Chapter 191

Outside Hanyu Pass, in a large golden tent, Zhao Yin was holding a small piece of paper to consider carefully. His brows sometimes stretched and sometimes wrinkled, but the more he got to the end, the more joyful he was, and he couldn't help laughing loudly at the end stand up.

"Soldiers, I just received a letter from the Emperor's Capital. The Holy Majesty has dispatched 30 troops to help, and there are [-] carts of food and grass to go first. I'm afraid we will be able to start attacking the city in a few months." Zhao Yin laughed loudly. Looking at Bai Hong and the others was very joyful.

"How many months?" Bai Hong frowned slightly, but let out a suspicion, which was really incompatible with the smiles of some generals. There was a roster on his desk, but he didn't know what it was for.

"What? Does Zhuangyuan Lang have any questions?" Zhao Yin looked at Bai Hong's frown and couldn't help but restrain his smile and asked.

"I don't have any doubts, but I'm a little worried." Bai Hong spoke, seeing that the worry on Zhao Yin's face was not affected at all, Zhao Yin frowned slightly but didn't speak, waiting for Bai Hong's next words.

"As we all know, we are not attacking the city now because we are waiting for reinforcements, but the thieves in Hanyuguan are waiting for reinforcements in the desert just like us. Now we are not competing for combat power, but whose reinforcements Whoever arrives first can take that Hanyu Pass." Bai Hong spoke, but all the generals couldn't help but nodded slightly, what he said was true, and it was impossible to refute.

Suddenly, all the smiles disappeared, and the characters "Chuan" appeared on the brows of these people.

"Then I wonder if Zhuangyuan Lang has a countermeasure?" Zhao Yin asked, stroked his beard lightly, with a calm expression.

"There is no such countermeasure." Bai Hong said, but everyone's eyes turned to him. He paused, then looked at Xiaoji and said, "The 30 army is too huge. Without the swift action of the Golden Scale Guards, if they arrived, they would probably be half a year away, but we couldn't wait for that time, but such a large army couldn't arrive in a short time, this is a big problem."

"Besides, there are no people among us who are proficient in the laws of space, so we can't teleport them through space. Even if there are, we can't arrange such a huge space teleportation array, but we can open a straight path for them." Bai Hong opened her mouth, but looked at Han Wei with malicious eyes, which made him feel a little hairy all over.

"Han Wei is proficient in the way of soil, and can turn the soil into a swamp. He leads four or five people through the ground, but he is like a fish in water. We might as well build a road like this. In this way, there will be fewer twists and turns. The 30 troops I'm afraid we'll be there in a few months!" Bai Hong spoke, but her words were astonishing!
"This is a way, but I dare to ask Zhuangyuan Lang, how to open such a passage? On the ground, there are towering cities, dense forests, and canyons and mountains. How can we find the shortest shortcut for it?" Wang Kun looked. Looking at Baihong, he frowned.

"Shortcut?" Bai Hong frowned, looked at Wang Kun, then at the second child behind him, nodded secretly in her heart, but shook her head slightly on the surface and said with a smile: "I'm afraid General Wang misunderstood me. It’s about creating a passage, not finding a shortcut!”

"Build?" A general frowned slightly, looked at Bai Hong and said involuntarily: "Dare to ask Zhuangyuan Lang, how should this passage be built? Even if such a majestic project is completed, I am afraid that the 30 troops have already rushed to us. In Hanyu Pass, all those rebels were killed."

"Haha! This general speaks so loudly. Do you know who the person sitting in the Hanyu Pass is? And do you know what methods he has? You are so dazed and arrogant, I am afraid that your head will fall off before you break into the pass. The body is dead and the path is gone." Bai Hong spoke, causing the general to frown involuntarily, wanting to refute but was speechless.

"Don't talk nonsense, Zhuangyuanlang, can you really create a passage in a short time?" Seeing that the general wanted to argue with Bai Hong, Zhao Yin immediately stopped him, not because he was afraid of the noise from the two of them. Tongue, but afraid that Bai Hong would spit blood out of the mouth of the general who was angry with him.

"There is a way, but the price is very high!" Bai Hong said, but Zhao Yin couldn't help but raised his eyebrows.

"Let's talk about it." Zhao Yin said, his eyes full of expectation.

"My brother Lin Dong is the master of formation formation. Combining his skills with Han Wei's means, he will definitely be able to create an extremely large magic circle of earth, turning millions of miles of soil into a swamp, Walking through is not a problem at all, but such a huge formation requires a lot of spirit crystals..." Bai Hong spoke, hesitating to speak.

