The strongest sword fairy

Chapter 306 The Divine Dragon Arrives

Chapter 306 The Divine Dragon Arrives (1)

The three tyrannical demon kings, Hengkong, immediately completely suppressed Xue Feng and the other three demon spirit kings. A cold light flickered on the wolf claws, and they tore the ginseng fruit tree into pieces in an instant, and the sawdust of the big canopy flew in the air.

"Blood Peak! Why did you let this demon wolf king escape again? If so, the three of us may be in real danger today. Although this demon wolf king has an arm cut off by me, he is a demon king and can regenerate at any time! What's more, this is the third floor, and it's their territory, look at the black herd of beasts behind them, it's almost the same as our demon spirits on the second floor!" Although Liu Mu's body was shattered, it was a demon spirit King, the strong man of Tianyuan, his body is shattered, his soul is immortal, and he can also be regenerated!

At this moment, only a few fragments of their three demon spirit kings are left. The billowing half-immortal essence is surging, and the circle pattern is shrouded. They immediately condense into a new shape. Wang, and the swarm of beasts behind them, the three of them couldn't help but looked at each other and frowned.

"It's up to you." Shaking his head slightly, a sneer appeared on the corner of Bai Hong's mouth. He had warned the three demon spirit kings just now, but not only did they not listen to the advice, they even turned to Bai Hong with cold words. The big boat fluttered slightly, and Bai Hong began to hide up.

"Oh! You three demon spirit kings, in disregard of the rules set by your master, opened the third floor passage privately. Not only did you let humans in, but you also forcibly broke in. You can enter this third floor at will. Is it?" Burning Lion looked at the big dark blue demon that just appeared, but he didn't smile at all, but yelled at the three demon spirit kings at Blood Peak. At this moment, the master of this big formation is not here, he seems Became the arbiter of the law in this great formation.

"Hmph! Burning Lion, who do you think you are? You and I are just the big monsters in this big formation, the guardians of the big formation. What do you mean when you speak to me in such a tone? You are judging me What? Let me tell you, except for the master, no one can talk to me like this!" With a bang, the blood peak seemed to be really furious, and the rolling battle power was surging, and the huge mountain rushed into the sky, and then fell from the sky in a rumble!

"The mountain is falling!" Xuefeng roared, and the huge mountain fell from the sky, but it seemed that even the sky collapsed, and the slightest space crack flashed in the air. The combat power was fully raised to 3000 million horses. He turned out to be He exerted all his strength, wanting to kill Burning Lion with one blow!

"Who am I? I am me! I am Burning Lion, the guardian of this third layer! No matter who it is, as long as it breaks into this place, it is a violation of the laws here! And those who violate the laws will accept my sanctions! Although you are the guardian monsters of this formation together with me, you are no exception!"

"To the sky!" The Burning Lion roared, and the sound shook the world. The horn on the top of its head suddenly shone brightly, and strands of light emanated from the horn, whirling in mid-air, trampling the ground with its four claws , it jumped high, lowered its head slightly, and then suddenly headed towards the sky!

This top, like a sharp blade piercing the sky, the divine light hitting the sky in the dark night, the single horn shining with light, colliding with the blood peak between the bangs, the powerful force swept across the field, sweeping away all the monsters that had just hit. , standing in the cabin, the warship kept shaking as if it was drifting with the current.

After a stalemate for a while, the unicorn suddenly pierced into the mountain, and the sharp force hit Xiaohan, piercing through the huge mountain in an instant, the blood peak shattered again, and the rolling magma splashed on the bodies of the three big monsters. Immediately, their body surface was scorched, and the scorching heat in the magma was able to pierce their scales!

"Haha! Burning Lion, do you think I can't kill you if you smash me into pieces? You are so wrong! I am a mountain, and I am also magma. My shattering will not only make me weak, but will make me weak." Make me stronger!" The voice of the blood peak came from the rolling magma, and the magma continued to gather in the midair, turning into a blood-colored torrent, and suddenly swept towards the burning lion!

Strands of streaks flowed in the hot magma, making it look like boiling blood. The flame was enough to burn everything. Bai Hong narrowed his eyes and said involuntarily: "Good guy! This blood peak is really hidden , such hot magma, I'm afraid even the three demon kings can't resist it?"

