marriage order

Chapter 8 Weakness

Chapter 8 Weakness
It's already very hot in May, and a shower can't dampen the anger at all.The showers took a break, the sky was blue and dark, and it seemed that there was still a lot of rain coming.The wet street drum had reached its final beat, and Nan Shan was standing at the door of the house dripping wet, listening to the lady next door slowly explaining the matter.

She looked solemn, and the lady next door sighed: "The yamen is really messed up, how can someone like Feng Niang steal things?"

It turned out that during the day, Fengniang went to the West Market with her neighbor's aunt, and after a short stroll, a small official came up to block the way, and found a golden hairpin from Fengniang's small basket.A Hu businessman yelled that the hairpin belonged to him, and it was Feng Niang who stole his hairpin from the Xishi shop just now.

Feng Niang retorted that she couldn't see with her eyes, how could she steal something, then Hu Shang killed Feng Niang to pretend to be blind.After such a commotion, the officials took Fengniang back to interrogate her slowly, but she had not been released by this time.

Nanshan's complexion was extremely bad at this time, and the aunt next door sighed again: "I wonder if Feng Niang will be released tomorrow... She can't see, she's alone, and she's timid, how can she live in prison right now."

It might not be difficult to solve it if it was just a simple framing and stealing, but judging from the description of the lady next door, the matter is not that simple.It's not good for Hu merchants to frame someone who is blind, not to mention that the people in the county can't be so unreasonable, no matter how you look at it, it looks like someone is deliberately calculating.

Standing in the drizzle, Nanshan frowned and thought, his heart was all twisted together, his hand was tightened by the rein and he didn't feel any pain, and the horse behind him suddenly rubbed her head with his head.Nan Shan suddenly came back to his senses, and the lady also said: "I'm afraid there is nothing I can do if I worry about it right now, I have to wait until the street drums sound tomorrow."

After the drums stopped, all the squares in Chang'an seemed to have fallen asleep. The rain that had just stopped for a while now gradually began to fall. Nanshan said goodbye to the lady next door and led the horse back home.

There was no trace of smoke in the main room, and it was deserted all around. A flash of lightning illuminated the room, and a thunderstorm seemed to shake the room.

She didn't care too much, went back to the house and quickly changed into a narrow-sleeved dress, tied her head tightly, put on the coir raincoat, and went out quietly.

At this time, in Chang'an County, the county magistrate was thinking hard with his chin in his hands.At this point, he still stays in the public office to handle official duties, not because the county magistrate is so diligent and caring for the people, but because he is worryingly waiting for others.

Someone asked him to arrest someone by name, and he didn't do it or didn't do it.If he did it, he would be framing innocent civilians; but if he didn't do it, he would fall into the hands of others, and if he didn't obey, he would be killed alive.

Forget it, anyway, temporary detention is not a big deal, and it would be fine to release him after tonight, but the man said he was coming to interrogate the suspect, why didn't he come?
The county magistrate frowned, and suddenly heard the officials say: "Come, come!"

The county magistrate hurriedly stood up to welcome the guests, but at this time Nanshan had already arrived outside Chang'an Prison.Ye Ban couldn't stop her, not to mention it was such a rainy night that even Marquis Wu didn't bother to come out to patrol the streets.

The carved heads of Bi An on both sides of the prison gate looked horrifying. Nanshan had no intention of robbing the prison, so he went up to the roof and waited quietly.

Not long after, she saw someone abducted from the county shed, and she could tell from the official uniform that one of them was Wei Mingfu, the county magistrate of Chang'an.The officials held umbrellas for Wei Ming's mansion, and the man next to him covered his head with an umbrella and was wearing ordinary clothes, so it was hard to tell who he was.

Nan Shan felt that his figure and walking posture were familiar, squinted his eyes and looked hard, caught a glimpse of a jade pendant around his waist, and suddenly recognized him—it was Pei Liangchun!

