Chapter 40
"The law of time and space, it's actually the law of time and space! Space, time! Not good!" Xuanyuan Yuzhu shook off the tears on her face, as if she had suddenly realized something, but at this moment she couldn't stop her mind to comprehend, so powerful The lineup forced her to take another shot, a huge jade bead suddenly appeared in front of her, but this jade bead was bigger than all the previous jade beads, and this jade bead gave off a dazzling light just after it appeared, making people dare not look at it , as if this jade bead turned into a sun, illuminating the whole land, and the dark clouds in the sky just touched this jade bead, and it flew away. The dark clouds in the sky gradually cleared, but an amazing picture appeared. a sun!However, this jade bead also dissipated as the dark clouds drifted away.

The figure of the man in white gradually appeared, and at this moment, he was faintly angry. "Stop it, I'm not your opponent, but if you don't kill me, I can stop you from doing anything. Although I don't know who you are, but you can reach the legendary realm, Why are you still here?"

"Hmph! Everything I do is for the sake of these thousands of people. Now that you stop me, you will regret it later! You are right, if I don't kill you, you can completely stop me Do anything, but I won't kill you, not because I can't kill you, but because I don't want to kill you!" His eyes narrowed slightly, the man in white looked down, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he shouted angrily, "I'm sorry! Things really can't be delayed any longer, it looks like I'm going to disobey Master's order!"

"Shua!" The figure of the white-clothed man flickered, and he was about to sink into the fierce battle [-] miles below him!And the battle below had already broken out, just when Shangguan Bai Zhan yelled angrily, these ten thousand people had already fought in one place, and the word "kill" was shouted, and the big battle broke out immediately!
All of a sudden, the vitality ran wild, and the spiritual energy of the world was in chaos. Shangguan Bai beheaded a captain of the Golden Scale Guard and found a captain of the Jinlin Guard. , obviously much more powerful than Shangguan Bai Lingjian, and his vitality to control the world is also much stronger. This captain can only parry for a while, and has no chance to fight back, but his armor will not hurt him for the time being.

And Shangguan Bailing is even more powerful, with a long robe hunting and making noises, without wind and automatically, he actually delayed the two captains of the Golden Scale Guards, and even fought with them, the man who controls the vitality of the world is a level higher than Shangguan Baizhan , the genius of Shangguan Bai's family finally revealed a trace of majesty!
Baifu and Baixu also entangled a captain of the Golden Scale Guard, who were also in the Void Realm, but these two were not as powerful as Shangguan Bailing, and they worked together to suppress a captain of the Golden Scale Guard. At this moment, apart from these five captains, dozens of Jinlin Guards have also reached the Yuanxu Realm, and there are not a few people in the Shangguan Bai family who are in the Yuanxu Realm. This battle seems to be evenly matched, but Shangguan Those in the Yuanxu Realm of the Bai family are all newcomers, but the Golden Scale Guard is already in the middle stage, or even at the peak!And they are from the most powerful force in Tianyuan Continent, Dynasty!
Shangguan Baifeng didn't fight stupidly, he kept rushing towards the outside of the battlefield, but someone blocked his way from time to time, and he saw a worse scene, a thousand golden scale guards rushed into Shangguan Bai The mansion of the family!This dog emperor really wants to kill them all!
"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyu, everyone in Shangguan Bai's family, run away!" With a loud shout, it was as if a thunderbolt resounded in the sky, and the entire mansion of Shangguan Bai's family was suddenly in turmoil. If they don't agree, they pack up and leave immediately. Of course, these people are unwilling to leave Shangguan Bai's house. Those who can leave or stay have already left Shangguan Bai's house far away a few days ago.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiaoyu rushed out of the room. At this moment, she was personally instructed by Shangguan Baizhan, coupled with Shangguan Bailing's teaching, she reached the spiritual state at an astonishing speed!Although it's just a beginner's mind, you must know that she is only a teenager!
It can be said that her talent is much higher than that of Shangguan Bailing and Murong Fengyu!Xiao Yun followed her, and the mother and daughter flickered and were about to escape when they saw the battle between Shangguan Bai's family and the five thousand golden scale guards, and stopped involuntarily.