"Haha! It's just a small magma. How long can magma be rampant when it meets water?" Laughing wildly, holding a huge harpoon, the big monster who just descended suddenly stepped forward, and around him, drops of water It spread and suddenly gathered into a huge river.

The river is surging, and each drop of water contains a streak of dao lines, which are lingering continuously, drawing an ancient character, and suddenly pouring towards the rolling magma, just like the Milky Way descending from the sky, shaking itself In a flash, the demon king stood in the river with a huge harpoon in his hand, and suddenly thrust out!
"Catch fish at the bottom of the sea!" the demon king yelled violently, the power on his body galloped and roared, reaching 3000 million fighting power, the water poured down, but kept chirping, turning into a large white mist, filling the air .

"Fog condenses, melts, sweeps!" There was a trace of blood red in the pupils, and the white mist suddenly condensed again, turning into balls of water and wrapping it again. It can be seen with the naked eye that the rolling magma was continuously poured by the river water, and the blood red in it gradually receded , exposing the gray rock body.

"Not good! Let's go together!" With a startled expression, Liu Mu immediately saw the strangeness in it. Although the magma is powerful, it will eventually cool down when it encounters water and condense into sand and stone again, but it ignored one point. The rocks are much stronger than any natural rocks.

"Haha! Your water has made me!" Laughing crazily, the magma river in Xuefeng was completely turned into rocks, and the huge harpoon fell on it, and the huge impact was shocking, but it was impossible to shake it. After piercing through, little sparks dissipated in the water flow, the blood peak shook with a bang, but the river-like rocks slapped towards the demon wolf king!

"Block the universe!" The willow branches intertwined, all the willow branches shot out, and immediately swept the monster wolf king, the wood spirit essence rolled on it, and the breath of wood rushed into his body. Assimilate him again and become a stake.

"All monsters obey the order, all enter the state of madness, beheaded with anger, and nothing remains!" The burning lion roared, rumbled, and its huge sharp claws cut through the space, cutting off the willow branches, Following his roar, those monsters who were watching in place suddenly went berserk!
The tide of beasts surged, in the sky and on the ground, the rolling monsters rushed to kill, and immediately surrounded the three big monsters including Bai Hong and Liu Mu.

"Damn it! I finally understand why this battle will involve me. If this goes on, my calculations will definitely come true. However, I only calculated the first half, but I didn't calculate anything behind. After this, I'm afraid It involves some secrets of the heavens, so that I can't touch them at all, but what is it that can make me unable to touch the slightest?" Bai Hong frowned, and kept controlling the divine sword outside the battleship, and the rainbow light cut down, and monsters and beasts To shatter.


The river-like rock collided with the scorching lion's sharp claws, creating a torrent of power that swayed away the demon wolf king. The law of wood in his body circulated, continuously transforming his body into wood, and bits of debris fell into the demon wolf king's body Reproduction immediately attracted his attention!

"Although this willow tree is not strong, his Taoism is very strange. It can assimilate my flesh and blood. The law of this wood may have reached the realm of six yuan, but do we really want to fight like this? If we are The master knows, I'm afraid we will all be punished!" Frowning tightly, blood gushed out of the wolf king's body, and the sawdust gradually returned to its original appearance, and his severed arm came out and returned to its perfect shape.

"Jie Jie! Monster wolf king, I think your body is pretty good, why don't you let me use the waste to condense a new physique for my children, so that you can be free." Laughed coldly , that laughter directly attracted the sharp claws of the demon wolf king. The long nails on the wolf claws were like blades, cutting through the space, and suddenly fell on the ginseng fruit tree, penetrating three points!

"Trash? Hmph! Today I want you to know who is the real trash! You demon spirits don't have a human form at all, so you can't fight us. Your moves are ordinary, and your Taoism is powerful, but it's nothing more than real harm. We, you! Only be slaughtered!" There was madness in the eyes, and the worry in the eyes of the demon wolf king completely receded, and this "waste" of the ginseng fruit tree completely angered him!

It was broken in the middle, and the ginseng fruit tree let out a mournful roar. At the break, layers of dao lines flowed, making it impossible for him to continue again. He roared up to the sky, and a layer of silver light suddenly appeared on the wolf king's body. When did a full moon appear, and that silver light was the brilliance of the full moon.