Her heart sank suddenly, and an ominous premonition suddenly hit her, but within a moment, Pei Liangchun followed Wei Ming's mansion into the house.

There are only two guards outside Chang'an Prison, but there are many guards inside, and it is almost impossible to go in and find out.She could only watch Pei Liangchun go in, and recalled that day in Pei's mansion, when Pei Liangchun said in a bad tone that she was similar to Chaoge, she roughly guessed the reason.

If Pei Liangchun wanted to prove her identity, the easiest and most direct way was to start with the people closest to her, and Feng Niang was undoubtedly the best choice.

Pei Liangchun did not continue to move forward after entering the prison, but turned around very naturally and went to the torture room, which shows that he is already a regular visitor of Chang'an Prison.How many of Luo Zhi's framings were based on strict interrogation, only the interrogators themselves know.

Feng Niang has been taken to the torture room, her hands and feet are trapped, but there are no flesh injuries.Pei Liangchun sized her up, without going around in circles, and asked directly: "Whose nurse are you?"

Feng Niang couldn't see around, only heard a strange male voice with no good intentions, she shrank her shoulders slightly in fright to avoid the question: "I didn't steal the golden hairpin, I'm really blind, I haven't even seen that hairpin before." How can a person's hairpin be stolen..."

"Whose wet nurse are you?" Pei Liangchun ignored her avoidance and repeated the question again.

His voice sounded extremely oppressive, and Feng Niang still shrank her shoulders: "My wife is a matchmaker in Chang'an County."

"what is it call?"

Fengniang replied truthfully: "My wife's name is Nanshan."

Pei Liangchun was expressionless: "Are you really the nurse of 'Nanshan'?"

Feng Niang desperately nodded.

"Where is your ancestral home?"

Fengniang replied: "Hedong."

The corners of Pei Liangchun's lips looked like a smile but not a smile, he asked unhurriedly, "Hedong?"

Feng Niang nodded desperately again.

"Isn't it Huainan?"

Feng Niang vigorously shook her head in denial.

Pei Liangchun glanced at the instruments of torture in the corner, and said slowly: "Do you know 'finger'?"

Feng Niang didn't respond.

Pei Liangchun turned slightly and glanced at the county magistrate standing aside.The county magistrate Wei was terrified by him, and quickly instructed the jailer to put on the torture tools.

He thought it was really unlucky, originally he thought that Pei Yushi would come to ask questions, but unexpectedly he would be sentenced, so he would definitely not be able to release him tomorrow!I think he is the county magistrate of Jing County at any rate, and he is a fifth-rank official, but he is subject to a mere sixth-rank servant censor!

The jailer quickly put Fengniang on torture tools. The so-called "finger" means pinching fingers with a stick.

Feng Niang was obviously terrified, she now understood what was going on - this dog official wanted to find out from her the identity of her wife!Feng Niang took a deep breath and strengthened her courage: Don't be afraid!The ups and downs of nine years ago have come, are you still afraid of these?

Pei Liangchun sat down behind the student case, his voice was very calm: "Let me ask again, whose wet nurse are you?"

The jailer was very cruel and began to pull the rope from both sides, Feng Niang frowned and replied: "Nan - Nan Media Officer."

Pei Liangchun asked several times again, Fengniang's hand was about to deform, but she still didn't let go.

Pei Liangchun, who was well versed in torture, probably had a clue of Fengniang's temperament.This woman looks weak, but she is not a bone to chew on. Asking her to identify Nanshan as not "Nanshan" is definitely not something that can be done in a short while.

But he is not in a hurry, he has plenty of time to spend.Another round of torture was carried on, Pei Liangchun got up, and as soon as he went out, County Magistrate Wei hurriedly followed him to see him off.

When the two went out to the door, County Magistrate Wei lowered his head and said cautiously: "Pei Yushi, it's not easy to keep this person. If a blind man steals it, it's a false accusation. It's very difficult for me..."

