Chapter 116

With a trace of vigilance in Bai Hong's heart, he was about to leave the inn. Suddenly, a thought came into his mind, which made him startled slightly, and immediately stopped in his tracks. With a little bit of murderous intent, the murderous intent was not concealed at all, Long Xuan also understood it in her heart, and nodded slightly.

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Er, what's that man's name and what does he look like?" Bai Hong smiled faintly, turned around slightly, the murderous intent in his eyes was immediately hidden and disappeared, and the whole person was very harmonious, as if he had no murderous intent at all.

"Ah, that man is only about twenty, he is a young master, but he looks small but I haven't seen it, because he is also wearing a bamboo hat, which is covered with a layer of white gauze. He is wearing a white robe and came in. At that time, he specifically asked me to pay attention to two people wearing coir raincoats and bamboo hats, and he also said very positively that they were a man and a woman, that's why I entertained you two so enthusiastically, why? Did the guest officer remember anything? "

Seeing Bai Hong's thoughtful face, the little girl couldn't help but smile slightly, as if she had expected Bai Hong to stop, Bai Hong thought for a while, suddenly a hint of amazement appeared in her eyes, and said with a smile: "Oh! Look at my brain, I remembered, I have indeed made an appointment with a friend, let him wait for me, Xiaoer, where is he now, take me to see him."

Hearing that, the little girl was suddenly refreshed, hey, and hurried forward to lead the way, and said as he walked, "Please follow me upstairs, the object has been waiting upstairs for a long time, if you don't come again, I want to follow him Tell him to eat alone first."

Bai Hong nodded, smiled and said nothing, but her eyes kept meeting with Long Xuan's, and her thoughts were constantly communicating, "Long Xuan, wait until I go in and listen to my thoughts, and if I find anything wrong, I will kill that person immediately, you and I When the two join forces, even the people in the realm of Yuanxu will stay away. Besides, you and I are both carrying rare treasures, so there is absolutely no danger of our lives. There are so few people in the realm of Tianyuan in the Tianyuan Continent, so we will definitely not deliberately Pay attention to you and me."

"Well, I understand, but this person is really mysterious. You and I have just landed, and he knows the whereabouts of you and me, and he also knows that it is a man and a woman, wearing a bamboo hat and a coir raincoat. You have been spying on us from the beginning?" Long Xuan frowned, her eyes were also very puzzled.

"No matter what, you'll know when you see someone." Bai Hong passed on the idea, and then the two of them tacitly lost their consciousness, because the second floor has brought them upstairs, and the second floor is still the same as the first floor. The same tables and chairs are full, but it is not the time to eat, many tables are empty, and only a few people are eating.

One of them is very eye-catching. This person is wearing a white robe and a hat covered with a white veil on his head. His long black hair is faintly visible in the veil. He is sitting alone in the last corner, where A window opened, and he looked out, as if he was watching everything outside.

Turning his head slightly, as if he knew about Bai Hong and Long Xuan's arrival, his eyes turned to Bai Hong and the two, then he nodded slightly and said to Xiao Er: "Xiao Er, you can go down and get ready to eat, let your boss prepare two bottles of good wine , come up quickly."

The little girl nodded and bowed immediately, turned around and left, the remaining two people, Bai Hong and Long Xuan, walked up to this table lightly, but refused to sit down. He looked at Bai Hong carefully. Although he couldn't see Bai Hong's cheek, he still looked at her for a long time.

"Since you're here, sit down. Why stand there? Don't worry, I don't mean any harm." He spoke softly, and it was a male voice. After hearing it, people think about what the owner of the voice looks like.

Bai Hong and Long Xuan looked at each other, then sat lightly across from this person, this person looked at Long Xuan, and said: "I have been waiting for you two for a long time, and the two of you must be very puzzled about who I am. , then I will take off the bamboo hat."

The man opened his mouth, and gently took off the bamboo hat with his hand. Immediately, a handsome face that made all women suffocate appeared in the sight of the two of them. This man was so handsome, so young, He took a sip lightly, causing Long Xuan to be slightly taken aback, feeling in a trance.

Then the man immediately put on the bamboo hat again, and Bai Hong couldn't help feeling jealous for a moment, looked at Long Xuan beside her, and felt a little unnatural in her heart, "You two, I have revealed my true face, I'm afraid you are still very confused, but I know the origin of the two of you."

