head suddenly, only to see a boy in black appearing out of nowhere, wielding a soft knife and killing him back steadily.The other party obviously didn't expect that someone would come to rescue him, but he was only a moment behind and started fighting with him again.He is good at using hidden weapons, and even in the process of fighting, he can distinguish himself and send hidden weapons at Pei Qu.

As soon as Pei Qu turned around, several hidden nails attacked him, and then there were several "ding ding" sounds, but all the hidden nails were blocked by the soft knife.

The boy in black turned his head to look at Pei Qu behind him, and shouted "Hurry up!", Pei Qu was taken aback for a moment.

The bean-sized raindrops "cracked" and fell, and Pei Qu seemed to recognize the owner of the voice.

"Let's go!"

It was Nanshan's voice.

At this time, it was raining heavily, and Nanshan was at a disadvantage because he turned his head frequently to distract his attention. Seeing that Pei Qu had no intention of running away, she became very impatient, and her moves couldn't help being faster and more ruthless.

She always kept a little bit of time in her hands, if she could not hurt others, she would not hurt others, but at this time she had no choice but to be ruthless.Nan Shan gritted his teeth fiercely, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his eyes became more fierce.But even though she struck fiercely, she still couldn't hold the upper hand, as long as the opponent threw a concealed weapon, she had to dodge it. After several rounds, she was hit with her left arm.Nanshan suddenly became like a madman, and he used all his moves.

The other party saw the trick, but backed away a bit.Nanshan Chengsheng pursued him, leaving no leeway in his moves, the moves were fatal. The sound of "ding ding clang clang" was cold and clear in the night rain, which was chilling.

In the clash of swords and lights, she was suddenly spattered with blood all over her face.

The rain was still falling, and the dense rainwater was flowing quickly on the ground. Nanshan stood holding a soft knife, his breathing was unsteady, his left arm trembled slightly because of the severe pain, and the right hand holding the knife could hardly hold the handle.

The blood on the blade was quickly washed away by the rain, she suddenly came back to her senses, quickly put away the soft knife, put on her hat, and hurried to Pei Qu with her head down.

The face under the hat couldn't make out anything clearly, Pei Qu could only feel a cold and soft hand quickly holding his hand and walking forward, while her other hand was dripping with blood from the back of her arm .

In the damp alleyway, only a few lanterns were lit.Nanshan's voice could not be heard clearly in the rain and fog: "You are being watched by the inner guards, you have to get out of here quickly, don't ask anything."

She didn't say a single extra word, her face was only hidden in the black hat, and her thin body was wrapped in the black clothes. She was dry and lifeless, like a withered body with no past and no future. corpse.

She sent him all the way to the door of Pei's residence, subconsciously tightened the hand holding Pei Qu, endured the pain and took a deep breath, her nostrils fluttered slightly, her lips opened slightly but then closed tightly again.She wanted to hug him very much, but her left arm had completely lost its strength. In this moment, she seemed to have said a thousand things, but she clearly didn't say a single word.

Pei Qu was about to speak, but she suddenly let go of her hand, turned her head and ran wildly, leaped onto the wall with ease, and quickly disappeared into the rain and mist with her waist bent.

It rained for several days in a row. It was rare to have such a cool day in the dog days, but it made the farmer's family anxious to death.This year Chang'an City has always been raining, and the fields have been flooded endlessly, which is really worrying.

Pei Qu has never seen Nanshan since they parted that night.He went to her house to look for it, but no one lived in it; he went to the official media office again. The Yao media official said that a distant relative in Nanshan was seriously ill, so he asked for leave and went out of the city to see him.Apparently, Nanshan was afraid of being suspected by others when he disappeared suddenly, so he found a legitimate reason to leave the official media yamen.

He knew that Nanshan had no so-called relatives.

He has been dreaming all these nights.In those dreams, Nanshan was still a child, wearing an ill-fitting loose robe, holding a pen and writing, and pointing to one of the letter papers, he asked him, what was written on it was "Beautiful and white horse, in the valley of the empty space, a little What does it mean to be bundled and a person like a jade".He thought for a long time before returning to her: "Because I might be leaving, this is a parting gift from someone else."

