The strongest sword fairy

Chapter 324 Returning to Sixuan City

Chapter 324 Returning to Sixuan City (2)

"This man is the number one scholar of the imperial capital a few years ago! He attracted the phantoms of all the saints to descend with a piece of paper, and he is also the orphan of Shangguan Bai's family, Shangguan Baihong!" Cha Kehu opened his mouth, revealing the identity of Baihong. Suddenly, there was a commotion, and everyone's eyes were on the tour, as if they wanted to meet this legendary figure.

"Bai Hong, come up." Chakehu said lightly, and a stream of light shot out from his hand with a sudden wave of his hand. Immediately, a staircase with a height of tens of feet appeared between the sky and the earth. Baihong looked up and looked at Chakehu involuntarily. He shook his head and smiled. He did this to let everyone know his identity, to let everyone in the world know that he has become the guest minister of this sacred mountain in the prairie, and has given himself a legitimate identity.

Without the slightest hesitation, Bai Hong took a big stride, stepped out with one step, and in an instant came to the front of the ladder, slowly lifted her foot, and suddenly jumped, Bai Hong tapped the ladder with both feet, and came to Chakehu's side in a few moments , Turning around and looking under her body, Bai Hong had a panoramic view of everything, and streamers of light flickered in her eyes.

"Is this person Shangguan Baihong? According to legend, he went out to conquer the territory and defeated all the rulers of the eight countries outside the region. In a game of gambling, the ruler of the army god bowed his head! Is such a legendary figure born like this? "

"What a number one scholar! What an orphan of Shangguan Bai's family! What a strong man of Tianyuan! This man exudes a holy aura all over his body. It's on par with the rumors!"

"Shangguan Baihong? It seems that this news is really true. I am afraid that within a few days, this news will spread throughout the Tianyuan Continent. In this way, my prairie mountain will be opposed to Xuanyuan Shenglong, but It doesn't matter, with the combat power of my prairie god mountain, even if we destroy the entire dynasty, it won't be a problem, so how can we be afraid of that little Xuanyuan Shenglong?"

There were murmurs from the crowd but they all fell into Bai Hong's ears. He stood with a smile on his face, looked at the people below him, and suddenly said, "Everyone! I'm afraid everyone has doubts in my heart. With my ability, It is impossible to break through the phalanx, but it is true. My success is due to the support of a group of passionate brothers. Here today, I just want to tell everyone that I will definitely protect this sacred mountain! "

"Huh?" The moment the crowd subsided suddenly, they became restless again. Bai Hong's words turned out to belittle herself. This was the first time they had heard such words. Is there anyone who doesn't take credit for herself?But this Shangguan Baihong was contrary to everyone else, giving all the credit to his friends.

However, this can't delay the banquet at all. For them, Bai Hong's becoming a guest is just a small episode. What they have to do is to win over as many powerful figures as possible in this banquet. , if you make friends with these people, their future journey will be much smoother.

"Bai Hong, why are you..."

"Why do you say that?" Interrupting Huhemu's words, Bai Hong and the others sat around a square table, listening to the hustle and bustle around, but Bai Hong couldn't help but smiled coldly, and continued: "I just want everyone to Look down on me and let them relax their vigilance against me. I am just a small person. Although I have shown some sharpness, I have not really let the world recognize my strength. But this is not important. What is important is that this is also my plan part."

"Plan? Bai Hong, what exactly is your plan? Why do I have a feeling of excitement? Will your plan be as crazy as yours?" Han Wei looked at Bai Hong, showing a wicked smile, and stood up. The wine glass in front of her was suddenly thrown away.

"Am I crazy?" She raised her eyebrows suddenly, but Bai Hong's words caused everyone to be taken aback, and then they all looked at him with a very sure look, which made Bai Hong smile silently.

"Well, since you all agree so much, then I have nothing to say, but I can't disclose this plan to you for the time being, otherwise, I will lose everything." Bai Hong said, revealing a mysterious lightness. Laughing, Xiao Xiao took a sip of the wine, but frowned slightly.

"What? Isn't this wine good?" Hu Hemu asked, showing a puzzled expression.

"It's not bad, but it's not strong enough!" Bai Hong said, flipped his hands suddenly, and the three jars of top-quality daughter red immediately appeared in his hands. When the lid of the wine jar was pulled off, the rich aroma of the wine immediately wafted out, and it didn't take a moment It flooded the audience, causing everyone to squint towards Bai Hong.

