Chapter 26

Sixteen Niang ran so fast that she tripped over the threshold without paying attention.She was confused for a while, then raised her head to look at Nanshan who was busy and said, "Sister Nanshan, look at the baggage and the baggage!"

Nanshan quickly picked her up from the ground and asked her, "Does your knee hurt?"

Sixteen Niang said indifferently: "Of course not... oh, it seems to be a little painful." She smiled slyly, put the burden on Nanshan, and stretched her hands down to rub her knees.

"Where did the burden come from?"

"Hey." When Liu Niang turned her head, Pei Qu had already walked to the door.

Nanshan was also taken aback when she saw the person coming, but Little Sixteenth Niang urged her, "Look quickly, there must be a surprise!" Something worthy of surprise, I hurriedly brought it to Sister Nanshan to see.

I didn't expect her to guess right.Nan Shan stared blankly at the whole set of red clothes in the bundle, she looked up at Pei Qu, Pei Qu also looked unprepared, pursed her lips and was thinking about what to say.Sixteen Niang clapped the ashes on her hands: "This is a wedding dress! I saw it when my sister got married!" She was also very good at talking, "This is much prettier than the one my sister wore before!"

The two adults looked at each other, and the articulate brat standing beside him didn't know what to say for a moment.After standing there in a daze for a while, the bear boy said "ah, I understand" and then fled away with his waist down and ran to another room.

When Liu Niang just entered, she ran into Shen Fengge, and Shen Fengge straightened her face and said: "What are you doing so fast? Are you afraid of falling?" As soon as she finished speaking, she saw her dirty knees, and she was very angry, " You’ve already fallen and you’re so reckless!”

Sixteen Niang didn't care about the criticism, she opened her arms, stopped Shen Fengge who was about to go out, and said with a smile: "Daddy, don't go to the kitchen."

Shen Fengge glanced at the kitchen, although he didn't see any clues, he vaguely guessed something.But he didn't care, and went straight out, Sixteen Niang hurriedly hugged his leg: "Daddy is so ignorant, you see, I know to avoid suspicion!"

"I'm not going to the kitchen. No one is watching in front of me. Aren't you afraid that all the rice will be stolen?"

"Oh, I'll go, I'll go!" Sixteen Niang volunteered, she turned her head and was about to run forward, but was carried to the well by Shen Fengge: "Wash your hands first."

Sixteen Niang then squatted by the well and obediently washed her hands and wiped her face. As expected, Shen Fengge passed by the kitchen and went straight to the front shop.

The well water in autumn is a bit cold, but very comfortable.Sixteen Niang took a few sips with her head down, puffed her cheeks and secretly watched the movement of the kitchen.

She even consciously covered her eyes with her hands, leaving only a gap, because she was afraid of seeing any scenes that were not suitable for children.But she peeked at it for a long time, but the two people in the kitchen kept silent in embarrassment.

Liu Niang lowered her hands, sighed in disappointment, and then shouted, "Sister Nanshan, I'm so hungry, can I have dinner?"

Over there, Nan Shan quickly responded, "Come on, have you washed your hands?"

"It's done!"

Sixteen Niang answered her words, and ran back to the front to call Shen Fengge to eat.She didn't rush to sit down first, she had to wait until everyone else was seated before sitting down and waiting for dinner.Although he has a naughty personality, he still behaves according to the rules when he should.

Pei Qu was also invited to sit down, and there were exactly four people sitting at a table, which didn't seem strange at all.

When we were in Chang'an, everyone was used to eating separately, but here we can happily eat at the same table. Sixteen Niang thinks this is the happiest thing.She was holding a pottery bowl and ate slowly, quite absent-minded, all her thoughts were on Nan Shan and Pei Qu.

A piece of crispy bone steak was gnawed by her with a "crackling" sound, her cheeks moved, but her eyes were fixed on the two people sitting diagonally across from her.

Shen Fengge suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched her bulging cheeks: "It's still changing teeth, don't gnaw too much, spit it out."

Sixteen Niang quickly and vigorously took a few bites, swallowed them whole, and said, "Isn't it a happy reunion? Why is no one talking?" She felt a little bored.

"Because 'you don't talk when you eat, you don't talk when you sleep'." After Nanshan finished speaking, he stuffed things into his belly.She put on a round neck shirt today, with a bun on the top of her head, she looks like a small businessman, because Tai Wenxiu is a bit like a small scholar, with a little more flesh on her face, and her complexion is also very good, it seems that Huainan is indeed raised place for people.

The four finished their dinner before it was completely dark.Shen Fengge was naturally the shopkeeper, and Liu Niang followed her father, so Shen's father and daughter went out to visit the night market, leaving the two of them to clean up the mess.Nanshan squatted by the well to wash dishes, while Pei Qu squatted opposite to help.

"How did the teacher find this place?" Nanshan pondered for a long time, thinking that the conversation should always start with the most boring opening.

"I inquired about it before I came here. Although I'm not sure, I still came to have a look. Then I saw Sixteen Niangs." Pei Qu took the bowl she had washed once, rinsed it again, wiped it dry, and put it aside. basin.

"Has everything in Beijing been dealt with? I heard from the host that the situation is complicated, and it's not so fast." The host called the host too smoothly, and couldn't think of any other titles to call, so he kept calling like this.