The strength of the wolf king's body continued to increase, and his flesh and bones suddenly changed. The silver moonlight awakened the madness hidden in his body, tearing up his last ounce of reason, and he moved like a peerless statue. The demon and the ginseng fruit tree fought together.

The tumbling tide of beasts impacted the warship, causing it to shake uncontrollably, and even collapsed. Bai Hong sat cross-legged in the cabin, wisps of seven-colored true qi sank into the hull, and wisps of original law surged out, knocking the monster beast down. It was torn apart, but the monster seemed to be killing endlessly, cutting more and more, and in the end, the warship was completely covered by the superimposition of monsters, and there was no gap on the surface of the hull.

"Continuing like this is not an option. I don't have much time. If my calculations are correct, the opening time of this grand formation is only three months. If I haven't broken through within three months, I will be trapped forever Here, and my siege directly affects Xuan'er's safety, she is seriously injured, and I'm afraid she is still awake, at this moment, there is only one way!" Frowning, the entire hull of the ship turned black, There is no gap or light around the hull, and it is tightly blocked.

"Shenlong! Shenlong! Are you there? I'm in danger, where are you? If you don't respond, I'm afraid I will be buried in this big formation, and you will never be able to break through the seal!" Bai Hong's voice was It echoed in his mind, but he couldn't get any answer.

"No, no, logically speaking, I should be closer to Shenlong when I came to this third floor. Besides, it said that it was sealed in this third floor. Could it be that there is something else in it? Secret?" Bai Hong shook her head slightly, with a little vigilance in her eyes, as if she had calculated something.

"It doesn't matter! Since the Shenlong didn't answer me, there must be something wrong with it, but now is not the time to think about it, how to break through, find the portal, and leave this big formation is the most important thing." Bai Hong shook her head, her eyes were A little bit of sharpness flowed out.

"Baihong Excalibur, transforming into thousands, sword, gold, madness, fighting, killing, fire, all burst out!" Drinking softly, in Baihong's mind, strands of the Dao origin flowed out, submerging into the hull of the ship within a bang within!
Strands of dao patterns intertwined on the surface of the hull, but formed the patterns on the dust-sealed sword box. The rainbow light suddenly lit up, illuminating the entire warship. Suddenly change, one divides into two, two turns into three, and three turns into tens of thousands!


When the divine sword fell, it immediately killed all the monsters crawling on the hull. A large rain of blood drifted in the air. Before the corpses of those monsters fell, a herd of beasts surged behind them. With sharp eyes, Bai Hong slightly pulled the dragon's veins in the divine sword. During the boom, all the divine swords shot out three feet of light, directly beheading all the surrounding monsters and breaking a big hole.

"It's now!" There was a smile in his eyes, and in a blink of an eye, Bai Hong's hand landed on the dust-sealed sword box, and the seven-colored true energy immediately filled the veins on it. As the seven colors flow, the whole big ship rumbles!

"Bump! Bump! Bump! Rush with all your strength, as long as I make a gap, I can escape far away!" Bai Hong looked stern, with madness in his eyes, watching the battle outside the cabin, he kept roaring.

"Xuanyuan thorn!" Flipping his wrist, Bai Hong once again sacrificed a divine weapon. The golden spikes rumbled and enlarged, ignoring the large ship's cabin congealed on the bow, and the strands of blood on it exuded the aura of immortality , All the monsters were frightened back, and those monsters that hadn't retreated in the future were directly pierced!

The blazing flames burned on the hull, directly incinerated and evaporated all the blood of the surrounding corpses, without leaving any traces. In his mind, Bai Hong's primordial spirit suddenly stood up, and he waved his hands. Shenmang, submerged in this primordial spirit!
"The combat power exploded, 32 times! The strength increased, 300 million horses! Explode, explode! Give it all to me!" Bai Hong looked crazy, and his body was 32 times stronger, but he couldn't break through 400 million horses. The warship is rumbling up, and it is about to leave!

"What!" Turning their heads suddenly, the three demon kings and the three demon spirit kings suddenly stopped fighting, looking at the white rainbow that kept breaking through the herd, all showing strong greed, a warship, a god A sword, a Xuanyuan thorn, are all magic treasures of immortality, so many attractive grapes, how could they not be tempted?

(End of this chapter)

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