When she heard that he might be leaving, she slowly closed the smile on her lips, thought for a while by herself, then turned her head and burst into a smile in a flash.She laughed a lot then, almost to everyone, as if laughing itself had no special meaning.

When Pei Qu thought back, the more he tried to catch that smile, the more empty-handed he was.

Pei Qu had no choice but to question Shen Fengge.Shen Fengge still couldn't get out of bed and walk around on his own, he got angry with the stupid servant every day, hated this and hated that, his temper became very bad.He hadn't seen Pei Qu for several days, and when he saw him, he immediately said: "Give me the antidote, I want to go out."

"The news of the Majesty's death has just been released, and the enthronement ceremony of the new monarch is coming soon. It is very dangerous to go anywhere at this time. Pei has promised the grand master and Nanshan that he will protect the life of the master, and it is impossible to push the master in."

"Don't want to know the whereabouts of Nanshan unless you give him the antidote."

Pei Qu hesitated for a while, took out a small bottle from his sleeve pocket, and put it on the small table beside the bed: "Can we talk now?"

How cunning Shen Fengge is: "It's useless to just give it to me, I will only say it if it is really effective if I accept it."

After hearing this condition, Pei Qu turned around and left, because he firmly believed that it was impossible for Shen Fengge to ignore Nanshan. If Shen Fengge confirmed that Nanshan was safe now, it didn't matter whether he said it or not; and if he didn't know where Nanshan was, he would definitely be anxious .

Pei Qu walked to the door resolutely, and Shen Fengge really stopped him: "Stop."

Pei Qu's footsteps faltered, and he didn't turn around in a hurry, when Shen Fengge sighed softly: "You can't find her."

"Why?" Pei Qu stood firmly facing the narrow courtyard, the robes on his body looked a little looser, and he seemed to have lost weight a lot.

"She is very similar to Songhua." Shen Fengge seems to be recalling some long-ago events, but he said very restrainedly, "The things now are almost the same as those in those days. Songhua also disappeared suddenly, and I saw it not long after. Her 'corpse' doesn't even have a chance to say goodbye."

Pei Qu learned some old things from Grand Master Yuan.

At that time, Shen Fengge, as a pawn of the old ministers' faction, managed to infiltrate the inner guards and get closer to the core of power, but now he was suspected, and the organization conducted self-examination, and it was Qu Songhua who sent him.Qu Songhua approached Shen Fengge on the grounds of being a matchmaker, and found out about Shen Fengge, but he was not exposed in the end.

Shen Fengge quickly came to power, but the factional struggles within the organization intensified endlessly. Because Qu Songhua often worked for Shen Fengge, he was regarded as an anti-type by the opposing factions, and he could not escape the fate of being "killed" in the end.

The corpse was destroyed beyond recognition, and she could only be confirmed from the clothes token. Shen Fengge was distraught, but he didn't know that the corpse he saw was replaced by a death row prisoner, not Qu Songhua himself.

Qu Songhua was rescued by Yuan Taishi's forces, so he had to hide in Yuan's boudoir to raise a baby.She wanted Shen Fengge to know that she was still alive many times, but she was stopped every time.

She is the quenching water that forged Shen Fengge's sharp blade. After such a loss, Shen Fengge's heart was truly as hard as iron, and she became a good censor and a good pawn.

Qu Songhua did not live long in incognito in the well-fed Yuan Mansion.Not long after Liu Niang was born, she died in depression, and she never saw Shen Fengge again before she died.

The fighting on the chess game started at that time, and continues to this day, when will the dust settle?
There was a thunderstorm during the day, but there was a sunset in the evening.

Walking out the door, a large field of flowers bloomed in the simple courtyard.The sound of the pipa next door was intermittent, and there was occasional laughter, and the aroma of wine began to spread wantonly again.

Sitting on the bed, Shen Fengge watched Pei Qu's back as he walked further and further away, without saying a word.He originally wanted to persuade Pei Qu to leave the two capitals for the time being, but now he knows that this persuasion is actually useless.