"Xiao Yu, go away!" Suddenly, Xiao Yun pushed Xiao Yu back. There was a gleam of sparkle in her eyes, but there was a sense of determination!She can't go!How can I go?As the wife of the contemporary patriarch, she absolutely cannot leave just like that!
"Mother!" There was crystal in her eyes, and Xiaoyu saw a scene that she would never forget in her life at this moment. Everyone in Shangguan Bai's family was killed one by one. They are like demons, slaughtering lives one by one, like Shura, they have no feelings, even the old and weak, women and children will not be spared!With their hands up and down with their knives, they cut off the lives of those helpless people in Shangguan Bai's family like they were cutting wheat!
"Ah! You should be damned, you should all be damned!" Hair fluttering, Xiaoyu finally couldn't help shedding tears at this moment, watching her playmates and elders being killed by these people, at this moment, she faintly It's a little crazy, you know, these people grew up with me!
The aunt who cleaned the courtyard, the six-year-old Xiaoman, and Xiao Mo who was about the same age as him, they, they were all innocent!These people, hateful, damn it! "Damn it!" Xiaoyu's mind was a little confused, a long sword suddenly appeared in her hand, and she jumped to a golden scale guard!
"Pfft!" Slashed down fiercely, a human head flew with a stream of bright red blood, she killed someone!This was the first time she had killed someone, and even she couldn't help but be taken aback, she had killed someone, and the sudden killing made the anger in her heart cool down a bit.

What she killed was just a person in an ordinary spiritual state. This person didn't react at all, and was killed by Xiaoyu. It can be said that he died quickly and quickly, without a trace of pain at all. However, the bright red blood Xiaoyu was sprayed all over, looking at the blood on her white dress, Xiaoyu was slightly frightened.

However, before she could get too scared, a very good playmate of hers was beheaded a few meters away from her!Blood splattered, and when the Golden Scale Guard pulled out the spear in his hand, the girl's face was full of fear, and she smashed down with her footsteps wanting to rush to Xiao Yu's side!
"Bang!" As if her heart had been severely hit with a hammer, a trace of bright red slowly fell from the corner of Xiaoyu's mouth, "Kill! Kill! Kill!" As if crazy, Xiaoyu came to the golden scale guard in a flash. In front of him, a sword floated out, and the Golden Scale Guard saw Xiaoyu approaching him as if teleporting, and raised his hand to shoot, but Xiaoyu's sword seemed to be invincible, and even the spear and the person were instantly split in two, even though the strong Even the golden scale battle armor can't resist her sword light!
The long sword in her hand was forged by Shangguan Baizhan and Shangguan Bailing together. It is so sharp that it can cut iron like mud!Although the golden scale battle armor was a special material, it couldn't stop Xiao Yu's full-strength blow from the sword, the blood splashed on Xiao Yu's face made her heart extremely cold.

At this moment, she is no longer hesitating, and will never stay again. If she does not kill, then more people will die under the swords of these demons. He believed that Shangguan Bai's family no longer had any powerful figures, so he was relieved of this Qianjin Linwei.

With a thousand gold scale guards, killing a group of old and weak women and children is already killing chickens with a sledgehammer, but how did he know that Xiao Yu alone is comparable to three people in the spiritual realm!In just a few breaths, she killed dozens of Jinlin guards in a row and rescued more than a dozen members of Shangguan Bai's family.

"Xiao Yu..." Biting her lips fiercely, Xiao Yun watched Xiao Yu's killing, her body trembling slightly. "Wang Po!" There was a flash of sharpness in her eyes, and Xiaoyun also burst out with the power of the spiritual realm!It's not that she doesn't know martial arts, living in this martial arts family, she is also a strong person!
A strong person in the spiritual realm, with one hand forming a claw, her movements were quick and neat, grabbing the head of a golden scale guard and twisting it violently, the neck of this golden scale guard was twisted off by her!And under her body, the trembling old woman slowly raised her head to see Xiaoyun burst into tears, and threw herself into Xiaoyun's arms like a child. She had lived a long time and had never seen Xiaoyun. Such a scene, such a scene, cannot be seen even in hundreds of years!