The man put on the bamboo hat, but didn't speak, because the mistress had already brought the food and was about to put it on the table, "Miss, do you have a closed private room here? The three of us have some secrets." If you want to talk, can you change your seat?" The young man in white asked, stood up and was about to take Bai Hong and Long Xuan away.

"This...well, but the price of the private room and here..." Xiaoer showed embarrassment, but nodded, and was about to speak but was interrupted by the man in white, saying: "The price is easy to say, I will pay you Double the price, but you have to find a quiet place for us, otherwise..."

"Naturally, I will arrange it as you ordered." Xiaoer nodded and bowed, immediately changed his smile, and then led the three of them to the third floor. The third floor is a private room, each private room The sound insulation is very good, and the decoration is exquisite, making both Bai Hong and Long Xuan nod slightly.

Xiao Er pushed open the door of a private room, led the three of them in, then placed the food on the table, put two bottles of wine in front of the three of them, took out three glasses and turned them over, then stepped back and said: "Guest officer, if there is no other order, I will retreat."

The man in white nodded, waved his hand slightly to signal Xiao Er to back down, then stood up and closed all the doors and windows around him, then retreated to his original position, gently picked up a wine jar, unplugged it, and poured it over. Three glasses of wine, the wine was clear and fragrant, although it was not as good as the top grade Nurhong, it was still very mellow.

"You two, how about trying the wine here? It took me a long time to find this place. It can be said that I have trekked through mountains and rivers." The man in white seemed to smile slightly, his face hidden in the white veil showed a little tiredness, and then raised his hand. The wine glass took a sip by himself.

"You don't need to drink alcohol. I just want to know who you are? How do you know our whereabouts? And you are still waiting here?" Bai Hong said, with a strong murderous intent in his tone, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly In an instant, he became tense, and his sword was on the verge of breaking out!

"Hehe, why do you two do this? I have no intention of harming others, but you have the intention of guarding against others. Anyway, since the two of you are uneasy, I will reveal my identity first." The man smiled lightly and put the hat on his head He took it off and put it aside, he leaned forward and said, "Dare to ask you two, but did you come from the East China Sea?"

Standing up suddenly, Bai Hong and Long Xuan immediately had a burst of true energy in their hands, and a gust of murderous intent rushed straight to the face of the man in white, but he just smiled calmly, retracted his body, and Gu Zi took another sip of his wine.

"The murderous intent of the two of you is too much. I'm afraid you will hurt your friend. I'm sorry for being rude. Let me ask you again, is this little brother a descendant of Shangguan Bai's family? Shangguan Baihong!" He raised his head suddenly, his eyes were sharp, and he said Golden lightning flashed across the room, dazzling and bright!
"Friend! You talk too much, and you know too much. Sometimes, the more you know, the faster you die!" Shangguan Baihong sneered. Like a furious gentleman, and like a killer hiding in a very dark place, he will immediately launch a fatal blow!
"Since you said that I know a lot, then I have to talk even more. This girl is the fourth princess of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, Long Xuan!" The man in white's eyes flickered again. There was no trace of timidity or anger, but only incomparable calm.

"Who the hell are you?" Bai Hong and Long Xuan didn't move, there was nothing else, because although this person is also a spiritually strong person, he is far from their opponent. Although this person has told their origins, But Bai Hong could see from his eyes that this person did not have any malice.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is whether you are the two people I mentioned." Still with a flat face, this man gently twisted the wine glass with his fingers, looking very calm and elegant, making his originally handsome His face became more handsome, he raised his eyelids to look at the two, and then drank the wine in his glass.

Looking at each other, Bai Hong and Long Xuan smiled coldly, and then the two took off the bamboo hats on their heads together, looked at the man in white and said coldly: "Yes, we are the one you are looking for, we already know Everything you need to know should also disappear."

With a sudden movement of Bai Hong, the true energy in his hand instantly turned into a long sword that swished across the void, and headed towards the man in white. With him, his figure floated back, and the power of the law of wind surged around him.

Kneel suddenly!The man in white bowed his head deeply, with a little bit of solemnity and respect in his expression, causing Bai Hong, who had just shot into the air, to stop suddenly. This man dissipated all the power of the law in an instant, and he didn't even make any resistance. He raised his head suddenly, with a little sparkle and lightness in his eyes.