"Haha! Brother Baihong, why is your wine different from ours? Could it be that the god lord specially treated you specially to celebrate your becoming a guest minister? This wine is really fragrant!" Chu Menghun was the first to come to Baihong. Beside him, a pair of eyes stared straight at the three jars of wine, looking forward to it.

"How could it be? The Lord God is very fair to all of us. These three altars of wine were just brought out by Brother Bai Hong, and they are his treasures. Brother Bai Hong, what kind of wine is this?" Hu Hemu asked, smoothing things over for Bai Hong. But it made Bai Hong helplessly smile.

"This wine is the best wine brewed by the strong Tianyuan! It is called the best daughter's red wine, and it is the immortal wine carefully blended by Xuanyuan Yuzhu, the owner of the star picking house. It contains every bit of half-immortal essence and the way of wine Rhyme, it is very suitable for us cultivators to drink." Bai Hong opened his mouth, but no one listened to his words, they were all attracted by the words 'extreme daughter red'.

"Is this the best daughter's red? Such a fairy will appear in my prairie mountain? According to rumors, this wine is Xuanyuan Yuzhu's comprehension of Taoism with the half-immortal essence, and there is more of that state of mind , this wine is no longer sold outside the Zhaixing Building, if you want to buy it, you have to talk to her personally, but we have applied for it several times, but it was all rejected by the housekeeper, and we returned in dismay." Several magic soldiers looked at the wine on the table. His daughter Hong couldn't help shaking her head and sighing.

"Hmph! Don't say it's you, even we haven't won a pot. This top grade daughter red has been extinct in Tianyuan Continent. Although I have also drank this wine, I still can't help but want to drink it when I see it today. Take a sip of it!" With a cold snort, a general opened his mouth, but looked at the three jars of wine with his eyes shining.

"Yes! Yes! This kind of fairy wine, even if I let me take a small sip, it is an incomparably wonderful thing!" The crowd shrugged and surrounded Bai Hong and others, frowning slightly, Bai Hong looked at These people did not expect that such three jars of wine would attract such a scene.

"Okay!" Standing up suddenly, Bai Hong looked at everyone present, and couldn't help laughing boldly: "Since everyone wants to drink this top-quality daughter's red, then I won't hide it anymore. There are also ten altars of top-quality daughter red, which are divided into various tables, what do you think?"

Bai Hong's words immediately aroused everyone's exclamation, ten altar top daughter red!This Shangguan Baihong is really hiding something!But everyone didn't care about these, as long as they could drink this wine, it was more important than anything else,
In a short while, all the tables were filled with the top grade Nurhong. It is not a problem for each of the ten altars of wine to share a bowl for each person. All of a sudden, everyone drank to their heart's content, and the banquet became more lively. Bai Hong Looking around, he couldn't help but smile lightly, this was the first time he had seen such a scene.

"Bai Hong, I didn't expect you to have such a collection! In this way, everyone's dissatisfaction with you will subside a lot, but don't be fooled by their appearance. , but these are just a joke to us ascetics, sometimes, as long as they can achieve their goals, they will take it at all costs!"

Hu Hemu took a sip of the best daughter red, and couldn't help showing a trace of comfort and enjoyment. The wine slid down his throat and rolled into his limbs and bones, nourishing his blood and muscles, and even A trace of half-immortal essence flowed into his mind.

"Good wine!" Opening it suddenly, Huhemu looked at Bai Hong, but couldn't help showing a smile, and continued: "This wine really contains traces of half-immortal essence. It doesn't have much effect on people below Tianyuan, but it is very important to half-immortals! Such things make me obsessed with them!"

"Hmph! I naturally know what they are thinking. If you like this wine, I still have it here, but I can't show it here." Bai Hong snorted coldly, looking around these people, with a hint of scheming in his eyes. Wise, how can you not understand these truths?
"Forget it, you should keep the wine. I only need this bowl to last forever. Don't forget, I'm a small person in the Yuanxu Realm, and I can't fully absorb the essence of these half-immortals." Hu He Mu opened his mouth, but his eyes were a little more lonely.

"Don't get lost, what's wrong with Yuanxu? I also came from Yuanxu, don't forget, all my strength comes from the robbery of that sword, I can give you a promise, Within three years, I will definitely let you all achieve Tianyuan!" Bai Hong said, but everyone couldn't help being stunned, Tianyuan, how can you be promoted if you want to be promoted?
Looking at Bai Hong's firm and persistent expression, they knew that what Bai Hong said today was definitely not empty words.