"Will it be too complicated for me, Teacher?" Pei Qu said flatly.

"Huh? It's the first time in my life to hear my teacher say such arrogant words..." It's memorable and memorable.

"That's why it's not true."


"To tell you the truth, I want to give you the wedding dress earlier." Pei Mou didn't blush or breathe, but his heart was pounding.Of course, a pure and innocent apprentice would not reach out to touch the passionate heart in his chest, so he can feel free to plop as much as he wants.

When he was thinking this way, Nanshan stretched out his hand in a hurry.The autumn clothes were still quite thin, Nanshan pressed his hand on his heart, his dark eyes seemed to see through him, the heartbeat sounded through the single clothes and flesh under his palm was "thumping", strong and powerful Very hot.

"If you cover it again, your underwear will be wet." Pei Mou felt the pressure from her palm, while silently hoping that the students could feel this sincere heart, and at the same time feeling very ashamed in contradiction.

"Oh." Nanshan responded, but did not withdraw his hand in a hurry.She rolled her eyes, frowned and said in confusion, "I can't touch it."

"What can't be touched?"


"Would you like to untie the underclothes for you to touch?"

Nan Shan withdrew his hand instantly.In the face-to-face contest, she still wanted to lose to someone Pei, so she straightened her face and asked, "Is the teacher sending the wedding dress to marry me?"


Nanshan got this response and began to snap his fingers: "But only the wedding dress is not enough. If you want to get married, you have to ask a matchmaker to propose marriage first, and then ask Najib for the appointment period. Oh, yes—" she said again, " The teacher also needs to prepare a pair of live geese, so I don’t know if it’s a good time to find them.” Then he scratched his head and added, “Right now many people use geese instead, but I don’t want geese.”

After saying this, she withdrew her hand, her dark pupils were full of sincerity, without any trace of cunning.

Pei Qu lowered his head and thought about his current situation - the money in his sleeve pocket was borrowed from Xu Miaowen, and the rest of it would not last long; there is a house in Luoyang, but Pei Jin'an has seized the title deed and it is impossible to sell it.

Dragging the reality out to check it out, it seems that it is indeed a bit cruel.

Seeing him like this, Nanshan almost guessed everything.Her life-saving benefactor and teacher, when she was in a foreign country, she had no salary and only lived by growing and selling vegetables. After returning to China, she became a small official. If it weren't for the support of her family, I am afraid that her life would be fine. Very tight.Hey, the sorrow of the gentleman of the aristocratic family, despite the background of the big family, he is a poor boy!
Nanshan passed the wooden basin containing the clean dishes and chopsticks, stood up and walked to the kitchen, while Pei Qu silently cleaned the wooden basin and cleaned the floor.

"Hahahaha." The little Liuniang who said she was going to the night market with an excuse was lying on the top of the wall and laughing, but before she could laugh a few times, she was hugged by Shen Fengge outside the wall.

Shen Fengge put her down, made a "silence" motion with his fingers, dragged the bear child to the night market, and said as he walked: "It's so stupid to peek and dare to laugh out loud, I won't take you with me in the future peeked."

"Is Daddy angry? Oh, I won't be like this again, I will hold my breath next time when I peek at you, huh." The little short legs hurried to catch up.

Shen Fengge was also very playful tonight. He thought that the teacher and student Pei Nan would cry bitterly because of their reunion after a long absence, but he didn't expect such a situation in the end. It was really unexpected. He really still doesn't understand this child Nanshan.

After Nanshan studied under Pei Qu, he became more cunning and cunning, and his face was extremely thick. It was really in vain for him to educate him for many years.

On this day, the moon is as full as a disc, and the moonlight is so generous that it seems that it does not want money.The father and daughter wandered around the lively market and found nothing, but they ate a stomach full of cold moonlight.

When turning back to Mihang, a certain short leg was already sleepy, and he circled around Shenfeng Pavilion dizzily, chanting "go home, sleepy, sleepy".Shen Fengge grabbed her back by the collar, and said to Nanshan who was standing behind the counter to settle the accounts: "Call Pei Qilang, go home."

"Pei Qilang went to live in the mansion shop." Nanshan replied, "I still have some things to finish here." She said, looking up at Liu Niang who was about to fall to sleep, "The master took Liu Niang Go back first, I'll leave when I'm done."

At this time, Liu Niang was held by Shen Fengge's back collar, her feet settled down, her head drooped, as if she had fallen asleep.

Probably because he didn't sleep last night, the bear boy slept very deeply.Shen Fengge carried her to the side of the rice bucket, let her sleep on the rice bucket, then walked to the counter, looked at the account books recorded by Nanshan, and praised without hesitation: "You're quick to learn, you are indeed a good material."

Nanshan didn't speak.

"In the past in Chang'an, you were restrained in doing things, but in Huainan, you don't have to be trapped anymore. You will do well." Shen Fengge's affirmative tone to the younger generation was natural and generous, but then he said, "You have the confidence to support Pei. Shichiro?"

Nanshan thought for a while, finished writing the last word, and put down the pen.

"do not have it?"

"Yes, yes. But Mr. Pei's self-esteem probably won't allow it?"

"It's enough for you to have confidence, and I won't care about the rest." Shen Fengge took out the deed from his sleeve pocket, "Mi Xing is your dowry, and I promised Songhua that I would leave you a share of the family fortune."