At this moment, the man in white showed a little bit of relief, as if a mountain that was pressing on him collapsed, shattered, and turned into nothingness, allowing him to obtain permanent relief, as if the shackles of the seal had been opened, he knelt Watching there, Bai Hong's forehead suddenly touched the ground lightly.

"The fourth generation descendant of Tianji No. 30, pay homage to the lord!" The man in white said, kneeling on his knees, with his forehead resting on the ground, traces of crystals rolling down, dripping on the ground, rolling on the wooden floor, and then He raised his head slowly, his eyes were already red!

"Master, this disciple has finally lived up to his entrustment and found the lord. Your old man can feel at ease above the Nine Heavens!" He raised his head and looked at the sky, as if he could see through the thick roof and see the sky above the Nine Heavens. Above, those eyes are full of respect, love, sadness, helplessness, and relief!
"Tianjiyimai?" Bai Hong frowned, watching this person's expression startled suddenly, as if thinking of something, he suddenly withdrew his true energy, stepped forward quickly, and gently lifted this person up, Bai Hong looked at his face , looked at him very seriously, with incomparable shock in his eyes!
"Tianji Yimai, do you mean that you are the descendant of the Tianji Pavilion that was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago!" Long Xuan thought for a while, then suddenly raised her eyebrows, looking at this young man, she was also very shocked. She also heard it mentioned by the Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea, but the Tianji Pavilion had been destroyed tens of thousands of years ago because of leaking the secrets. In that battle.

"That's right, I am the No.30 fourth-generation heir of the Tianji lineage." This person was supported by Bai Hong to the seat, no longer the chicness just now, but a sad face, he motioned Bai Hong to sit down, and then spoke Dispelling the doubts in the hearts of the two, he looked dazed, as if he had returned to the past, his eyes sparkled, and he hugged a wine jar and drank heavily.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, my branch of the Tianji Pavilion was in peace. Although people often came to ask about the secrets of the heavens, we never really touched the secrets of the heavens. At that time, a white-haired old man came to look for my master, that is, the old man Tianji at that time. At that time, my master was already a strong man in the Kaiyuan realm, a half-immortal! Sit quietly in the secret room and discuss in detail."

"The two of them sat together for half a month. After half a month, the white-haired old man left in the clouds. My master saw him off, and then summoned me and my other junior to the secret room and entrusted us for a long time. That was also the last time I had a secret chat with Master, that time he seemed to have already figured out the secret, he said, "Kalpa, destiny, is a definite number after all, what can't be avoided will never be able to escape.""

"Then on the second day, the decree of the Dao of Heaven descended, and hundreds of master gods descended from the sky. A shocking battle broke out. Master immediately dismissed all the disciples, including me and my junior brother, but Just when I was about to leave, Master suddenly appeared, sealed me in an ice coffin, concealed all my aura with great magic power, and sealed it forever!"

"This letter is tens of thousands of years old!" The corners of his mouth trembled, his eyes were bewildered, and his expression was full of endless pain. Tears were streaming down his face, and the tears mixed with the wine dripped on the table and fell on the floor, rolling down, " It wasn't until a few years ago that the ice coffin was finally shattered by the erosion of time, and I was able to break the seal. The moment I climbed out of the ice coffin, the last tragedy of that battle immediately appeared in my mind! The Pavilion lineage ended from that battle, and no one survived!"

"Of course I don't believe it!" He stood up suddenly, his whole body was very excited, his whole body was trembling, his eyes were blurred, and he continued: "But just when I wanted to prove it, a teacher appeared in my mind." Master told me that everything is true, everything is gone, disappeared, he told me to come here to wait for you, to wait for a person named Shangguan Baihong, and there is a woman walking with him , called Long Xuan, the two will definitely appear in this inn, wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat, he has already deduced to the secret, and there is a space in the ice coffin to store the magic weapon, inside the magic weapon is The most precious thing in my lineage of secrets."

"Since then, I have come here and have been guarding here, waiting, just waiting for you to appear! Just today, when I was out, I suddenly saw you and Long Xuan entering the town, so I immediately arranged everything , Waiting for your arrival." The man slowly closed his mouth, and then took a deep breath to calm down the emotions in his heart, but the deep pain and helplessness in his eyes were still So obvious.

Bai Hong and Long Xuan were silent. Looking at this man, they suddenly felt that he was so pitiful. What he said was absolutely true. There was a spiritual breath in his tone. It was the sadness that originated from the soul and could never be erased. Pain!
(End of this chapter)

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