Chapter 55
Bai Hong lay in the cabin, unable to fall asleep for a long time, his mind full of thoughts, his words just now were obviously appreciated by the white-haired old man, it seems that the path he chose was right, the road of the strong must be full of challenges The ups and downs and thorns, if you are always afraid of difficulties and avoid dangers, then you will not be able to aspire to the road of the strong in your life.

In the early morning of the next day, Bai Hong was awakened by the white-haired old man. At this time, there was a thick fog floating on the blue sea. This fog was very rare and confusing. Bai Hong could not even see the stern of the ship. Such mist above the sea can not help but give off a disturbing feeling.

"Don't be surprised. The sea is very strange. There are all kinds of weather. One moment it was calm, but the next moment there may be strong winds and a tsunami." The white-haired old man saw the surprise in Bai Hong's eyes, smiled slightly, and explained a little Continued: "Don't talk about this, Hong'er, I will ask you again as a teacher, do you regret the path you chose yesterday?" The white-haired old man had a serious look in his eyes, but he was secretly planning in his heart.

Without the slightest hesitation, Bai Hong and the white-haired old man looked at each other with a trace of unshakable determination in their eyes, "I will never regret it!" Bai Hong replied, and the white-haired old man also smiled lightly, it seemed that he was worrying too much. Yes, I wanted to test Bai Hong again, but now it seems unnecessary, his firm eyes have already explained everything.

"En, good." The white-haired old man sat down cross-legged, beckoned to Bai Hong to sit down too, and then said: "Hong'er, you already know that the way of ordinary people's cultivation is to practice step by step, slowly from the day after tomorrow. , but what I want to teach you is not like this, I want you to go beyond the acquired and directly cultivate the innate!"

Slightly startled, Bai Hong's eyes were full of confusion. The way of cultivation is to condense a trace of true qi in the body before cultivating slowly. Innate is to let this true qi out of the body. , How can we talk about the true energy coming out of the body?
As if seeing the puzzlement in Bai Hong's eyes, and as if he had fully expected Bai Hong's reaction, the white-haired old man stroked his beard in front of him, and said: "Indeed, for ordinary people to cultivate, the day after tomorrow is essential, and they must It is steady, solid, and the most basic, just like building a house, you must have a good foundation to build a good house that will not collapse for a long time."

"However, this is cultivation, not building a house. You can't take advantage of opportunism in building a house, but you can do it in cultivation, but it is also more difficult because of this opportunism. As we all know, the way of cultivation will encounter thunder in the realm of Tianyuan, and The cultivation method I taught you, in the realm of primordial emptiness, you may encounter thunder calamity, and even in the realm of spirit, you will encounter spiritual calamity, this is the most terrifying part of this road."

"However, you are different from them, you have it." The white-haired old man smiled faintly, and pointed to the Baihong Divine Sword beside Bai Hong. It just left Bai Hong's side.

But it looks like an ordinary sword, without that kind of charm, without that kind of domineering, without that kind of huge body shape, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a divine weapon, because its aura is absorbed by the dragon's veins. It was completely restrained, and there was no trace of the majesty of the artifact.

"Baihong Excalibur?" Bai Hong smiled faintly, stretched out her hand and gently stroked the blade of the Excalibur, an incomparably cordial feeling arose spontaneously. If it wasn't for it, she wouldn't be called "Baihong". The old man will not come, if it is not for it, I will not fight for my ideal, if it is not for it, I may not be myself anymore, it can be said that everything about me is brought by this sword, it is like Is my best partner, friend.

"Yes, it's this white rainbow sword!" The white-haired old man nodded and continued: "This sword was left by an old friend of mine. Before he left, he told me that if this sword is born again If so, then it means that another existence comparable to him has been born, and what he wants me to do is to teach you."

The white-haired old man's eyes were a bit vicissitudes, as if he was recalling some past events, but after only a moment, his eyes returned to the exquisiteness just now. "Hong'er, first of all, I want to tell you that I am only your teacher, not your guardian. I just teach you, regardless of your life or death. You are on the road of cultivation. Intervene, everything depends on your own efforts, your good fortune, you have to understand this."