Shen Fengge's generosity Nanshan did not expect.She wanted to decline, but Shen Fengge immediately brought out Song Hua, just to let her not let her down and not refuse.

To Nanshan, Qu Songhua is an elder who has no blood relationship.When she was most at a loss, Qu Songhua gave her a lot of warmth.Although that period of time was very short, and the environment she was in was involuntary, but she could also understand Qu Songhua's sincerity at that time.If there is no civil strife, Qu Songhua must still be alive now.

Shen Fengge put the deed on the table, and said: "Business in the world involves food, clothing, housing and transportation, so there is always something to do. Yantie officials alone can't do it now. Besides, making wine is also very profitable, but you can't even buy wine. Zhan had no choice but to give up. The rice line is just the beginning, next to Yangzhou port, there are many businesses that can be done in the future, you have always been quick-witted, and your ability to inquire about the market is also first-rate. In the future, don’t forget to help me when you start a big business.”

Shen Fengge's words were full of the employer's attitude of "Oh, I'll drop the pick and quit, you work hard, and remember to share the money with me".The more Nan Shan heard it, the more something was wrong. He looked at the deed on the counter and asked suspiciously: "The master is..."

"Business is not my specialty." Shen Fengge has recently become like Sixteen Niangs, always speaking a bit cunningly, as if he had changed his mind, he tapped on the case with his fingers, "I'm used to being an official, I'm not used to being a commoner .”

Nan Shan was taken aback: "Jingzhong wants the master to go back?"

"How could they want me to go back?" Shen Fengge folded the deed for her and put it away, "Do you want me to go back and grab their pigtails and arrest their whole family?"


Shen Fengge suddenly took a pen, dragged over an empty piece of paper, and quickly drew a map of the territory on it, hastily divided the areas, pointed to one of them and said: "Fanzhen."

"Taiwan mainly serves the feudal town?"

Nanshan glanced at Sixteen Niang who was sleeping next to the rice bucket, and continued: "But now the north has become a separatist regime, and the Central Plains has also suffered from civil strife in the past few years. The imperial court has wanted to rule the vassal for a long time. Peaceful."

"How can there be a time of real peace in the world? This huge Guangling City will definitely be overthrown one day in the future. This is the reason why the prosperity of the world cannot last for a thousand years." When Shen Fengge said this, he thought it was a bit of a pity, but then he thought about the rest of his life. I am afraid that this day will not happen, which is a pity that it seems superfluous.

He glanced back at a certain cub who was sleeping more soundly than a pig: "I will not send Sixteen Niang to a place of turmoil. If the town is going to be in chaos, it will be in Hebei first, and I am afraid it will be the turn of the South in the end. Huainan Town is extremely rich , Jie Shuai's soldiers have always been relatively peaceful, and occasional disturbances are not a big deal. The current Jie Shuai is even more intelligent, and if others want to calculate Huainan's half point, they will probably lose their troops before they can go back."

Too.In the past, he was the head of the imperial censor, and a group of his subordinates ran around to patrol the local supervisory censor. He should be clearer than most people about the situation in the feudal town.

It's just that, calling into the shogunate as an official in response to the feudal town is not the best choice for the scholars in the world, but it is more like a bad policy for Shen Fengge, who is from an orthodox Beijing official background, even if he has a future in the feudal mansion ", it's always bad to say.But these are the things that Shen Fengge has always been the most indifferent to. Who dares to say that he has been a censor without a thick skin?
Shen Fengge's desire to become an official in the feudal mansion was not a whim, this person never did anything uncertain, I am afraid that the feudal mansion has already sent someone to tie the knot, thinking about it this way, it is not a rash move.

Nanshan is not qualified to dictate Shen Fengge's life path, so he can only accept the contract honestly, intending to work hard and earn money to support everyone.In this way, huh?Can it be said that whoever makes money is the parent?

Nanshan's status seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes in an instant. She covered the contract and smoothed out the account books in front of her. After Shen Fengge left with Liu Niang, she opened her eyes and had a big dream silently.

This dream is like this: A gentleman surnamed Pei Xingqi, because he was penniless, had to commit himself to Mihang as a clerk. Whispering, whispering, whispering every day——

Nan Shan was taken aback by this dream of opening his eyes, hey, could it be that she would rather Pei Jun to get in the door instead?However, with Mr. Pei's virtuous character, it seems that he is also a good choice among the Patriarchs.

The more she thought about it, the more outrageous it became, the more something went wrong, a black shadow suddenly appeared at the door.Nanshan's eyesight is better than ordinary people's, and she quickly recognized the black shadow as the main character in her dream of opening her eyes just now.

"Hey, didn't the teacher go to live in Xundi shop?" She closed the account book, put away all the paper, pen, and abacus, and said casually.

"It's too late, there are no vacancies in the mansion shop." Pei Jun replied lightly.

"It's clearly because of insufficient money, right?" She crossed her hands and leaned her elbows on the counter, sparing no effort to continue the great cause of "tearing the teacher's face".

The villain in Pei Jun's heart started to beat his chest and feet when he heard the words, but he himself was still thick-skinned and walked straight from the door to the Nanshan counter, and said calmly: "It's true that the money is not enough, and it's also true that there are no vacancies in the shop. fact."