"Framing and stealing..." Pei Liangchun snorted disdainfully, "Wei Mingfu, what kind of crime do you think it's not good to pick this one? Since people have entered, there is no reason to let them go back casually. As for the method, You think for yourself. I need her to testify against the fish that slipped through the net, so you can take care of her and don't let her die."

County magistrate Wei frowned, Pei Liangchun, this little bastard, was born to be a cruel official!

Even though he thought so in his heart, but because he had a clue in Pei Liangchun's hands, he could only send him away submissively and respectfully.

Nanshan listened carefully to the conversation between the two of them. Although she couldn't hear it very clearly because of the rain, she understood a thing or two.Nan Shan wiped the rain and sweat from his forehead, and climbed down very lightly, disappearing into the rainy night without sound like a ghost.

It rained heavily in the second half of the night, and when Nanshan arrived at a house in the southeast of Kaihuafang, Wannian County, the rain gradually subsided.She had been on the road all night, and now she couldn't tell whether it was rain or sweat. When she was hesitating, she caught a glimpse of Marquis Wu Xunjie in coir raincoat and bamboo hat, so she didn't care too much and jumped over the wall Just entered the house.

There were very few lanterns lit in the mansion, and Nanshan arrived at the place she wanted without detours.

It's almost five o'clock now, and the street drum will be sounded soon, and after that, the sky will be bright.As for the owner of this house, the lights in the room have already been turned on at this time, and he may have finished grooming and is waiting to go to court.

Nan Shanwo waited in the courtyard, the rain fell on the densely packed leaves above his head, rustling.She was about to collapse when the door opened.A young man in a purple robe came out from the door and closed the door again.

He turned around and saw Nanshan hiding under the tree in the darkness at a glance.

He has not seen Nanshan for a long time.It was unexpected that Nanshan came here today, but he was not surprised at all.He knew what Pei Liangchun had done better than anyone else, so he naturally knew that he used the Chang'an county magistrate to arrest him.

"Go back." He said, "I can't help you."

Nanshan secretly clenched her fists, her teeth were clenched and clenched, she didn't know whether it was anger or resentment.

But she still kept her voice low: "I beg you, save Feng Niang..."

"Pei Yushi wants to do what he wants, and I can never interfere. What he wants to check this time is your identity. He needs this opportunity to climb up. I can't stop it. Maybe I can pass some medicine to you through my relationship. To Feng Niang, let her go more comfortably. But that will not benefit you, the more so, the more Pei Yushi will doubt you." He finished calmly, "Necessary sacrifice is inevitable."

After the man finished speaking, he turned around expressionlessly and walked along the damp corridor.

Nanshan chased after him.

The man stopped suddenly, and said in a dull voice, lifelessly: "Chao Ge, don't hate me."

The heavy rain in Chang'an City usually caused two things to happen-the muffled sound of street drums and the late arrival of all courtiers.

The Holy One is kind and doesn't care about courtiers being late because the streets are muddy and slippery, so the court attendants on rainy days are always later than usual.

The sky was tired and lazy, and it was still unclear, but at this time, there were already many officials waiting in Guangzhai Temple.Guangzhai Temple is adjacent to the East Palace and various government offices in the west, and it is the place where courtiers wait for the start of the court visit.The copper bell on the pagoda "ding ding dong dong", a group of old men who couldn't sleep and had to get up early were talking to each other in the usual way.

I can't sleep for too long when I am old, so I have to chat to pass the time. The old men mutter, but there are two exceptions sitting in the corner.

One is Xu Miaowen, a youthful and naughty talker. He has never participated in the lewd and boring topics of the old men. In fact, he is just afraid that all the old men will think that his mouth will tear his pink and tender skin; the other is also young but naturally cold. Shen Fengge, the imperial historian.

If Xu Miaowen's nearly 30-year-old official residence at the fourth rank is already unusual and bizarre, then this third-rank official who is only 35 years old and already wearing a purple goldfish bag is doubly bizarre.