"Spiritual crystal?" Zhao Yin frowned, thinking for a while, what Bai Hong said was not unreasonable, but the spiritual crystal was an extremely precious thing, and it was a common currency for cultivators, more precious than real gold and silver.

"I don't know how many spirit crystals the champion wants?" Zhao Yin thought for a while, then asked, looking at Bai Hong.

"Less say a few thousand, more than tens of thousands." Lin Dong said, he and Bai Hong looked at each other, the two had already agreed in secret, so it's not surprising to say it now.

"Ten thousand!" With a sudden shock, the general stood up involuntarily just now, and he watched Bai Hong and Lin Dong's eyes burst into flames.

"Aren't the two of you saying this to ask for this spirit crystal from our army? Although our army has countless weapons, how can there be one of this spirit crystal? You say this, it is obviously a sensationalist! General, please don't worry!" Promise him!"

Zhao Yin frowned, glanced at the furious general, then looked at Bai Hong, who was smiling and contemptuous, and then said to the general, "Hua Sheng, sit down first, Zhuangyuanlang, you continue to talk." .”

Hua Sheng was stunned for a moment, but saw Zhao Yin glaring at him, and sat down again unwilling to resent him, looking at Bai Hong, his eyes were about to burst into flames, as if he was about to eat him.

"Actually, what General Hua said is not unreasonable, but we have all overlooked one point, that is, the strength of a large number of people!" Ye, said: "I have the roster of our army's officers and soldiers in my hand. Among them, there are not many people who are in the spiritual realm, but there are thousands or even tens of thousands of our Golden Scale Guards. Among these people, there must be a few people in their hands. Hold the spirit crystal!"

"Although it is impossible for each of them to have one, but if those soldiers who have spirit crystals take out one each, it will definitely not be a problem to gather a few and make a thousand!" Bai Hong said, but Zhao Yin and the others couldn't help but Nodding, Hua Sheng also looked at Bai Hong and remained silent.

"However, even if you collect thousands, it's still far from enough." After a long time, Hua Sheng spoke, looking at Bai Hong with a playful smile in his eyes.

"That's true, but General Hua has forgotten that we not only have the current 20 troops, but also 30 sergeants on the way!" Bai Hong sneered, but her words carried an impeccable momentum, People can't help nodding secretly.

"Those soldiers are also the people of my dynasty. I think I have collected thousands of spirit crystals, and they will definitely not be shy. I am afraid that there will be more than a few thousand by then, and we will wait to build the channel." I don't know how many spirit crystals I need, if it's not enough, I'll pay for it all myself!" Bai Hong said, with a majestic tone in his tone, very domineering, which made people look sideways, obviously to please others Exchanging things for the benefits of others, he gained a good reputation, but he still said it so confidently.

"What Zhuangyuan Lang said is inevitably a method. Although everyone is a soldier in the army, it is unavoidable to be more selfish, but as long as this battle is over, we can return to the court. I am afraid that all the soldiers have been eagerly looking forward to On this day, I think they will definitely not be stingy." Zhao Yin spoke, but decided on Bai Hong's opinion.

"Brother Bai's words are indeed a good way, and the hearts of the soldiers in the army to return home are probably already very strong. Let alone a spirit crystal at this moment, even if they leave all their belongings here, they will not hesitate. Give up everything and go home." Ye Xingchen said, looking at Bai Hong, he couldn't help but nodded in admiration.

"That's it, then it's settled. It's just that the matter of the spirit crystal still needs the general's extra care. Han Wei and Lin Dong, I, and I will discuss other matters." Bai Hong said, but directly led Lin Dong and Han Wei. When he left, his back was a little more majestic among the generals.

"This kid, he left this mess to me, and he was left alone." Looking at Bai Hong, Zhao Yin showed a helpless sneer. He looked at the general under him and said, "Generals!" Listen to the order, unite with your subordinates, tell them about this matter, and implement this matter immediately, I will collect all spirit crystals and send them to my tent."

After Zhao Yin finished speaking, without waiting for those people to speak, he immediately turned around and left, leaving everyone with stunned faces behind. Zhao Yin's face remained unchanged, but he smiled in his heart: "Don't blame me, this kid gave me this mess, I will Naturally, we can’t take all of them, so it’s up to you to waste your time.”

"Brother Bai, what's the matter? Do you really want to build such a majestic underground passage? This is not a small project. Even if you have tens of thousands of spirit crystals, you may not be able to do it." Bai Hong's big In the tent, Han Wei couldn't help asking with a suspicious look on his face.

