Chapter 84
Shen Nanting was obviously also surprised that several of them would meet here. After seeing An Xixiao, An Xixiao almost froze for a moment before turning his head back.

An Xiyuan's face also turned dark, and she pulled Shen Nanting and said, "Why don't we change to another one, this one isn't very tasty either."

Looking at An Xixiao's back, Shen Nanting could only sigh in the end, and didn't say anything to An Xixiao in the end, so he and An Xiyuan left here first.

As soon as the two left, Lu Li asked An Xixiao, "Do you and him often come to this small restaurant?"

An Xixiao's mood was not good at this time, she shook her head and said, "He only came here once, when I sneaked out when I was a child, my mother always brought me here."

An Xixiao actually didn't tell the whole story. In fact, she was the only one who sneaked away that time. In the end, Shen Nanting found her in this restaurant. After the two of them ate the food here, Shen Nanting sent herself back. s home.

But those are not important anymore, the woman beside Shen Nanting is An Xiyuan, not An Xixiao, and he will never come here to find her again.

"Let's eat. If you think too much while eating, you will get stomach cancer if you don't digest it." Lu Li said, and brought some food to An Xixiao after speaking.

Although An Xixiao still ate normally afterwards, the two of them never said a word again.

Lu Li looked at a table of food, it wasn't that he was a trickster, maybe An Xixiao also felt that the food in this restaurant was not very delicious, she just couldn't bear the memories here.

The two of them went home after eating. When An Xixiao got out of the car, he saw a person rushing towards him in a daze. Looking carefully, it was Su Ni.

An Xixiao also suffered from Su Ni's loss, so she turned her head and ran away. As soon as she turned her head, she knocked into Lu Li's arms. Lu Li directly protected her behind her, and went to face Su Ni by herself.

Su Ni thumped Lu Li's body with her fist, and said, "Why did you treat me like this, just because of this woman who is easygoing, and you treat me like this? The Su family is over, the Su family is over!"

Because of Lu Li's intervention, the Su family collapsed in just a few days, and now they are close to declaring bankruptcy.Su Ni attributed all this to An Xixiao. If An Xixiao hadn't seduced Lu Li, how could Lu Li be so unfeeling to herself.

Lu Li was beaten by Su Ni, but he didn't leave, and he didn't fight back. He just protected An Xixiao behind him.

"You still have to protect her! What's so good about her!" All of Su Ni's pride collapsed at this moment. She has always been the proud daughter of heaven, and the status of the Su family has made her proud enough since she was born. She thinks There is no woman with a better background than her own. Even in appearance, she is beautiful and lovely, but these prides were only before today. Now that the Su family has collapsed, Lu Li is so unfeeling to him for a woman who is nothing. She has broken down.

"If you want to fight, you can fight. You know what you have done." Lu Li said.

Su Ni has done more than this. When Lu Li first returned to China, besides Shen Jia who was helping him in the company, he also had a life assistant, but this assistant was a woman. Su Ni felt that it was an eyesore, so she went to find someone directly. Gang-raped this female assistant, the female assistant later committed suicide but failed, she is still staying in the mental hospital, she is going to get married in a few months, because of Su Ni's jealousy, she ruined her life!It also made Lu Li feel guilty. These guilt cannot be made up with money. Nothing is more precious than a person's life!

Lu Li thinks that if you do many injustices, you will die yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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