Chapter 168

"Brother Bai Hong, why are you so cruel to Sun Shibo?" In the room, Long Xuan looked at Bai Hong with a puzzled expression on her face. There was a little worry in her brows. Very surprised.

"It's not that I'm cruel to him, it's that he has to be cruel to himself. This dynasty will collapse one day. I'm just telling him, telling him clearly, I hope he can understand, otherwise, if he still If we persist in our obsession, I'm afraid we will end up in confrontation, and then, I don't know if I can do it." Bai Hong shook her head, looked at her hands, and there was a little sadness in her eyes.

"That's right! Now we have to make our position clear. Baihong has attracted all the saints to cry out. There is no doubt that this news will go away. I can guarantee that within three days, the entire Tianyuan Continent, and even the border Everyone outside the territory will get the news." Sitting beside Bai Hong, Xiaoji tapped the table lightly with one hand, and said while meditating: "At that time, I am afraid that everyone will regard him as the incarnation of the saints. Every word he said It will turn into golden words, more effective than the emperor."

"Especially for those ordinary people, his words are undoubtedly the Sanskrit sound of heaven! This time the imperial examination has achieved Bai Hong in one fell swoop. We only need to sit in the official position, and then find out the matter of Shangguan Bai's family in one fell swoop. At that time, any The emperor will also give way!"

"Xiaoji is right, but even if that is the case, the dog emperor will definitely not give up his position. He may send someone to kill me secretly, and we will definitely go to confrontation. At that time, Sun Feng will be caught between us, inside and outside. Dilemma, if he was in a dilemma at that time, it is better to show him the way now and let him choose!" Bai Hong nodded, with a look of determination in his expression.

Sun Feng was sitting on top of the main hall, his brows were furrowed, his eyes were slightly sad, he never knew the mystery of Bai Hong's words, he fell into deep distress at this moment.

"The so-called Qi Qi family is cultivating one's own body: People love and love, and they hate; they hate and hate, they respect and respect; And Pi Yan. Therefore, those who are good but know their evil, and those who are evil but know their beauty are rare in the world! Therefore, there is a saying: "A man does not know the evil of his son, and he does not know the size of his seedling. "This means that if you don't cultivate your body, you can't keep your family in order."

Inside the palace, Xuanyuan Shenglong was holding Baihong's dossier, but two sharp lights shot out from his eyes. Suddenly, he slapped the dossier directly on the table, and there were dots in his eyes. Resentment, that look, is enough to kill anyone!

"You actually said that I like to hate and hate to love! This Bai Lingfeng really speaks boldly! If he hadn't been able to attract all the saints to scream together, I would have smashed his corpse into thousands of pieces!" Gritting teeth!Xuanyuan Shenglong held Bai Hong's dossier fiercely, but his sharp claws couldn't crush the dossier. Dao rhymes flowed on the dossier, and when he let go of his hand, it immediately returned to its original state without any damage. The middle dao pattern emerged, and even started to tremble and wanted to break through the air!

"Your Majesty, don't be angry, I've already found out the whereabouts of that man." In the darkness, a figure came out, and the Prime Minister looked at Xuanyuan Shenglong with a face of resentment and said, "That man's name is Bai Lingfeng, and he is Sun Feng's nephew. , now temporarily living in Sun Feng's mansion, he is a man of strong spirit, but I can't find out his past, he seems to have suddenly appeared in the Emperor's Capital and directly entered the Sun's house, but, according to my investigation, he has nothing to do with that Sun Feng is not harmonious."

"Oh? Is it Sun Aiqing's nephew?" Xuanyuan Shenglong was taken aback, looking at the file, his face could not help showing a trace of surprise, he frowned, and said coldly: "Investigate again! We must find out what happened, Prime Minister , this matter will trouble you.”

"Hmph! No matter who you are, I will definitely ask you to submit to the Golden Temple tomorrow!" Xuanyuan Shenglong narrowed his eyes slightly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were full of calculations, and the black figure bowed slightly , back into darkness.

In less than two days, someone delivered the bundle to the Sun residence, and it was a father-in-law who personally delivered the bundle to Bai Hong. Bai Hong also knew the rules and threw some broken silver to this Father-in-law, that father-in-law and Bai Honghan booed a few words and drank a cup of hot tea in the Sun residence before leaving.

Holding the folder in his hand, Bai Hong sneered, but threw the folder to Xiao Ji, he turned around and entered the inner hall with Sun Feng, Xiao Ji and Long Xuan were waiting outside, but they didn't know what they were talking about in the room, Just a moment later, Sun Feng and Bai Hong roared out, both of them were furious and broke up unhappy.

In the early morning of the next day, a maid came to greet Bai Hong and wash him. In a short while, Bai Hong had finished dressing, and followed the maid out of the room. In the hall, Sun Feng was already waiting there in official uniform. He glanced at Bai Hong, however, didn't say a word, and got into the sedan chair directly, and Bai Hong also didn't say a word, got into another sedan chair, and walked with Sun Feng.