Pei Jun finally admitted generously that he was a pauper, Nanshan suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed his clothes through the dark high counter.Pei Qu looked down at her hand, raised it to hold it, pulled it away, and then folded her two hands together in his palm.

The autumn night is cool, and even Nanshan's hand is cool.As for Pei Qu, because he had walked a long way just now, his hands were so warm that he had nowhere to put them.Holding each other in such a nasty way, the two get what they need.

"Teacher, please marry me." Nan Shan stared at him, and suddenly said boldly.

Pei Qu was still preparing to speak, but it was Nanshan who spoke first.

Before, he had shamelessly told Nanshan that he could marry her, but Nanshan's reaction at that time was really hard to say the second time. He was always rejected ruthlessly, even though it was decent, but there was no other countermeasure. It was such a bad feeling.

Nanshan is very similar to him, he is invulnerable to weapons and weapons, and it is difficult to deal with her.Now that she took the initiative to let go, it was really the eight generations of her ancestors who had manifested themselves.

So good, so good!
Seeing that he didn't answer, Nanshan hurriedly asked: "Hey, doesn't it mean that the teacher doesn't want to marry?" He sighed, and was about to say something like "The teacher comes from a famous family, so naturally he doesn't want to marry..." Pei Qu suddenly felt relieved. He cupped her face in his hands.

The heat that was originally ironed on his hands suddenly transferred to his face, and Nanshan shrank his shoulders involuntarily.Pei Qu smiled suddenly, her eyes were brighter than she had ever seen before, but she was stunned by Nanshan.That face hurriedly moved closer, and it was so close that they could touch each other and breathe.

Nanshan's heart was beating like a drum, but Pei Qu pressed his forehead against her forehead, and the tip of his nose touched her nose, and then he said in a low voice, "Why don't you? The wedding clothes that my teacher will give you are all red."

There seemed to be a smile in his voice, and it was as low as a whisper, Nanshan suddenly realized.

Just say that women's wedding dresses shouldn't be green?He insisted on sending him a favor, so could it be the reason why he regarded her as the bridegroom?Did someone Pei plan to get in the door backwards when he was making the wedding dress?
I thought he said "marry you" in a casual joke before, but I didn't expect it to be deliberate and premeditated for a long time.


Nanshan wanted to retreat, but Pei Qu pressed the back of her head lightly, took a breath, and said in a low voice, "Don't run away, I don't want to miss you again."

Lost once, spent a long time regretting, and spent extra time suspicious of each other, and almost lost my life.It is so difficult to meet again, and it is even more difficult to be able to say these words now.

Nanshan's breathing was stagnant, and his eye sockets were a little sore.

She doesn't want to go through that again.

Pei Qu kissed her forehead tenderly, and finally held her face with a smile and said, "The counter seems to be in the way."

Nanshan's eyes, which were so sore that they were about to burst into tears, were suddenly curved by his words, and he actually laughed.Pei Qu's thumb gently stroked her eyes, and was touched by the moist and fine eyelashes. The touch was extremely gentle.

And her eyes were slightly black and blue, it seemed that she didn't sleep well last night.He hastily withdrew his hands and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

It was time for the market outside to end, men, women and children returned home with unfulfilled desires, but there were also some young men and women who stuck together and refused to go back, so they looked for places where they could chat and continue to discuss life.

Guangling, which has no night ban, really makes people feel free and happy to the point of death.

But Nanshan's ability to climb over the wall was not wasted because of this free and unobstructed night.Because the father and daughter didn't leave the door open for her, but stupidly plugged in the big bolt, she had no choice but to climb over the wall and enter the house again.

Climbing over the wall is a piece of cake for her, but it is very difficult for Pei Qu.

Nanshan looked back at the wall and said, "I can teach the teacher how to turn over, it's very easy."

Standing with his hands behind his back, Pei Qu replied wittily, "Just go over the wall and open the door. I'm getting old, so it's better to go through the door."

"Isn't the teacher in his seventies and eighties who can't move, and don't you have the confidence to climb over such a short wall?" Nanshan felt unconvinced, and it was nothing more than killing mosquitoes for him before, and even asked her to turn in and open the door for him. The future relationship will be very unfavorable, and she can't always stay in the state of "serving the teacher".

So Nanshan decided to give him two choices: one, learn how to climb over the wall, and two, sit outside overnight.Anyway, she would not soften her heart to open the door for him.

The teacher and the student couldn't stop arguing for a while, forgetting all the nasty things they did at the rice shop counter.

And Sixteen Niang, who was standing in the courtyard shaking her head and sighing, said: "I have slept through it all, but Sister Nanshan and Uncle Pei haven't been able to come in yet, what a pity."

She didn't want to watch this kind of tug-of-war anymore, yawned, went into the room and continued to sleep.

But she gave up too early, and the bear must have never expected that sister Nanshan used her professional skills as an internal guard, and under the unfavorable situation of saying that she couldn't beat someone Pei, she unexpectedly knocked him out, and finally dragged him into the prison. house.

It seems that rough fists are the way to walk the world and straighten the wife.


Early the next morning, Liu Niang, who was about to go hungry and crazy, stared at Gu Louzi on the table, and her saliva was about to flow down.If it wasn't for the tutor's permission, she really wanted to knock on the bowl and call Uncle Pei to get up.