Pei Qu once let go of Chao Ge, and according to his temperament, it is impossible to give up again.

A funeral is going on in the palace, and it is said that the emperor's funeral is the highest level and should be given special attention.However, the Ministry of Rituals was even perfunctory in this matter, and the veterans organized a particularly shabby "national funeral" for the dead emperor on their own initiative, focusing all their attention on the crown prince's succession ceremony.

But the arrogance of the veterans did not burn through the sky, because news of the assassination of the old ministers came out one after another in the past few days, and even local officials were killed.

All the courtiers were panic-stricken, for fear that one day they would be killed by the red-eyed inner guards, so they never went out alone, had people try their food first, and even slept with one eye open.The veterans took good care of their precious lives, and after a long time, they felt annoyed, so they simply used their power to order Qianniuwei to completely kill Meihua's inner guard.

And because the Plum Blossom Internal Guard is very secretive, the people in the two capitals are encouraged to actively report suspicious persons, etc., and they will kill anyone who has a Plum Blossom tattoo.

Give an order, and almost everyone in the court clapped their hands and applauded.This guard, who knows too many secrets, is everywhere like a shadow, monitoring the entire court, making it difficult to breathe.Now that the bit thief is dead, it is really a joy to be able to wipe out the guards.The faces of the officials who usually laughed and scolded foolish people were now filled with sneers, and the joy of revenge in their hearts was surging like a tide, which could not be stopped.

The bloody storm is approaching, Xu Miaowen, a monster with a broken mouth who is afraid of death, packed his things early and rolled back home from the yamen, but met Xu Jiulang unexpectedly on the way.

Xu Jiulang is now a leading officer in the Qianniu Guard, wearing red clothes and armor, and riding a horse in high spirits.He grabbed his elder brother and said, "Brother, do you want to hurry home by running so fast?"

"Yes, yes, brother, I don't want to die on the way. It would be even better if my good brother can send me back." Xu Miaowen said fearfully.

"Brother, what are you worried about? Brother is not an important minister, and the inner guards only kill important people." Xu Jiulang rolled his eyes naively while speaking.

Xu Miaowen rolled his eyes at him fiercely: "It's fine if you don't send me back! Tell brother quickly, is there any important news?"

"What's the news..." Xu Jiulang scratched his forehead, frowned and said, "There really is one, and it's related to Brother Pei."

Xu Miaowen was surprised: "What's wrong with Yun Qi? He's not an important person! Can the inner guard keep an eye on him?"

"It's hard to say. We just caught an inner guard this morning and said that the superior ordered Brother Pei to be killed. Brother Pei is very important. It's not that you say he is not important." Xu Jiulang said coolly. Yijia Ma belly led a group of younger brothers and ran away, leaving only one sentence echoing in the wind, "Brother, go and express your condolences! My younger brother is leaving first!"

Xu Miaowen calmed down for a while, and ordered the coachman to immediately turn around and go to Pei's residence.

Pei Qu didn't go anywhere today. Firstly, the situation was extremely tense, and secondly, he was grounded by Pei Jin'an. All the servants guarded him, fearing that he would run out.

Xu Miaowen hurried to arrive, and confronted the servant angrily. He was about to fight, and finally called the steward, so he was able to bypass the barrier of the servant and see Pei Qu.

After not seeing each other for a while, Xu Miaowen was startled when he saw Pei Qu like this: "Ah! Have you gone on a hunger strike?"

When he rushed in, Pei Qu was sitting cross-legged and meditating. When he finished yelling, Pei Qu opened his eyes and replied flatly, "It's tasteless in my mouth, I can't even whet my appetite when I eat anything."

Xu Miaowen sat cross-legged opposite him, patted his head old-fashionedly and said, "Forget it, it's tasteless to eat, soak two catties of sour plums for you to eat, and you'll have an appetite."

Pei Qu didn't answer him.