Shen Fengge is the youngest censor since the founding of the country. It is said that he is a fortune teller, knows everything, and is even more beastly than Xu Miaowen.What's more, Taizhu Shen is capable of writing and martial arts, it is said that he is not a problem, so he is more like a monster than Xu Miaowen. As for where the monster is, there are legends.

Shen Fengge's background is a mystery. Some say that he was a poor family who gained power inexplicably, some say that he is actually an aristocratic man who changed his name, and some even say that he may be the illegitimate son of the Holy Majesty.Huh?This seems implausible, because the vast majority of people believe in their hearts that the current Holy Majesty cannot give birth to children, let alone illegitimate children.

Otherwise, why don't you even have a single heir?As the king of a country, he is so old that he doesn't even have a crown prince, so it looks like he's going to have a big problem.

Even if he really gave birth to an illegitimate child who couldn't make it to the stage in the early years, it would be impossible to throw the only seedling to a poor place like Yushitai?
Shen Fengge has no friends.He is a weird person, he pretends to be noble and doesn't have anything to do with any faction in the court, and of course he doesn't have any human concerns, he doesn't have to get entangled in impeaching all officials, and he won't show mercy.

What's even more outrageous is that the 35-year-old Shen Fengge is said to be, oh, a virgin.

The noble and glamorous virgin Master Shen was sitting in the corner, eating the refreshments prepared by Guanglu Temple, not talking to anyone.Xu Miaowen couldn't help but look at him a few more times today, and pretended to lower his head to eat.

Xu Miaowen was very uncomfortable, he wanted to catch his down-and-out close friend Pei Qu and talk about what he saw this morning.

He was itching to think about it, and he wished he could go to Wannian County to find Pei Qu as soon as possible, but he just kept procrastinating and not starting.

Shen Fengge probably noticed Xu Miaowen's gaze, so he raised his head and glanced at him, the two people's eyes happened to meet, Xu Miaowen quickly turned his head, pretending to continue drinking tea.

Different from the officials who participated in the permanent participation, the officials of other yamen in Jingzhao, large and small, had already taken their positions and started working.But after all, it was a rainy day, so there were fewer people passing by on the road, and many yamen were also clean for a day, such as Wannian County.

Naturally, Pei Guangben arrived early in the morning, and Pei Qu was taught a lesson by the old man a little later.The weather is not good today, and tomorrow will be a ten-day holiday. The work enthusiasm in the county is very low, and the attitude is very lax.While his colleagues were clapping their fingers and waiting for the holiday, Pei Qu still had to go out to patrol the streets rain or shine.

Over there, Chang Shen of Zichen Hall and all the officials were discussing the case of Changsun Ji; while Pei Qu was standing at the gate of the county hall, holding an umbrella and waiting for his precious student.

But his precious student didn't come for a long time, which made him faintly worried.

At this time, he would rather Nanshan not come because of this bad weather, rather than other reasons.He frowned slightly thinking of Pei Liangchun, his worry seemed to be a little heavier.

At this time, Pei Guangben wandered out, saw him still waiting at the door, and shouted: "What are you waiting for? Go to work!"

So Pei Qu went back and put on his coir raincoat and bamboo hat, and rode out of the county.

When he left Xuanyangfang, he went straight west, obviously going to Chang'an County.First, I went to the official media yamen of Chang'an County, and found out that Nanshan hadn't been here today, so I went to her house.

It was rainy and foggy, there were few pedestrians on the road, and the horseshoes were all muddy.Pei Qu was riding fast, as if he had returned to a certain day many years ago - he didn't dare to stop for an important news in advance.

When he arrived at the door of Nanshan's house, he saw that the door was locked from the outside. Obviously, there was no one at home.But he still got off his horse and called for the door. At this time, the lady next door ran out and recognized Pei Qu at a glance, and said, "Did Mr. Lang come to look for Mrs. Nan? I didn't see her early this morning. I don't know when she left."

Pei Qu turned sideways and listened to her explain in detail about Feng Niang's arrest yesterday, and he knew it in his mind.The lady next door said again: "Ms. Nan was drenched like that yesterday. I don't know if she will get sick. She is the only one supporting her family. It is really hard."