If Uncle Pei doesn't come again, when will she be able to eat?Liuniang swallowed her saliva desperately, and looked at Nanshan who had just sat down: "Did Uncle Pei sleep very late yesterday? Why hasn't he woke up until now..." She looked outside again, and whispered, "The sun All butt shots."

The weather is fine today, the autumn wind is warm and the sun is very pleasant.Nanshan didn't have time to enjoy the fine weather, he hurriedly finished his work early in the morning, just sat down now, seeing that Pei Qu hadn't come yet, he said to Shen Fengge: "Don't wait, it's not too bad for Mi Xing to be so late. "

"You can finish eating first." Shen Fengge, who was not hungry at all, flipped through the book leisurely and said without raising his head.

So Nanshan cut open the ancient building, took a piece of it, wrapped it up, and strode away, seeing Liuniang stunned for a while.After Nanshan cut the Gulouzi open, the smell of the meat overflowed even more, and the eyes of Little Sixteen Niang almost fell into it.

She swallowed desperately, and said pitifully, "Can I..."

Shen Fengge refused the boy's request without raising his head: "No."

Sixteen Niang rubbed her belly and groaned to herself, glanced out from time to time, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Oh, here we come!" She didn't forget to get up: "Morning Uncle Pei."

Pei Qu pressed his sore neck and responded.

Only then did Shen Fengge raise his head, glanced at him lazily, and said, "Sit down and eat."

Immediately, as if the acupoints had been relieved, the bear child became active on the dining table with both hands, followed by the mouth and stomach. After a while, a piece of meat pie was swallowed by her, leaving only the oil in her mouth and hands.

Shen Fengge couldn't see it and was about to preach, Pei Qu had already stretched out his hand with a handkerchief, grabbed the little brat and wiped her mouth clean, and then wiped her hands.Shen Fengge saw it, and thought that Nanshan was cheated away in this way, and the action group really had the advantage in this point.

The little boy didn't care at all, she ignored the hand that had just been wiped clean, lowered her head and grabbed another piece and stuffed it into her mouth.

Shen Fengge threw a piece of handkerchief over: "Wipe it up after you finish eating." He didn't want to see this rice bucket for the time being, and pointed to the remaining Gulouzi on the table and said, "Eat up, don't waste it."

Sixteen Niang nodded desperately happily.

Shen Fengge got up and left, but when he walked to Pei Qu's side, he said, "Come with me."

Pei Qu immediately wiped his hands and got up, and followed him all the way to the courtyard.The house is not big, but it has all the five internal organs, and it is better than the word exquisite.Shen Fengge sat down at the chess table in Xiaoting, but there was not a single chess piece in front of him.He is very good at being an official, but he has no advantage at all in chess. Facing this bear disciple of Wang Shizhao, he has no intention of humiliating himself at all, so he simply makes tea and drinks.

Cake tea is broken into small pieces, crushed, sieved in a basket, and then boiled.The sound of water gurgling on the small stove makes the courtyard even more quiet and pleasant against the backdrop of autumn.

Shen Fengge leisurely sniffed deeply the mature and sweet smell of autumn, but Pei Qu was still thinking about Nanshan's ruthless move yesterday while pressing his aching neck.

There are groups of autumn geese in a huge formation, and their singing pierces the sky.Now that the winter is coming, it's time to hide the fruit.Shen Fengge suddenly turned his head, dragged over the box that had been put aside early in the morning, opened it in front of Pei Qu, and took out a roll of red cocoon paper from inside.

Someone Shen said very naturally: "I heard that you plan to marry, so we will issue the intermarriage certificate." As if he regarded himself as the head of the family, he handed over the official letter of the marriage certificate as a matter of course, "I will give it to you directly." There seems to be some unreasonable etiquette, but you are alone, and there is no ceremony to do."

The intermarriage certificate is usually handed by the man to the woman, divided into the original document and the other paper.The function words in the official script are gorgeous, and they are all polite words. Taking the one in Shen's hand as an example, it is nothing more than a pause, and then write how good Pei is, my family has admired you for a long time, it is difficult to explain, etc., and finally pause.Don't write it on paper, it is much more realistic. It says that Li Moumou is an adult, what age, and has never been married, and then write the name of the matchmaker.

The party proposing to marry will hand over the intermarriage certificate, and if the other party accepts the certificate and agrees, they will return a marriage certificate, which will also be divided into official documents and other papers.These two copies must be sealed and are important witnesses of the marriage contract between men and women.

Shen Fengge handed it over naturally, and someone Pei also took it naturally.He untied the silk thread tied on the red cocoon paper, read the intermarriage letter, and recognized from the handwriting that it was written by Nanshan.The little apprentice called himself Li Chaoge in the marriage letter, and his words were very exaggerated, and his flattering skills were top-notch, he really deserved to be the best matchmaker.

Shen Fengge brought out the pen, ink, paper and inkstone again, Pei Qu took the paper and pen and thought about it, over there Shen Fengge had already polished the ink for him by himself.A gifted man will certainly not write a marriage letter as easily as an apprentice. He must write about the benefits of the other party, but also write about his desire to marry him. It should not be explicit or too subtle.It's the hardest thing to write just right, but it won't be a problem for Mr. Pei.

So as soon as Shen Fengge's ink was sharpened, Pei Qu dipped his pen in the ink and lowered his head to write on the red cocoon paper.

