Chapter 51 Rivals in Love
An Xixiao smiled slyly, he was happier than picking up money, Lu Li felt that the "shit smell" in his mouth was not as white as white.

In the evening, Shen Jia drove to pick up Lu Li. Lu Li and An Xixiao greeted each other and left first.

After Lu Li left like this, An Xixiao felt suddenly deserted.

As soon as it got dark, the crew got busy again. Sitting next to An Xixiao, she felt that her eyelids were heavy and dozed off.The stool he made was just a folding chair with a backrest, and it was uncomfortable to sleep on. An Xixiao was so wobbly that he almost fell to the ground, but he was stopped by a person and hugged him back.

Lu Li went back in the evening to deal with some urgent contracts. After finishing the deal, he went home again, took a shower and brushed his teeth emphatically. He made sure that the smell was gone before going out to the set again.

An Xixiao didn't wake up, so she leaned on Lu Li's left shoulder, probably feeling that she finally found a comfortable position, and then fell asleep more peacefully.

Qi Qingyun was passing by the set at first, thinking to come over to relax, but he saw Lu Li and An Xixiao who was sleeping next to Lu Li.His heart was filled with desolation, the cabbage he liked, it seemed that many people really wanted to give it a try!Thinking of this, Qi Qingyun walked over directly.

"Mr. Lu is here? What a rare visitor!" Qi Qingyun's voice was not low. After hearing this, Lu Li looked at An Xixiao and frowned.

Sure enough, An Xixiao woke up directly, and then saw that he was sleeping on Lu Li who had already left, so he quickly moved his head away.

Lu Li was in a bad mood, and guessed that Qi Qingyun did it on purpose!
Qi Qingyun really did it on purpose, deliberately let An Xixiao's head leave Lu Li's shoulder!
"Master Qi?" Lu Li raised his eyebrows and looked at Qi Qingyun who was standing.

Qi Qingyun smiled and said: "It's okay, I just find it strange that a busy person like Mr. Lu still has time to come to our small studio!" Qi Qingyun is the investor of this TV series.

An Xixiao rubbed her eyes, looked at Su Zhen and Xi Ningning who hadn't done their hands yet, and then got up to wash her face first.It was Lu Li and Qi Qingyun's turn here, and the smell of gunpowder became even stronger.

"The set is not very big, and the celebrities invited are not well-known, and I don't even know them." Lu Li said these few words leisurely, despising the TV series as a whole.

Qi Qingyun smiled, and then said: "Of course, this is just a small-scale slap in the face. Boss Lu will be more expensive than us if he plays with a woman casually!" The look on his shoulders, not only intentionally or unintentionally, he already regarded Lu Li as an enemy in his heart.

Lu Li laughed, and then said: "That's not right, it seems that Mr. Qi has more say than me in the matter of playing with women!"

Qi Qingyun felt that he was a little bit internally injured, he was just such a "hobby", and now he was taken out and slapped in the face, it felt so sour!
An Xixiao also came back now, but she was still wearing a mask. She watched the two of them standing and muttering for a while and didn't know what to say, so she walked over and said, "I'm a little hungry..."

After eating that meal at noon, she didn't eat at night. After sleeping for a while, she was hungry again.But I didn't think to ask just now, and now I just want to ask: "Didn't you leave in the afternoon, why did you come back?" An Xixiao wondered, the set was windy and dusty, and Lu Li's office was probably worse than that. The environment here is much better, why are you so willing to go to the studio?
 The author is a newcomer, and I don’t have any readers, so there are very few collections and recommendations, but I still want to make everyone happy. Today, I have collected 99. In order to thank these 99 readers, I specially added a chapter~~ Thank you everyone~~

(End of this chapter)

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