Taking this opportunity, Pei Qu inquired about some things, such as when the Nanshan family moved here.The lady next door replied honestly, and Pei Qu knew that Nanshan moved here not long ago.

The lady next door begged again: "Your Majesty, you must rescue Feng Niang!"

Pei Qu nodded, but then said: "If I need aunt's help at that time, I wonder if aunt will agree?"

"Ms. Nan is usually so kind to her neighbors. Besides, when Feng Niang was detained, my family was also there. If you want to help, my family will definitely go."

The sky never brightened, and when Pei Qu returned to Wannian County in Xuanyang, someone was already waiting for him.That man was a small official of Dali Temple, and said that Xu Shaoqing had asked Pei Qu to visit Dali Temple on important matters.

Dali Temple is in the imperial city, not too far from Xuanyangfang.Pei Qu passed Zhuque Gate, walked along Chengtianmen Street to Si Nong Temple, walked west towards Shunyi Gate, and arrived at Dali Temple.

At this time, it was time to eat, and a group of officials were eating in the public room, and Xu Miaowen was no exception.Hearing that the little official came to report, he asked the public chef to bring another meal.

Xu Miaowen has a major discovery to share with Pei Qu, and even prepares a close friend's lunch thoughtfully.

Pei Qu entered Xu Miaowen's public room, and saw him look left and right, and after looking furtively, he put down the curtains, and then sat back to his original place and said to Pei Channel, "Guess who I saw this morning?! "


"Yeah! How do you know? Are you following me?"

Pei Qu looked serious: "Continue."

What Xu Miaowen wanted to sell was not sold, and he felt a little boring, but this did not affect his mood of sharing the big discovery: "When I went out, the street drums hadn't even sounded, and the door of the workshop would not open, but that girl appeared in the In our workshop, do you think it’s strange?”


"That's all. The point is that when I saw her, she was with a person. The person held an umbrella and waited at the door to get on the bus. He talked to her for a while, and the relationship seemed unusual. .And that person—” He stopped talking and let it go as he wished.

Pei Qu frowned subconsciously.

Xu Miaowen solved the mystery with satisfaction: "It is that old man Shen Fengge from Yushitai."

Pei Qu knew him, he was the only one in the court who wore a purple robe in his thirties.

Xu Miaowen snorted: "Your apprentice is really good, it really has to be doubted. It's fine to have something to do with Guan Bai, but she can appear at the door of Shen Fengge's house in the early morning, which is really amazing. Shen Fengge is -"

Pei Qu didn't care about these things at the moment, so he interrupted him: "What happens after Master Shen leaves?"

"How do I know? My car will be suspected if it is parked there for too long."

Nanshan appeared at Shen Fengge's house before dawn, and there seemed to be too much inside information hidden in it, but Pei Qu was almost sure that the child must have been running around all night yesterday.

"If you want me to tell you, what happened to that girl? It's really not common to see her drenched and downcast appearance, although I feel very comfortable watching it."

After thinking for a while, Pei Qu still told Xu Miaowen the truth about Feng Niang being framed.Xu Miaowen rolled her eyes: "Do you suspect that Pei Yushi did this? This possibility is very high, and if so, it would make sense for your disciple to go to Shen Fengge. But I am still very puzzled, she is just a mere media officer Why did he recognize Shen Fengge? And—" He looked at Pei Qu thoughtfully, "Why did Pei Yushi do this? Is he doubting the identity of your apprentice? Ah, I'm more interested. "

Pei Qu got up, Xu Miaowen looked up at him: "Where are you going?"


"Hey, don't act recklessly, or you will be beaten up by your black-hearted brother!"

"I see."

Pei Qu hurriedly left Dali Temple without even eating lunch, while Nanshan was in a coma at this time.