Each stroke and stroke are all square regular script characters, written so eloquently that a cup of tea cools down.Shen Fengge watched from the side, and almost blurted out "Are you showing off your skills?", but finally waited until he finished writing.

Pei Qu said: "The host always feels like being tested when sitting opposite me. The last time he was stared at like this was in the examination department."

"Time flies too fast, and I was only in my twenties at that time." Shen Fengge said as he took the marriage certificates, read them one by one, and said in his heart that it was different! Shangshu province is for people to see.The aura and talent are more than enough, but they just have no intention of official career. Such a person doesn't know what to do in the future.

Shen Fengge put away the marriage letter and the marriage letter, and said to Pei Channel: "The marriage is settled like this. There is no one to invite, so all other etiquette and customs are kept simple, go back and prepare makeup and fan poems, huh?" Shen Fengge paused Dayton, "Should I change it?"

"What does the host want to change?"

Shen Fengge suddenly had a bad taste: "For example, you are waiting in the pavilion and ask Nanshan to make up; you hold a round fan and ask Nanshan to write a poem about the fan?"

"No." He firmly refused.

"What's the matter, are you afraid that your students won't be able to write good poems?"

"Then can she do it?"

"It's ugly at most, what's the problem." Shen Fengge looked like he wanted to watch the excitement, turned his head and closed the box, and said, "Forget it, these two items will not be changed."

The water on the stove was boiled again, and after frying it over and over again, it would already be old, and Shen Fengge didn't bother to drink it anymore.

For a while, both of them fell silent, only the sound of water gurgling could be heard.

Shen Fengge was distracted for a while, he never gave Songhua a wedding in his life, but he also wrote a marriage letter.That night, Songhua was heading home after finishing the work of the official media office, and met him on the way back from the prison. Seeing that he was in a bad mood, he asked him if he wanted to drink. After speaking, he shook the small wine jar in his hand, Just follow him back home.

At that time, the relationship between the two of them was already very close, but due to the disparity between the situation and the government and the people, he could not combine, and he also faced many choices in his official career.

Qu Songhua is a very transparent person, she finally gave her sincerity, no matter what the result is, she plans to enjoy and cherish this relationship.

That night, the two drank Jiannan Shaochun, Songhua looked through the portable bookcase, looking for some snacks to go with the wine, but only found a bag of peanuts and a roll of intermarriage book that hadn't been delivered to a certain family.

Shen Fengge took a look at the marriage letter, while Qu Songhua looked at him from the side, and the room fell into a long silence.Qu Songhua tried to open his mouth to break the embarrassment, but Shen Fengge suddenly got up to fetch a pen and paper, and wrote a marriage letter to her in one go.

Qu Songhua generously accepted the marriage letter, but was not in a hurry to write the marriage letter. After drinking a glass of wine, she suddenly stretched out her hand to hold his hand, looked at him and said, "Knowing, I have been like this all my life. If nothing happens, I will You can only be a media officer for a lifetime, and a spy for a lifetime, until you lose the value of using it."

There is tide in her light brown eyes, but the corners of her eyes are bent, as if she is smiling: "But I don't care, I am very happy to meet you, my life is already different, this is the part that I didn't expect before .So other things, I will not expect extravagantly."

An eunuch's wife will never be her end.

So she didn't take advantage of the wine to write a marriage letter, and she didn't even keep this fantasy for herself.

The weather in September is cool, especially at night.After Qu Songhua drank the wine, her fingers were still cool. She let go of Shen Fengge's hand and unbuttoned her undergarment. The thin skin was suddenly exposed to the air, her fair neck was down, and a glaring black plum blossom was on her shoulder.

Walking here, Shen Fengge suddenly woke up, raised his head suddenly, saw Pei Qu looking at him, and frowned to cover up his guilt: "What are you still doing here?"

"Waiting for the engagement date." Pei Qu withdrew his gaze and looked away with interest.

Shen Fengge collected all the memories, and suddenly heard the little girl shouting: "It's not good, sister Nanshan was sent back!"

Shen Fengge frowned suddenly, Pei Qu got up and hurried out of the pavilion.

Facing the comatose Nanshan and the guy who brought Nanshan back, Liuniang was frightened at first, and then she was so anxious that she was about to cry.She rushed forward and shook Nanshan desperately, crying, "Sister Nanshan, what's the matter, sister Nanshan, wake up soon", and then raised her head and asked the Mihang clerk, "Did you call the doctor? Hurry, call the doctor...", the clerk Saying "go please go please", she then lowered her head and hugged Nanshan and cried again.

When she was crying sadly, a hand suddenly reached out from behind and picked her up.Before Liu Niang could react, she saw Pei Qu kneeling and leaning over to listen to Nanshan's heartbeat.Pei Qu immediately held Nanshan's wrist, frowned and checked his pulse for a while, his complexion gradually became serious.

"How is it?" Shen Fengge who hurried over asked.

"Not very good." Pei Qu said as he leaned over and picked her up and carried her to the wing room, "I was negligent, I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Sixteen Niang followed up, but the adults shut her out.

The doctor came late with a medicine box. After entering the room for consultation, he exchanged opinions with Pei Qu. They all thought that it was the poison of the old year, and the point was the poison of the past that made people lose their sense of taste.