"Xuan'er, do you really want to follow this kid in this continent?" The Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea frowned, looked at Long Xuan with firm and persistent eyes, but couldn't help sighing in his heart. He had never seen this kind of look in his heart. I saw it in Long Xuan's eyes, but after going through all kinds of disasters, Long Xuan's character has changed.

"Father, although my daughter is still young in your eyes, I feel that I have grown up a lot. I will definitely go to say goodbye to my brother, and my mother, after I finish everything in Tianyuan Continent, I will return to the East China Sea. Dragon Palace, make an apology to her." Long Xuan spoke, causing the Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea to shake his head involuntarily.

"Hey! That's it! That's it! After all, it's the female college that doesn't want to stay. I, a father, can't keep your heart even if I keep you, but Xuan'er, you must be careful along the way! I I don't want what happened this time to happen again." The Dragon Emperor finally revealed a hint of compromise.

"Thank you, Father! I will definitely return to you in one piece." Hearing the words of the Dragon Emperor, Long Xuan couldn't help showing a smile. At this moment, she was as happy as a child who found a beloved toy.

"Okay, I'll take you to see that kid right now." The Dragon Emperor glared at Long Xuan, as if very angry, but Long Xuan knew how much his father loved him, and he wouldn't let Long Xuan Xuan is reluctant to leave!

"En? Senior Dragon Emperor!" Bai Hong, who was having a drink with Xiaoji and others, suddenly stood up. Seeing the East China Sea Dragon Emperor and Long Xuan coming together, she couldn't help calculating in her heart, and immediately understood everything. Smile lightly.

"Boy, this time it's as you wished!" The Dragon Emperor said, but with a hint of dissatisfaction, he looked at Long Xuan, but called Bai Hong aside, looked at Bai Hong's harmless expression, With a cold snort, he said: "Shangguan Baihong, now that I'm handing over my precious daughter to you, you must protect her in every possible way. If she returns to the East China Sea, I'll see that she's not hurt at all, so I'll definitely blame you!"

"I won't pursue the matter this time. She almost died because she blocked the knife. I think you should understand it in your heart, right? Although your master is the drunken fairy, we are also the emperors in the East China Sea. ! I hope you don't let my daughter down." The Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea looked at Bai Hong, revealing a trace of the majesty of an elder.

"Of course, I will never forget Long Xuan's kindness to me. That knife fell not only on her body, but also on my heart! I will always remember this knife, and the owner of this knife , I will kill it with my own hands, I hope you don't intervene, Dragon Emperor." Bai Hong looked at the Dragon Emperor, narrowed his eyes slightly, and a ray of murderous intent emerged.

"Okay! I will wait for the day when you kill him, so I will leave first. My soldiers are still on the edge of the East China Sea. Now there is chaos there. I am worried, so I have no time to take care of you. I hope you will respond You are responsible for what you said today, otherwise, even if you are the apprentice of the drunken fairy and hurt my daughter, I will kill you!" The Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea nodded, looking at Bai Hong, with a look in his eyes that made Bai Hong unable to help solemnly nodded.

"A gentleman's word!"

"It's hard to chase a horse!"

This banquet lasted until the early morning of the next day. Bai Hong and the others bid farewell to the God Lord and left just after dawn. This token summoned him, and the god master could also use this token to contact Baihong at any time.

"Brother Baihong, where are we going?" Standing at the foot of the sacred mountain in the prairie, Long Xuan looked at the green grass with little stamens, and couldn't help smiling. She and Xiao Yu stood hand in hand, and the two pretty women provoked Han Wei. The eyes of the others couldn't help but shine.

"I said, aren't Bai Hong and the others too eye-catching? If we go all the way like this, will it cause trouble? If we encounter robbers, it will be bad, right?" Tsk tut sighed, Han Wei's eyes showed a hint of far-fetched , but made everyone laugh.

"Wait for Huhemu, and then we will set off immediately. On this journey north, we may come to Sixuan City again. At that time, we will stop there for a while. I will discuss some matters with the Lord of the Army and the others." As soon as the words were finished, Bai Hong saw Hu Hemu driving the red-eyed temple-haired lion from the sacred mountain in the prairie to land.

"Bai Hong!" Hu Hemu smiled apologetically, looked at the crowd, and said with a smile, "My master is so long-winded, he said it was just a few words of advice, but he only talked for nearly half an hour, making everyone wait for a long time."

"It's okay, it's not too late, let's go!" Bai Hong waved her hand, and the group of people stepped into the void and headed towards the north of the mainland!

The footsteps of the few people were very fast, but in just two months, they walked out of this prairie, and after another three months, they had already arrived outside the city of Sixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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