After a night of rain and overwork, even a healthy and strong body will collapse.Immediately after Shen Fengge left, the skilled nurse forcibly carried her back to the guest house.Her physical strength was almost exhausted and she couldn't beat her, and then the nuns gave her a lot of sedatives and anti-cold soup, forced her to change into clean clothes, and threw her back to the guest house to be locked up.

As the evening approached, the lanterns in the corridors outside were all lit, and the mother said to Shen Fengge who had just returned to the residence: "My lady has settled down, I'm afraid I will sleep for a long time."

Shen Fengge's official uniform has not been changed, and there is no trace of humanity in his eyes.

After Mammy stepped back, he glanced coolly at the door of the guest house, but he heard someone shouting inside: "Please let me out."

He knew she wouldn't sleep that long, but he didn't intend to let her out either.

"You are too reckless." Shen Fengge accused her from coming here through the door, and his words were as cold and heartless as his face, "Not only Pei Yushi is following you, Xu Shaoqing who passed by the door this morning, I am afraid that you will You have a lot more doubts."

"Feng Niang is still in Chang'an Prison..."

"Someone will worry about you."

Shen Fengge is well versed in Nanshan's temperament.He knew that Feng Niang was already an inseparable relative to her, and now that her relatives were being tortured because of her, she would naturally not feel well.So as stubborn as she is, she will desperately try to rescue Feng Niang.

Although she is a little clever in dealing with people, once she is poked in her weak spot, she becomes a headless chicken and can only bump around.Shen Fengge was naturally worried that her stubbornness would set fire to her body, which would lead to even greater troubles.

Once Nanshan's identity is exposed, it is definitely not a good thing for her, and it is even less beneficial for Shen Fengge.If Pei Liangchun learned that Nanshan had something to do with him, it would definitely give Pei Liangchun more leverage.

Now Yushitai seems to be in harmony with each other, but there are also many power struggles inside.Cao Zhongcheng, who was joking and not doing business all day long, brought Pei Liangchun up, in order to tame the greedy Pei Liangchun into a black-hearted monster who cannibalize people.

Now Pei Liangchun has been raised very arrogantly, and has become a very powerful pawn in Yushitai, with his mouth open all the time, as if he would rush up and take a bite at any time.Shen Fengge didn't want to be bitten by such a running dog, so naturally he wouldn't leave any openings for Pei Liangchun.

Shen Fengge stood at the door of the guest house for a while, completely ignoring Nanshan's muttered plea behind the door, leaving only a sentence of "sleep well" before abandoning her.

He said that it was true that someone would worry about Nanshan. The reason why he was so sure was because he knew that Pei Qu went to Dali Temple in the rain today, and someone naturally told him the content of the conversation between Pei Qu and Xu Miaowen.

Pei Qu wants to stand up for this matter, which is a dangerous signal, which means that Pei Qu has already shown extraordinary concern for Nanshan.As for the reason, could it be that Pei Qu had already guessed Nanshan's identity?Shen Fengge's brows and eyes were still cold, and there were almost no small expressions on his always calm face.

It was getting darker, and the rain was still falling.Nanshan inside the house looked around, and found that there was no possibility of him escaping.Shen Fengge really knew her abilities too well, the guest house he arranged didn't even have a window through which she could escape, it was really vicious.

Nanshan woke up much calmer after sleeping. She was running a fever at the moment, sitting cross-legged at the door facing a door to sort out her thoughts, but no matter how she thought about it, she felt that there was only a ball of mud in her mind.She leaned her upper body forward, leaning her forehead against the door, recalling many inexplicable past events for no reason. She wanted to raise her hand to rub her face, but she didn't have the strength, so she gave up.

The rain outside did not stop, and the road in the workshop became very muddy, and a carriage rushed past, splashing a piece of muddy water.

The official of Wannian County who was walking on the street spat and cursed that he was going to die so soon, then he put away his umbrella and hurried back to the county office, looked at the light leaking from the window of the public house, and glanced at the guard on duty. The colleague asked, "Huh? Pei Ming's mansion hasn't left yet today?"