"Han Wei, do you think I'm pretending what I just did?" Bai Hong didn't answer, but looked at Han Wei with a chuckle. He stood up, looked at a sergeant outside the tent and said, "These people, all They have been away from home for several years, or even ten years. They are all soldiers who crawled out of the dead. In ten years, they have not returned to their hometown once! Some even have not even seen their own babies who have been born. , such a person, isn’t it pathetic?”

Slightly taken aback, Han Wei looked at Bai Hong, but couldn't help but see something more in his eyes. Bai Hong looked at him in a little surprise but didn't say much, and continued: "The battle at the border, the flames of war are everywhere, and the ones who suffer are The people, and they too."

"Too much blood has been shed, and I can't bear to watch it any longer. Although this matter is difficult, it won't trouble us, right? Han Wei." Bai Hong's words made Han Wei's eyes a little more determined. , nodded and he didn't say much.

"However, with such a large formation, it is impossible to open such a channel at one time. It seems that I still need to study and study to build a large and active formation. In this way, we will have no worries." Xiaoji said, but his expression changed. With deep embarrassment.

"I know it's difficult, but the situation is critical now, and this is the only way to go. In crisis, crisis, and crisis, there is opportunity! Whether it is success or failure, it's all about it." Bai Hong spoke, but everyone couldn't help but nodded slightly.

After everyone had left, only Bai Hong and Long Xuan were left in the big tent. Bai Hong frowned, but couldn't help pinching his own brow with two fingers, with a sad and exhausted expression on his face, he returned to his Seat, in a pile of letters, he found out the blood pigeon letter he received yesterday, and couldn't help feeling dizzy.

"Brother Bai Hong, don't be too tired. Some things can't be accomplished overnight, so don't be too anxious." Long Xuan looked at Bai Hong but sat beside him without any shyness. There was a hint of pink, and tenderness in the eyes, but a jade hand gently held Bai Hong's arm.

"What? You don't want to kill me anymore?" Looking at Long Xuan, Bai Hong rarely showed a smile. It was a sincere smile, and only in front of Long Xuan could he have that sincerity. Xiaoji, he had never done this before.

"It's natural to kill, but it's not the time yet. When the time is right, I will naturally kill you. I'm not in a hurry but why are you in a hurry?" Long Xuan said, looking at Bai Hong, she smiled angrily. , there was a little mischief in the eyes.

"Hmph! You girl." Bai Hong said, but her tone was full of teasing. If compared with her age, Long Xuan is much older than him, but at this moment she is leaning on Bai Hong like a bird, very happy. Clever.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen to Emperor Yu. If you say so, I'm afraid there are some orphans in my Shangguan Bai family, but I don't know who this person is, but he has the same name as my sister. However, Zishu's eyes will not Wrong, is she really Xiao Yu?" Bai Hong asked, but Long Xuan couldn't help being surprised, she snatched the letter from Bai Hong's hand, and read it carefully.

"What? Brother Bai Hong, Xiao Yu is still alive!" Long Xuan looked at Bai Hong, but couldn't help but transmit the voice. Another Xiaoyu appeared, but it made people suspicious.

"I don't know, but I hope that this woman is really my sister. Maybe this is the last hope in my heart. It's just that I can't leave now, otherwise I must go to find Zishu and others. Recruited an extremely powerful person, that person was undefeated against the three of Xuanyuan Shenglong, and according to Sun Fengxin, this person is a phantom, just a phantom, but has such power, if How powerful should his real body be?" Bai Hong asked, frowning involuntarily, with a sad expression on her face.

If it was just that the Golden Scaled Guard of the Imperial Capital was beheaded, he wouldn't bother to worry about it. I'm afraid it's too late to be happy, but now it seems that this is not the case. There may be some changes in this, but I don't know if this woman is his sister. , Baihong is really one head and two big.

"No matter what, Brother Bai Hong, you have saved yourself a lot of thought. Now the old batch of golden scale guards in this army are almost dead. What worries you the most is the thousands of golden scale guards in the imperial capital. Now the thousands of golden scale guards Wei is gone, and your worries will be relieved, but Xuanyuan Shenglong was not killed, which is indeed a great pity!" Long Xuan said, and handed the paper to Bai Hong again, her expression was full of excitement. With a touch of joy.

"Hmph, that Xuanyuan Shenglong is a strong Tianyuan, a cockroach that can't be killed, but how could he die so easily, but one day I will kill him with my own hands! Blood sacrifice to the heroic soul of my Shangguan Bai family! As soon as you say it, the worries in my heart are much less, no matter what! I am at the border but I can’t manage those matters. After I take over the 30 troops, I will break through the Hanyu Pass and lead the troops to triumph. Then, go look for Zishu and the others." Bai Hong said with a slight smile on her face.

"In a few days, I will make thousands of miles away!"

(End of this chapter)

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