The sedan chair passed through several streets directly. Bai Hong sat cross-legged on the sedan chair, narrowing his eyes slightly. Just yesterday, he arranged for Long Xuan and Xiaoji to leave first. A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. The box trembled slightly, as if he couldn't wait any longer!
Keeping his feet on the ground, Bai Hong looked at the majestic palace with a bit of disdain on his face. He followed Sun Feng directly into the palace. The entire palace was made of huge stones. On the ground, Bai Hong stepped on it and suddenly felt the pulse of the earth.

Here, it is connected with the veins of the earth!

On the stalactite boulder, there are dragons soaring one after another, but they are all in the center. Only the emperor can walk the dragon road in the center, and the ministers can only take the paths on both sides. Bai Hong and Sun Feng directly stepped on the stone steps, step by step. Walking towards the Golden Luan Hall, the two of them were separated by a distance of one zhang along the way, neither of them said a word, they were very estranged.

Bai Hong's eyes were neither sad nor joyful, following Sun Feng all the way straight up, he bumped into groups of Golden Scale Guards from time to time on the way, some court ladies and eunuchs were busy all around, the two of them arrived outside the Golden Palace in a short while, Sun Feng He glanced at Bai Hong, but stepped forward alone.

In the Golden Luan Hall, it can be said to be resplendent and resplendent. The entire hall is radiant with golden light, and every object is made of real gold. Sun Feng stepped forward directly, but found that Ye Xingchen and the young man in the purple cloud robe had already arrived and were standing on both sides , but the masked youth and Han Wei disappeared.

Just opposite the two, a sturdy man was listening to Xuanyuan Shenglong's speech with his head down. His skin was raised all over his body, and his muscles were really strong. He was wearing a short shirt, martial boots, and a pair of With a red tendon belt tied around his body, he was not allowed to carry any weapons in the Golden Luan Hall, but this man carried two sledgehammers on his back. The sledgehammers were three feet long and each of them probably weighed several hundred catties. There is nothing wrong with people behind their backs.

He has a rough appearance and a rumbling voice that makes the ears of the ministers go numb. He is more than eight feet tall, and the veins on his arms are like horned dragons. He looks like a heavyweight at first glance. His two thick eyebrows are like swords, and his eyes are thick. The eyes are like electricity, but the spirit.

"My lord, the number one scholar will bring you here!" Sun Feng said, but he didn't raise his head, nor kneel down. On the main hall, Xuanyuan Shenglong swept away the anger and depression of the previous few days. At this moment, he was sitting on the dragon chair, With a dragon ball crown on his head, wearing a red gold dragon robe, wearing dragon boots, and resting his hands on the dragon chair, he is majestic and majestic!
"Xuan!" Xuanyuan Shenglong was expressionless, he opened his mouth slightly, and the eunuch beside him immediately opened his mouth and shouted Xuan Baihong into the Golden Palace!
"Xuan Zhuangyuan Lang Bailing Peak went up to the court to remonstrate!"

Bai Hong stepped forward, but came directly to the main hall. His hands naturally drooped, surrounded by holy morals and righteousness. The golden color within disappeared in an instant, and wisps of sacred Sanskrit sounds echoed in the hall!
His eyes were sharp, and when he raised his head slightly, he immediately saw Xuanyuan Shenglong sitting on the dragon chair. He walked straight towards the center of the hall with an expressionless face. Standing up, the primordial spirit just stood up, but the whole mind turned up a huge wave, and the rolling chaos was shaken by it!
"Xuanyuan Shenglong!" Bai Hong Yuanshen's eyes erupted with two sharp lights, he clenched his steel teeth, watching Xuanyuan Shenglong's whole body tremble slightly, a stream of blood gushed up from Yuanshen's chest, the enemy met !Extremely jealous!
Clenching his fists tightly, Bai Hong's primordial spirit slowly sat down. He suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and a big word "Jun" spread in his mind, which weakened the anger in his heart a little. He sneered at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were like the eyes of a judge!
Two sharp beams swept over all the officials, and the moment those officials met his gaze, he seemed to see through everything, and all kinds of crimes were listed in front of them. They bowed their heads deeply, but they did not dare to meet Bai Hong's eyes.

"Bold Bailing Peak, why don't you kneel down when you see the Holy Majesty!" Suddenly, a person in the crowd walked out of the official queue and shouted at Bai Hong coldly. Dai Hualing looked at Bai Hong with fierce eyes.

"Golden Luan Hall, the Holy Majesty didn't even open his mouth, but you first opened your mouth to criticize. What do you mean? You want to surpass the imperial power!" Bai Hong smiled coldly, watching the man with his hands on his back, the aura around him gradually rose, No retreat.

"I am the first-rank minister of the court, Zhao Liangdong, the patriarch of the Zhao family among the four great families in Zhao Qiansunli!" Zhao Liangdong spoke, his tone was very domineering, and he looked at Shangguan Baihong, but continued: "The Holy Majesty has already agreed to me. You don’t need to report anything, you can speak out about anything, so what are you? How dare you speak against me like this!”