"Pei Mingfu and Pei Shaofu are fighting."

"Can't go on the bar? What are you barring?"

"Who knows? It's not a day or two for Pei Mingfu to dislike Pei Shaofu."

Pei Qu was sitting in the public room at this moment confronting Pei Guangben.Pei Guangben only heard him say, "Is it true that my uncle said that there was someone at Yushitai last time?" and made him shut up.

"Don't mess around with my connections, I won't lend them to you, an ungrateful guy." Hmph, brat.

"The junior ask uncle, if someone commits the crime of stealing, how should he be tried?"

Pei Guangben glanced at him, thinking, what kind of hole is this brat digging for him to jump into?On purpose?
He replied: "As long as the stolen person submits a statement, the officials will go to hunt down the suspect after accepting the case. The two parties will confront each other in court, and the judgment will be based on physical evidence, personal testimony, and oral confession."

"What if there is neither a written statement nor a confrontation between the two parties in court?"

"If the incident happened suddenly, it is not impossible to make up the written statement later, but it is unreasonable for the two parties to confront each other in court. However, despite this regulation, there must be differences in the operation of each yamen, but if it is caught by Yushitai..." Pei Guangben The treacherous man paused, "At least thirty."

"Then, if on this basis, the presiding judge coerces emotion to change the law, is it a waste of punishment?"

Pei Guangben's eyes brightened slightly: "Oh, if it's true, at least a hundred sticks." He leaned forward and approached Pei Qu, "Quickly tell me, did that brat surnamed Wei in Chang'an County do something bad recently?" I see that he has been upset for a long time, and it would be best to catch him."

The grievances between Pei Guangben and the magistrate of Chang'an County have a long history, and it would be best to wait for an opportunity to take revenge at this time.But he didn't notice that he was hooked into the boat by Pei Qu just like that, and he started rubbing his fists excitedly.

Pei Qu still sat upright on the same spot, and said "oh" lightly, but made Pei Guangben anxious to death: "Tell me why that kid is so selfish?"

Seeing that he had already fallen into the trap, Pei Qu said in a calm manner: "My student's wet nurse was arrested yesterday on charges of theft in the West Market, and she was not released until this afternoon. Chang'an Wei Ming's Mansion last night was even worse. I used torture on him. My student nurse is a blind person. May I ask how a blind person steals? Wei Mingfu doesn't care about injustice, and uses severe punishment without allowing any pleadings. It's hard to tell, I really don't know what he is planning .”

"All true?"

"The students have already inquired about it, and it is true."

"There's no need for a boy surnamed Wei to have trouble with a wet nurse. Could it be that he took advantage of it? Wait—" Pei Guangben raised his eyebrows, "Your student?"

"Exactly." Pei Qu looked up at Pei Guangben who had stood up, "My student Nanshan."

Pei Guangben came to his senses in an instant, and shouted, "This brat surnamed Wei! How dare he move—" He shut his mouth abruptly, and asked Pei Qu again, "Where are the people from Nanshan?"

"The whereabouts are unknown."

Pei Guang had always regarded Nanshan as his own child, so he was fine when he heard this, and without thinking too much, he said, "I want Zhao Yushi to impeach that brat to death!"

"Zhao Yushi is not the sword in uncle's hand, can he strike wherever he can point?"

"Why don't you refuse? He didn't have the money to take the exam when he came to Beijing, but I gave him the money!" Pei Guangben had shown off that he was a great Bole, and said, "This matter must be done quickly. I will go to him tonight. .”

Pei Qu's goal was achieved, and he got up very satisfied: "The workshop is closed at this time, please uncle to make it easier for me."

He had the cheek to ask for a special permit, but Pei Guangben did not forget to tell him: "Find Nanshan quickly, if you don't, you will be punished and you will not be allowed to ride horses after patrolling the streets!"


Pei Qu left the county office immediately, but Pei Guangben was still angry, and he didn't delve into the secret relationship after the question of "why the county magistrate of Wei had trouble with Nanshan and Nanshan's wet nurse".