"It's not really boring, is it? Are you sick?" Xu Miaowen hurriedly touched his forehead, then touched his entire face, and shouted after taking advantage of it, "Oh, why is it so cold? If you die, It’s not worth paying three funeral expenses for the imperial court! It’s better to have some food if you don’t have any appetite.”

It is hard to live a tasteless life. He has tried the last poison until now, but he still can't taste it.But there is no record of the solution for this kind of poison. If you want to solve this mystery, you can no longer rely on Pei Lianjun, but only on yourself.

Xu Miaowen saw that he was like a log, so he shook him fiercely: "I got the latest news that the inner guards are planning to kill you. So you must not go out, wait until the limelight passes."

Pei Qu was silent.

Xu Miaowen seemed to know what he was worried about, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry about it, your careless apprentice is probably the inner guard, you don't want to save her at this time, but put yourself in it. I am doing it for your own good. Although that brat..." He couldn't help curling his lips as he spoke, "It's quite pitiful."

Xu Miaowen, who was afraid of death, reminded his friends and hurried back to the mansion before dark.

It was very windy at night, and no one in the whole house could sleep well, so the next morning, everyone wandered around the house with a listless face.

When Pei Qu got up early in the morning, he found bloodstains in the backyard.

Along the base of the wall all the way to the outside, and then outside, it's gone.

He leaned over and stretched out his finger to wipe the blood, it was already dry, it seems that it happened last night.

His forehead twitched violently, and asked the nursing home if he had heard any movement at night.The nursing home said that there seemed to be fighting sounds, but they thought it was outside and there were street envoys patrolling by, so it was nothing serious.

The nursing home looked at the blood on the ground, felt that it was not real, and murmured, "How could someone get out of the mansion through such a high wall? It's probably not human blood, sir, don't worry."

As soon as the nurse's words fell, a servant's voice suddenly came from the other side, shouting: "Lang Jun, Master Shaoqing is here again!"

As soon as Xu Miaowen entered the mansion, he saw that Pei Qu was studying the bloodstains on the ground in the backyard, so he leaned forward to examine them carefully, and judged professionally: "Based on my years of investigation experience, this bloodstain is very suspicious."

Pei Qu straightened up to look at him, and Xu Miaowen hurriedly said: "It is clear that someone killed the chicken secretly, but the knife missed it, but the chicken didn't die, but ran out alive and kicked, and this left a trail of blood! How could it be human blood? ? Someone in your mansion can get out of the wall with injuries? Naive!"

Pei Ququan thought he was talking nonsense, and as soon as he turned around, Xu Miaowen grabbed him: "Where are you going?"

"Brother Miaowen, what do you want to do here so early?"

"I'm here to accompany you." Xu Miaowen rubbed his hands, and smiled stupidly thinking he was smart, "It's been a long time since I played chess with you."

Someone Xu found the most clumsy reason in an attempt to dispel the suspicion of a shrewd friend, but was poured a basin of cold water by the friend: "Today is not a ten-day holiday. Brother Miaowen ran here instead of going to the yamen, just to play chess." ?"

Xu replied fluently: "Yes, it's just playing chess. What yamen are you going to! The new king has not yet ascended the throne, and the Yushitai has no owner now. The minister of Dali Temple was afraid that he would be killed by the inner guard, so he stayed at home long ago and did not go out. What's the use of me going to the yamen? Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I might as well not go. Isn't it the same for you, the county magistrate hasn't been there for several days? Your uncle can't protect himself, and he certainly won't take care of you right now."

After Xu Miaowen said "Ba Ba Ba", he stretched out his arm and grabbed Pei's neck suddenly: "Let's play chess with me."

Pei Qu moved his hand away, and went straight out: "Brother Miaowen, if you're too busy, you might as well catch up on sleep. I have something to do, so I'll go out first. If you don't want to go home, the steward will take good care of you."

Xu Miaowen quickly ran to the front and stopped him: "You can't go out!"

"Brother Miaowen is worried about me?" Pei Qu stopped and asked solemnly.

"That's right!" Xu Miaowen nodded sharply, "Didn't I tell you yesterday that you can stay at home when you are so sensitive, and don't go out." He looked left and right as he said, "You guys The servants in the mansion are too irresponsible! Yesterday they treated people like hell, but today they don’t care about any of them, should we let you out?"