"I understand, I understand. If there is no danger, there will be no struggle. If there is no death, there will be no outbreak of struggle." Bai Hong's expression was full of wisdom. The old man is just his teacher, not his guardian.

A guardian is different from a teacher. A teacher just teaches you that a teacher can have tens of thousands of apprentices. It is not a big deal if one of them dies, but a guardian is different. A guardian will not let the person he guards die. , unless the guardian died, then the person he guarded would die.

"Well, it's good if you understand." The white-haired old man nodded, and then said: "The so-called acquired is to have a sense of aura between heaven and earth, and then gradually guide a little aura into your body, and then keep it in the dantian. In the middle, it turns into true energy."

"And Xiantian is to slowly manipulate this trace of true energy, force it out of the body, use it for oneself, and reach the peak of innateness. This true energy can be attached to weapons and turned into sword energy, sword energy, etc., and What I teach you is different from these, I still want you to sense the heaven and the earth, and get a sense of the aura between the heaven and the earth, but it is not a slight sense! It is a strong sense!" The white-haired old man trembled slightly, his expression serious.

"Then, mobilize the vitality between the heaven and the earth, let this vitality become your friend, your partner, and gradually condense it in the palm of your hand, from invisible to tangible, from colorless to colorless, just like this The white-haired old man slowly stretched out a hand, the old hand was like a dead branch, and then his palm was facing upwards, and his hand was in the shape of a claw. Gradually, visible to the naked eye, a cloud of gas seemed to be gradually forming on the palm of his hand. Formation.

In fact, the gas was not formed, but he transformed the vitality of the world from invisible to tangible, from colorless to colored. Gradually, this spiritual energy gradually condensed and formed into a continuously twisting and winding shape. It also gradually appeared, and it turned out to be the colorful color!
"Hong'er, look, these are the auras drawn from the heaven and the earth. They are not a kind of aura, but a synthesis of all the auras in the world, including wind, water, light, fire, and even space. Wait a minute, this wisp of zhenqi can kill a strong person in the spiritual realm!" The zhenqi in the hands of the white-haired old man is constantly twisting, like a small snake, winding continuously, and the seven colors make it People are fascinated by it, even Bai Hong is a little lost.

But when the white-haired old man said that it could kill a strong person in the spiritual realm, Bai Hong suddenly came out of that trance, his feeling was shock!Just such a burst of true energy can kill a strong man like his grandfather!This is too frightening.

"Master, this, this ray of true energy can kill people in the spiritual realm?" Bai Hong was a little suspicious, he really didn't believe it.However, the actions of the white-haired old man made Bai Hong convinced. The white-haired old man just slowly threw this ray of true energy into the sea, just like that, without any other movements, as if throwing a useless thing .

Then, when this ray of true energy touched the surface of the sea, suddenly, as if dozens of torpedoes had exploded, the sea area suddenly surged, and huge waves rose to a height of tens of feet. Even the thick fog Part of it was scattered by the shock, and the boat under Bai Hong's body drifted away with the waves.

Looking at the shocking scenery in front of him, Bai Hong remained silent for a long time. He realized how powerful this ray of true energy was, and that ray of true energy could destroy a small mountain!This is its power, this is the power of the aura of heaven and earth, such power, but it is only a ray of true energy.

"Hong'er, did you see it?" The white-haired old man smiled faintly, stroked his beard, and continued: "Unfortunately, even if you can condense this ray of true energy in your hands, you can't make it exert such power, because , you are friends, if it leaves you, it will gradually recover its original body, the aura of heaven and earth! It cannot attack."

"And what you have to do when you reach the spiritual realm is to become its master! Let it be your slave! You have to control it, so that you can make it exert its due power! Do you understand?" White-haired The old man looked at Bai Hong, Bai Hong frowned, kept thinking about what the white-haired old man said, and nodded slightly.