If Pei Guangben knew that Wei County Magistrate did this because of Pei Liangchun's order, he probably wouldn't easily ask Zhao Yushi for help.The relationship between Yushi Taiguan is complicated, it is hard to say whether Zhao Yushi will offend Pei Yushi because of Pei Guangben's face.

So Pei Qu deliberately didn't mention this.

Pei Liangchun's actions were concealed and swift this time. If no one leaked the secret, according to Zhao Yushi's ability, it would be impossible to know that Pei Liangchun was behind this incident.So as long as Pei Guangben doesn't say anything, Zhao Yushi will naturally not know the inside story, and he will be happy to impeach an official who violated discipline.

What Pei Qu has to do now is to find Nanshan.He ran all afternoon today to inquire about the news in Chang'an Prison, but did not get any news about Nanshan during this period.

She seemed to have disappeared from the world without a trace.

It is very difficult to find someone in the huge two capitals, he has experienced it a long time ago.

Before, he thought that if the person he was looking for was still alive somewhere, it would be okay even if he couldn't find it; but now he thinks, since he still cares about it, he must find it.

The rain in Chang'an continued continuously, and the official uniform on his body was already damp after I found him overnight.On the rainy and foggy streets of Chang'an, there is a special kind of moisture, which penetrates into every hole and makes people feel cold all over.

At two o'clock in the five o'clock watch, when the street drum sounded on time, Pei Qu reined in at the gate of Shen's house.He went to almost all possible places in Nanshan, but failed to find her.This place may be the last possibility, although he has no friendship with Shen Fengge, but he wants to see Shen Fengge today - in the name of a county magistrate.

The high-ranking officials of Wannian County gathered together. They called the wind and rain in the yamen, and when they returned home, they were just one person in Wannian's territory.

As for Pei Qu's visit, Shen Fengge neither welcomes nor rejects it, but he still has guests in the hall right now, so he decided to let Pei Qu wait a little longer.

The guest in the hall is none other than Zhao Yushi.Zhao Yushi said: "I know that this matter is not that simple, so I came here to ask the master, how to deal with it?"

"Teach him a lesson." Shen Fengge said expressionlessly.

"But if you are an official, you are making an enemy of Pei Yushi..."

"As a Taiwan official, discipline should be the most important thing." Shen Fengge said lightly, as if he did not give any instructions, but clearly pointed out the way for Zhao Yushi.

Zhao Yushi came to Shen Fengge today because he expressed his determination to stand on the same side with the host.Shen Fengge thanked him for standing in line, but did not give him a very clear answer.

"Your official understands." Zhao Yushi responded, "Your official will resign."

"Go through the back door and don't bump into Pei Qu."

"The officer knows."

Zhao Yushi bowed his head and saluted, turned around and backed out.

After he left, Shen Fengge stood up, and when he walked outside the door, the little attendant who had been waiting for a long time asked: "Tailor Master, do you want to call Pei Shaofu over?"

"Let him drink another bowl of cold-dispelling soup in the outer house, it's so cold."

The little waiter hurried away, while Shen Fengge walked forward along the corridor, reaching out to catch the water drops falling from the corridor.The rain suddenly stopped at some point, and only the water on the roof dripped down the corridor.

The lantern was still on, and he walked all the way to the front of the guest house.He took the key and opened the double doors. Suddenly, half of his body fell straight forward, and the head hit the back of his feet, making him frown slightly.

Shen Fengge didn't bend down, he just lowered his head for a glance, and saw the head slowly raised up, the owner of the head rubbed his forehead with his hands, and opened his eyes.

Shen Fengge still said expressionlessly: "You can go out now, don't be so reckless in the future."

At this moment, Nanshan's feverish and chaotic head tried to wake up. Before she had time to react too much, she heard Shen Fengge say again: "We will meet again soon. We will meet in a fair manner. Get up."

(End of this chapter)

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