"They're all dead! They're all dead! Rui Niang, Ah Huan, they're all dead, they're all dead! Ma'am!" Wang Po's body couldn't help trembling, Xiaoyun's eyes trembled, tears fell silently, she stood slowly Standing up, he looked at the five Golden Scale Guards who had appeared beside him at an unknown time, his eyes flickered with incomparable killing, was it hatred, killing, madness, or something else?Emotions are intertwined, she doesn't know how she feels now, but the only thing she can do is to kill these murderers, these demons, these beasts that don't even spare children!That incomparably fatuous dog emperor!
"Boom!" The momentum of the five Golden Scale Guards suddenly exploded. These five people are all in the mid-spiritual stage! "Bang!" Trampling on the ground with a bang, five people were hammering, knives, swords, or guns, all smashing down towards Xiaoyun frantically, chopping down, chopping down, Xiaoyun looked at these five people, and there was no life left in his heart. Thought, but she did not give up, die!Pull one up too!Being able to kill one is one, this is what she thinks in her heart now!
And at this moment, Xiaoyu also encountered a great crisis. Ten golden scale guards surrounded her. Although she could barely resist, but after all, she was hard to beat with two fists. At this moment, she faintly couldn't stand it. The two women are in crisis!
And at this moment, when the mother and daughter felt lifeless, a thunder suddenly exploded in the sky. This thunder came without warning and without rules. There wasn't a trace of blackness, but as the thunder exploded, all the white clouds in the sky collapsed and disappeared!
All the people were stunned for a moment, and during this moment, Shangguan Baifeng arrived. He was not in a spiritual state, but Yuanxu!In the middle of Yuanxu!
"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff..." As soon as he arrived, he beheaded several people, as if he was the only one who was not affected by the thunder in the sky at this moment, because at this moment, all his thoughts were on Xiao Xiao. On Yun and Xiaoyu, these two people are the most important people in his life!
"Xiaoyun, Xiaoyu, leave us alone, hurry up, hurry up!" He shouted suddenly, but attracted the attention of hundreds of Jinlin guards. Dozens of them had already died, and the three of Shangguan Baifeng had already aroused their attention. Pay attention, and kill a hundred golden scale guards in an instant!

This is one hundred Golden Scale Guards, even Shangguan Baifeng can't resist so many Golden Scale Guards by himself. Although they are only in the spiritual realm, there are 100 of them!It collapsed suddenly, and a huge coercion caused the surrounding houses to collapse!

The majestic killing intent condensed, and with the arrival of this hundred golden scale guards, another hundred rushed out!Shangguan Baifeng has attracted their attention, if he doesn't come out, it's over, once he comes out, he must be killed without any danger!In this space, it was even difficult to breathe, and an invisible pressure suddenly emerged, and Shangguan Baifeng's heart sank to the bottom!

The three father and daughter looked at the Jinlin Guards rushing over, and there was nothing else in their eyes. Now, it doesn't matter what they say, what they do, or howl. The important thing is that they have to fight, to rush go out!Although, this is just a fantasy, but who can be sure that miracles will not happen?

"True energy and true energy, condense the vitality, and turn it into a sword glow, sword glow, spear glow! The true energy comes out of the body! Slash!" As if judging life and death, a deep and terrifying voice sounded, and suddenly, the vitality in the air instantly Most of the extracted parts, in all directions, countless sword qi, blade light, and spear point, instantly condensed!
These are all formed by the true energy in Jin Linwei's body. Due to the large number of people, it is impossible to attack all of them, and these true energy can be attacked unscrupulously, "Xiaoyu, Xiaoyun, hurry up to me, don't leave me half a step !" Suddenly, there was a burst of five-element vitality in Shangguan Baifeng's body, this breath was the breath of the origin of water, it was the breath of five-element vitality, and as Shangguan Baifeng swiped his hands, the water in the air suddenly became thicker.

Just in an instant, a water ball with a radius of one zhang was formed, and at this moment, the midair was suddenly covered with dark clouds, covering the sky and the sun. At this moment, it seemed that the world had turned into darkness, everything disappeared, and I couldn't see my fingers!Everything disappeared, even the sun disappeared!
Block out the sun!But all this still did not change the attack of these hundreds of Golden Scale Guards. The true energy in their hands had been condensed, and they couldn't stay for long at all. If they didn't make a move, they would hurt themselves. "Find the target, cut!" It was heard that hundreds of qi of true essence collided with the water polo, making a sound of "puff, puff". At the same time, there were screams of pain. Golden Scale Guard's perception.

This was a terrible situation, they couldn't find the target correctly at all, but at this moment, Shangguan Baifeng suddenly shrunk the water polo, pulling Xiaoyun and Xiaoyu to move sideways a few inches, making some attacks miss, while others, Some fell on the water polo, and some fell on these demons, causing them to kill each other!

(End of this chapter)

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