"It's easy to be a friend, but it's difficult to become its master. Hong'er, all of this depends on your own strength. A teacher can't help you. A teacher can only tell you the method of cultivation and become its master." Master, it will definitely not allow it, so it will resist, and when you are promoted to the spirit, you will know what the doom of the spirit is, it is not only its resistance, but also the punishment of this world."

"Punishment?" Bai Hong froze for a moment, "Well, it's punishment. You manipulated the aura of heaven and earth and made it your servant. How could heaven and earth tolerate your actions like this? They will definitely punish you, and you can bear it." You can continue to practice, if you can't endure it, you will die and disappear, turning into nothingness." The white-haired old man took a sip of wine, looked up at the sky, and frowned slightly, but at this moment, the thick fog actually became thicker.

Bai Hong didn't say much. Back in the cabin, he carefully savored the words of the white-haired old man, and felt a lot. He knew what he was going to do now, which was to sense the world, sense the aura of the world, and become temporary with them. Friends, condense into form.

Closing his eyes, Bai Hong sat cross-legged, like an old monk in meditation, but his mind was constantly running, he carefully sensed everything in the outside world, and he kept drawing pictures in his mind, gradually savoring the beauty of the day. The old man pointed himself into the feeling of darkness, he felt everything here, wind, water, fog, the sway of the boat, everything outside, and then slowly condensed all these into a shape in his mind.

At this time when Bai Hong understood carefully, an extremely terrifying battle was going on thousands of miles away from this ship. On the surface of the sea, a huge sea king continued to roar, and around it, there were countless "" "Little fish", these little fish look extremely ugly, but their colorful scales are coated with a layer of black light, which makes them look extremely disgusting. They have a pointed head, a pair of blood-red eyes, and slightly open their mouths. sharp teeth.

There are hundreds of teeth, each of which can tear steel!There are also extremely sharp dorsal fins on their backs. The dorsal fins look like sawtooth, and they bow slightly to jump on the sea surface, just like a bent hacksaw. Moreover, they also exude an extremely disgusting smell.

They are about half a foot long, and compared to the hundred-foot-sized Sea King, they are so small. However, the Sea King let out a fearful roar, and it is actually afraid, because the most terrifying thing is not this kind of fish , but the number of them, from the surface of the sea, there are tens of miles around, and they are densely packed with this kind of fish!They are the most cruel, bloody, and most powerful fish clan in the ocean, the sea demon clan!
Sea Demons!The bloodiest and most brutal race on the sea, if the Sea Royal Clan is the ruler of one sea area, and the Sea King Clan is the overlord of one sea area, then the Sea Demon Clan is the killer of one sea area!The sea royal family is the emperor!And they are soldiers!And it's not just an ordinary soldier, it's a soldier born for killing!
They have innate strength from birth, and the group is extremely strong. It can be said that you may not die when you see a Neptune on the sea, because it may ignore you, because you are alone, you are weak and let you go , but if you meet a sea demon, then you will die!
Because the sea demons have a characteristic, they will never be dispatched alone, every time they act, they are a race!They are not as huge as the Neptune family. For them, even snails can be used as food, so they will never let any creature go!
Some experts even said that they would rather provoke a sea king than kill a sea demon!They are not powerful alone, but their number is very large!Thousands, tens of thousands!One hundred thousand!Even millions are possible!And they are very sensitive to the smell of blood, even more sensitive to the smell of blood of their own race!

If a sea demon dies, they will treat that sea demon as food, they have no emotion, no sympathy, what they have, they just kill food like crazy!They will regard the death of their own kind as their motivation, thus bursting out with even stronger power!
And at this moment, there are tens of thousands of sea demons here!The sea king in front of them roared, but it was of no avail. To him, these sea demons were like blood-sucking insects, they would suck up their own blood little by little, and eat themselves up!
On the wooden boat, the white-haired old man frowned and stared into the distance, as if he saw something. He said in a daze, "It's only the fifth day, and I have encountered so many sea beasts. What's going on? Could it be that there are treasures born around here?" ? Otherwise, how could there be such a coincidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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