Pei Lianjun recorded some possible follow-up illnesses in his diary, but he said that it should not appear too early, and the wording is not too sure.Pei Qu had prepared for the worst, so a while ago when he tried many times in Xu Miaowen's residence but couldn't find the antidote, he felt abnormally anxious and depressed.

The old doctor in Guangling City was not completely helpless, he asked Pei Qu about the composition of the poison, thought for a long time and gave some suggestions.

Shen Fengge listened quietly at the side, and finally interjected and asked: "What will happen if the poison cannot be cured?"

Pei Qu looked up at him, the corners of his lips were pursed tightly, and his brows were still furrowed.The old doctor shook his head helplessly, and gave a straightforward reply: "It won't last for too long."

Shen Fengge clenched his fist and walked over to send the old doctor away.

Pei Qu fed Nanshan some water, sat in the bedroom for a while, got up and went out.It wasn't the first time he faced the comatose Nanshan, but this time the situation was obviously more critical than last time.He was walking back and forth in the room, when Shen Fengge suddenly opened the door and came in, seeing him still pacing in the room, he said: "Shouldn't you go to make the antidote now? What are you still wasting time here for? What kind of medicine do you need?" Quickly make a list."

After urging, Shen Fengge closed the door, took Little Sixteen Niang who was guarding the door, and left.

Shen Fengge set up a separate medicine room for Pei Qu, and no one was allowed to disturb her, including Liuniang.Pei Qu thought hard and kept trying, and even forgot to eat. When Liu Niang was eating, she said to her father, "Uncle Pei will starve to death if he doesn't eat."

"No, you will fall asleep when you are full, or you will wake up hungry." Her unreliable father replied.

Liu Niang nodded, but it's fine if she doesn't eat for a day or two, Uncle Pei has been locked up for three days.The worried little boy thought this was not good, so he secretly went to the kitchen to get some things to send to Uncle Pei.She carried a food box and leaned over the window to look in. The smell of medicine was really choking, and there were densely written papers all over the table.It's very chaotic inside, totally inconsistent with Uncle Pei's cleanliness and neatness.

Sixteen Niang "tsk tsk" twice, and when she looked again, she saw a person lying on the ground.She let out an "ow", and rushed into the house with the food box in her arms.

"Uncle Pei, what's the matter with you?" Sixteen Niang thought that he might be too hungry to have any strength, so she quickly offered the food box with both hands, "Hey! The meal is here, Uncle Pei, eat quickly! You will gain strength after eating."

But her Uncle Pei was still lying down, not moving.

Sixteen Niang panicked, froze for a moment, stood up and shouted outside: "Daddy! It's bad! Uncle Pei fainted from hunger..."

But how could Shen Fengge hear her, there just happened to be guests in the mansion, and Shen Fengge was meeting them in the front hall.Seeing that there was no response, Liu Niang ran forward. She rushed into the front hall sullenly, and complained to Shen Fengge because she was too anxious to see the guests: "It's because Dad didn't let Uncle Pei eat, and now Uncle Pei is hungry and faints." !what to do!"

"Oh, Zhitui, is this your little baby?" The guest said with a smile.

Only then did Liuniang notice that there was another person in the hall, she was stunned for a moment, and stood on the spot guardedly, looking at the guest, and then at Shen Fengge.Shen Fengge put down the teacup: "Liu Niang, this is Uncle Seven."

Sixteen Niang was stunned for a moment.

The guest said: "What uncle, she is not a child of the Yuan family now, so naturally she has nothing to do with me." He looked at Sixteen Niang again, "What did you just say? Who fainted from hunger?"

Sixteen Niang poked her finger, looked at the guest warily, and replied, "Uncle Pei..."

"Oh, that little guy." The guest said as if everyone was a baby, "I've only been hungry for a few days, so I won't die. I think he's probably pretending to be dead. Come and take me."

Sixteen Niang stared at him, glanced at her father out of the corner of her eye, and thought: This old man is really strange, who is he... Father didn't even say clearly.

"Are you afraid of me? Little brat!" Seeing that Sixteen Niang was completely blindfolded, the guest came over and leaned over to talk to her, "This old man is not a bad person! Don't be afraid of me, quickly lead me to see that brat."

Sixteen Niang stepped back.

"Layman Guanbai." Shen Fengge finally spoke, "Don't scare her."

Li Guanbai squeezed his beard and stood up straight, tsk-tsk said: "You are really stingy." He said to the brat again, "Your Uncle Pei is my disciple, do you think I look like a bad guy?"

Ah, so it is.Sixteen Niang immediately led the way and took Li Guanbai to the medicine room.

Pei Qu was still lying on the ground, as if he was asleep or in a coma, Guan Bai stepped forward to sniff him, then opened his eyelids and looked at him: "This kid is still the same as before, he swallows when he encounters troubles. Sleeping with medicine can always come up with some ideas, but this time we can't let him sleep like this." Guan Bai turned his head and said to Liu Niang, "Get a bucket of cold water to wake him up."

"Okay!" Sixteen Niang replied without hesitation, completely ignoring her own strength and turning her head to carry water, but was dragged back by Shen Fengge; "What can you do?"

Shen Fengge went to fetch a bucket of water himself, and when he was about to pour it down, Pei Qu sat up abruptly.He was completely unaware of the water that was about to pour over his head, and Shen Fengge didn't control it, a bucket of water just poured down like this.