When Xu Miaowen was in a hurry, it was easy to show his flaws. Pei Qu looked into his eyes and asked, "Brother Miaowen stopped me from going out, because he didn't want me to meet someone, or did he not want me to see something I shouldn't see?"

Xu Miaowen felt guilty for a while, and replied stiffly with his neck on his back: "Where is it?" As soon as he finished speaking, two servants walked slowly with their heads lowered in the corridor behind, and they were talking in a low voice, "I heard that there is something outside the Suzaku door. They all have human heads hanging on them, tsk tsk is really scary!"

Pei Qu narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Xu Miaowen.Seeing Xu Miaowen felt guilty, pointing at the two servants, he said, "What are you two talking nonsense about? Get out of here."

The two servants were taken aback for a moment, and saw Pei Qu striding towards this side.Pei Qu walked up to the two of them: "What did you just say?"

One of the servants lowered his head and confessed honestly: "Uncle Cai went to Suzaku Gate in the morning and said that there were many heads of internal guards hanging there, and the corpses were also piled up, and they were about to be burned. It was scary."

Pei Qu's face changed, and Xu Miaowen shut his mouth tightly.

Pei Qu thought for a while, then turned around and went to the outer shed to lead the horse, Xu Miaowen followed closely: "Yun Qi, don't be impulsive, I was born in a prison and thought that scene was appalling, you are a simple little official It's simply unacceptable!"

Pei Qu didn't have time to chat with him, so he led the horse and walked outside.Xu Miaowen ran to the door, let the carriage catch up quickly, and then sat in the carriage and raised the curtain and yelled at Pei Qu in front: "It's useless to go, those people's heads are all blurred, and they can't find Chao Ge." ! Why ask for trouble!"

Xu Miaowen was afraid that he would do something stupid if he was stimulated after watching it, so he was so nervous that his forehead kept sweating.Pei Qu rode faster and faster in front, Xu Miaowen frowned and urged the coachman: "You should be faster!"

There were not many people coming and going in the market in the early morning, and when we arrived at Zhuquemen Street, we saw many people gathering together and discussing.There seemed to be a bloody smell in the air, and as the sun gradually became poisonous, it became more rancid.

You don't need to go very close, you can see a row of human heads hanging above the gate tower, while the messy pile of corpses underneath is a mess.

The old ministers came up with such a vicious method to intimidate the internal security organization. I don't know if they want to drive them to death, or to scare them so that they dare not act rashly again.In short, ordinary people are now very excited when they talk about inner guards, and they all seem to be incarnations of prison officials, and they are extremely keen to report suspicious persons and clues to the Yamen.

A game between the officials suddenly became a tool for the people to retaliate.

Pei Qu reined in the reins.

He was very close, but a few steps away was the pile of corpses.The body has been doused with oil and will soon be incinerated.But looking up, it is densely packed with unrecognizable human heads.

The people with good deeds and boldness came forward to turn over the corpses, and they found the legendary plum blossom tattoos on the arms or shoulders of those corpses.

Then there was a burst of cheers, as if revenge had been avenged.

"These people deserve to die!"

"It should have been killed long ago!"

"A bunch of lumber who can only lead people to kill! They don't deserve sympathy!"


One of the white-clothed scholars raised his head and said cautiously, "I personally think that although they are not innocent, they are just as unfortunate...", and he was immediately stared at and beaten violently.

Pei Qu was still sitting on the horse, while Xu Miaowen opened the curtain to look at him.Xu had also heard what the white-clothed scholar said just now, and felt that it was not completely unreasonable.How many internal guards are willing to choose this path?The inner guards performed tasks for the imperial power, adding many terrible killings over the years; but isn't it another kind of horror to kill the inner guards now?

He lost his mind after thinking about it, and unconsciously lowered the curtains of the car.But at this moment, there was a sudden movement outside, he opened the curtain abruptly, and saw a woman in black wearing a bamboo hat galloping past on a horse, and behind her were seven or eight Qianniu in red armor. Guard cavalry.