"Haha! I'm not a thing!" Bai Hong said, but these officials and ministers couldn't help but startled. He poked his head slightly, staring at Zhao Liangdong with eyes like poisonous snakes and said coldly: "But I'm much more stable than those who are things. , at least, it will not be manipulated and placed!"

"Indeed, Brother Bai is nothing. His article has attracted all the saints, and he is already considered a saint." Ye Xingchen said, with a slight smile on his lips. He looked at Bai Hong with a little admiration in his eyes. .

"Hmph!" Zhao Liangdong gave Ye Xingchen a blank look, but said nothing, turned around and retreated into the officer's team without saying a word.

"Sun Aiqing, this is your nephew, Bai Lingfeng?" Xuanyuan Shenglong asked. He looked at Bai Hong carefully, but he didn't find anything unusual. It was just that the dust-sealed sword box behind Bai Hong made him pay more attention. Didn't see anything strange.

"If you don't want to change your name or surname, sir, I am Bai Lingfeng!" Before Sun Feng could speak, Bai Hong replied directly. He is just my nephew, but he is unrestrained by nature, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Lingfeng, why don't you hurry up and kneel down to salute the saint!" Sun Feng glared at Bai Hong, but Bai Hong still stood there with a smile and did not move, he was proud and arrogant.

"Bai Lingfeng, why didn't you kneel when you saw me?" Xuanyuan Shenglong said, his tone was majestic, although the words were short, there was a sense that no resistance was allowed.

"Haha! Dare to ask Your Majesty, why didn't you kneel when you saw me?" Bai Hong laughed loudly, but her words were astonishing!
"Bold thief, dare to disobey the Holy Majesty! You should be beheaded!"

"Such a confrontation with the Holy One, damn it! Punish the Nine Clans!"

"Damn! Damn!"

Suddenly, the whole hall seemed to be exploding. Some ministers glared at Bai Hong. They pointed and spoke in low tones, but they didn't dare to speak loudly.

Xuanyuan Shenglong narrowed his eyes slightly, he lowered his head slightly and leaned forward, looking at Bai Hong, his eyes seemed to be able to kill Bai Hong!
"Bai Lingfeng, hurry up and kneel down!" Suddenly, the prime minister who had been standing in front of Xuanyuan Shenglong spoke, his voice was slightly hoarse, but it made Bai Hong's whole body tremble uncontrollably, and the voice pierced directly into Bai Hong's mind, not into him Among the primordial spirits, the voice actually directly manipulated his primordial spirit to kneel down to Xuanyuan Shenglong!

In Bai Hong's mind, the big character "Jun" suddenly erupted with unparalleled holy light, and the holy light was directly poured into Bai Hong's primordial spirit, and the magic sound was directly wiped away by the holy light, turning into nothingness Even so, Bai Hong's whole body trembled.

"So vicious!" Bai Hong's primordial spirit sneered, but his face didn't change at all. He looked at the prime minister, but suddenly glared at Xuanyuan Shenglong, and shouted sharply: "Dare to ask the sage! Here, who is the emperor!"

"En? Of course it's Zhen!" Xuanyuan Shenglong opened his mouth, but he couldn't help but frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

"Since you are the emperor! Then why are there so many noisy people on the Golden Luan Hall? They are not emperors, but they speak as emperors. Doesn't this mean that the emperor is not in a hurry to eunuchs?" Bai Hong smiled coldly, and glanced at those people just now The minister who spoke, his tone was sharp, which made all the ministers glare.

"Ask Your Majesty again, why am I kneeling again?" Bai Hong continued to speak, looking at Xuanyuan Shenglong, neither humble nor overbearing.

"You are my people, how can you not kneel when you see the emperor today?" Xuanyuan Shenglong looked at Bai Hong with a majestic tone.

"All the saints have said that the spirit of the world is equal to all things. Since I am equal to the Holy One, why should I kneel? I, Bailing Peak, can kneel up to the heaven and earth, and kneel down to my parents, but I can't kneel with the Holy One! Besides, I am all saints." Who is the chosen successor, what is a citizen? One of my articles has attracted all the saints, and I will become a saint in the future. It should be me who kneels down to me, but why do you let me kneel down? Are you not afraid of losing your life? Is it?" Bai Hong sneered, with a derogatory tone in her tone, which made the surrounding ministers break out in cold sweat.

"Shut up, Feng'er!" Sun Feng stepped forward suddenly, glaring at Bai Hong angrily, but raised his hand to strike.

"Wait a minute, Sun Aiqing!" Xuanyuan Shenglong stopped suddenly. He looked at Bai Hong's eyes with a meaningful look, and after a long time, he said, "Zhuangyuan Lang is really eloquent, good! I will save you from looking up and down Kneeling ceremony!"

Xuanyuan Shenglong actually began to give in!
"The Holy One is wise!" Bai Hong clasped her fists and bowed, but a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. In his mind, Yuanshen laughed loudly, it was really happy!

(End of this chapter)

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