Pei Qu raised his hand to wipe off the water from his forehead, pressed his temple, and asked in a daze, "Where is the pen and paper?"

Sixteen Niang suddenly recovered from her daze, took the pen and paper and handed it over, and sharpened the ink extremely quickly, holding her breath while waiting for Pei Qu to write.After Pei Qu frowned, Shen Fengge looked down and saw that it was a prescription.

"Is it the antidote?"

"I don't know." Pei Qu stood up as he spoke, and only then did he notice Guan Bai.He was also taken aback, and Guan Bai said: "I'm here to give you something, idiot."

Guan Bai didn't show off, he took out a prescription from his sleeve and handed it over: "The old man Yun Guanzi gave it to you. He is of the same clan as your mother, and he is very good at dealing with her poison. But the old man said he cherishes it." I don’t dare to try it out for my sense of taste, so I don’t know if it will be effective. Sending this is a little inspiration for you, take a look.”

Pei Qu passed by directly, looked at it and frowned, and compared it with what he wrote just now, suddenly his eyes lit up: "I want all the medicines listed here." He handed both of them to Shen Fengge, Shen Fengge took it hesitantly, and looked at him again.

I saw that he looked very down and out, a little crazy.Shen Fengge replied "Understood", then took the blanket from the shelf and handed it to him: "Don't freeze."

Pei Qu wrapped a blanket and sat straight down, arranging the papers on the case, feeling a little excited.Guan Bai didn't bother him, Shen Fengge also took Liu Niang out of the house.After closing the door, Guan Bai said: "It's been a long time since I saw him like this, the last time I forgot to eat and sleep was more than ten years ago."

Shen Fengge looked back, and then very efficiently sent people to buy the medicinal materials.Liu Niang has been thinking about the problem of food, it seems that if she doesn't send food to Uncle Pei, she will be thrown away.

But Guan Bai said: "He's out of his mind right now, don't interrupt him at this time, eating will spoil his thinking."

Sixteen Niang nodded worriedly.

It was getting dark and it was going to be bright again, Pei Qu stayed up all night again.He was lying on the ground wrapped in a blanket at the moment, and sat up suddenly when he heard the sound of bells and drums outside.He dipped his finger in the ink and put it in his mouth, suddenly his eyes lit up, he immediately lifted the blanket, took the medicine bowl on the table, opened the door and walked out.

At this time, the people in the house were just waking up, Sixteen Niang was yawning in the corridor wearing thick winter clothes, and Shen Fengge had just finished grooming and was going to visit Nanshan.As soon as he reached the door, he saw Pei Qu walking over with a medicine bowl.Pei Qu acted as if he hadn't seen him, pushed the door open and walked in, helped Nanshan up, and took a bowl to feed her medicine.

Shen Fengge immediately understood that there was something to be done, but he didn't step forward to help. He only asked after Pei Qu finished feeding Nanshan the medicine, "Is it the antidote?"

"I can taste it now." Pei Qu replied in a daze, still holding the medicine bowl.

"Will it work soon?"

"I don't know. Maybe not so fast, she was poisoned much longer than me." Pei Qu looked at Nanshan with a look of bewilderment in his eyes.

Shen Fengge knew that he hadn't recovered yet, and his voice was very nasal again, as if he had caught a cold.Shen Fengge then said: "Go take a shower and eat something, someone will watch here."

Pei Qu was a little dazed, and he stood up frivolously and walked towards the medicine room.Shen Fengge ordered the deacon to serve quickly, and at the same time called Sixteen Niang to take care of Nanshan.

Pei Qu took a shower and changed into clean clothes. When he ate hot dishes and meals, he felt that the smells were extremely strange.It's only been a few months since he lost his sense of taste, and he's already very moved to recover his sense of taste now, Chaoge...

He put down his chopsticks, worry and uneasiness appeared on his tired face from overwork.

But his anxiety didn't last long, because the witty Shen's father and daughter added sedatives to the apricot cheese porridge, Pei Qu felt so sleepy after eating, so he had to fall asleep.

This sleep lasted for a long time, and he didn't wake up dizzy until it was completely dark outside.Because of the cold, his throat was very uncomfortable, and his mind was not clear, but suddenly someone knocked open his door, and a pleasantly surprised voice sounded: "Uncle Pei, sister Nanshan has woken up!"

"Can't you hear me telling you not to break into other people's bedrooms?" Shen Fengge severely criticized her daughter's trespassing into Pei's "boudoir".Sixteen Niangs lowered her head and obediently admitted her mistake: "I was wrong..."

Shen Fengge stood at the door and said: "Nanshan is awake, go and have a look."

Pei Qu immediately got off the bed when he heard the sound, and he didn't even have time to put on his outer robe.Walking outside the door, I felt the rustling autumn wind, and then I became more awake.He walked very fast, Liu Niang and Shen Fengge followed closely behind, unexpectedly when he reached the door of Nanshan's bedroom, he was suddenly shut down.

Hehehe, the big beast actually closed the door!
Nan Shan lay on the bed and fell asleep with his eyes closed. Pei Qu sat down quietly. He called Nan Shan in a nasal voice, but Nan Shan didn't respond.He stretched out his hand to probe her forehead, and then probed her breath, but he felt suspicious in his heart.When he was about to bend down to listen to her heartbeat, a hand suddenly grabbed his front.

(End of this chapter)

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