Xu Miaowen's heart was startled, and he coughed in an instant.A group of horses galloped on the street, throwing up a lot of dust, which was really choking.He coughed enough and raised his head to look outside. Where is Pei Qu in front of him? !

Pei Qu rode his horse and galloped all the way, and many things became clear in his mind one by one.He should have thought of it earlier - after looking for Nanshan for so long, she was actually by his side.

Because she knew he was on the list, she was afraid that he would die at the hands of the inner guard, so she was always not far from him.

Perhaps there had been more than one fight around him—once he had met him, and on other occasions he had only seen the bloodstains left after the fight, while at other times, the fight had long since ended and he didn't know anything about it.

He didn't know how close she was to him until he saw her being chased by a group of Qianniu guards on horseback in Xishi.She almost passed by his eyes, even though the bamboo hat covered her face, he recognized her at a glance.

Both Nanshan and Qianniuwei rode so fast that Pei Qu could hardly catch up.After running for a long time, until entering the forest, Pei Qu fell far behind.

Those Qianniu Wei all had quiver on their backs, if they just wanted to kill Nanshan, it might not be difficult, but they seemed to be planning to learn something from her, so it looked like they wanted to capture her alive.

Seeing that they were about to disappear from sight, Pei Qu was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, but at this moment, Nanshan's horse suddenly broke its leg!The horse's legs were bent and the center of gravity was shifted backwards, and she was about to fall down!

But fortunately, his basic skills are solid, Nanshan leaped lightly, and when he landed on the ground, he drew a soft knife from his waist: "If you want to get something from me, don't come here, otherwise I will die here immediately."

Qianniuwei all reined in and looked down at her from above.Nanshan took a rough look at the opponent's strength, and slightly narrowed his eyes.At this time, there are only two things she can do-to kill someone, or to seize the horse.

But her odds are slim.

She was about to be overwhelmed these days, and her hand holding the soft knife was trembling due to frequent injuries.She tried her best to stabilize, trying to prevent the other party's further actions in terms of momentum, so the soft knife blade almost cut her neck.

Qian Niuwei noticed the injury on her hand, jumped off the horse with a cold snort, took out the arrow from the quiver, and said arrogantly: "It's a bit boring to chase this all the way, and it has to end like this—" While speaking, the bow was fully drawn, and the arrow was pointed at Nanshan's hand.

The overwhelmed body has almost completely crushed Nanshan's fighting spirit. Why does she want to live?These years have obviously passed without meaning at all.

Tasteless food is the greatest boredom.

From nine years ago to now, she doesn't remember much of what she ate.The events of the nine years were like a cloud of smoke, leaving few real memories.

The hand holding the soft knife gradually dropped, and she even put the soft knife back at her waist.

Qian Niuwei saw that she seemed to give up resistance, but he was afraid that she would deceive him, so he put away his bow and arrow and did not take any direct action.But at this moment they suddenly heard the sound of a strange horse's hooves approaching.By the time they reacted, the horse had passed by them!

"Grasp my hand!" The sudden voice startled Nanshan, who was exhausted from fighting, she turned around almost subconsciously, without giving herself any time to react to her surprise, she just grasped the dry and warm hand tightly hand.

The next moment, she jumped forward, and Pei Qu protected her in front of her.

She never thought that Pei Qu's seemingly impotent hand could have such power.

The dark brown horse galloped along the narrow forest road, heading deep into the woods.

There were only the sound of horseshoes and breathing above his head, and before Nanshan had time to figure out many things, he saw his hand holding the rein suddenly loosen.


Pei Qu held the rein tightly again for a moment, resisting the bloody smell surging up, and suddenly called out in a steady voice:

Although he babbled a lot like an old lady on a rainy night last time, she didn't get any response from Nanshan. At that time, she just pressed down on the brim of her hat, got on her horse and left as if fleeing.

Amidst the whistling wind, Nanshan finally responded:
"it's me."

Pei Qu tried his best to smile with relief, but there was another arrow behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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