The strongest sword fairy

Chapter 644 The Blood Moon Flower Blooms Again

Chapter 644 The Blood Moon Flower Blooms Again
Mo Zhu's words made Yu Huan and Yu Xin turn pale with shock. They looked at Qing Lian and Mo Zhu, their expressions were first shocked, then surprised, and finally turned into bewilderment.

"What? Brother Yuhuan, Brother Yuxin, what's wrong?"

Mo Zhu frowned. The reason why he spoke in such a secret way was because he was really afraid of touching some prohibitions of this sect. After all, this is the first sect in Quanlong Continent, a huge monster like a giant dragon, even they Also dare not act rashly.

"No! It's not wrong, but..."

Yuhuan opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak, opened his mouth a few times, then stomped his feet fiercely, sighed, and then said: "Brother Mo Zhu, we will not hide it from you, in fact, we feel the same as you. Seven people also have..."


Mo Zhu and Qing Lian were stunned at the same time. This time, the two of them were really shocked. Although they expected everything here, they never thought that such a conversation would happen, such a situation, such a scene, the two of them He was so dumbfounded that he couldn't speak a word.

"Indeed." Yu Xin nodded and continued: "Actually, it's not just me and Yu Huan, but all the people here have this feeling, that's why we get together so closely, and we are also looking for this The source of the opportunity, and, has been found!"

"Found it? Where?"

Qinglian opened her mouth, her expression showing a bit of anxiety. She could feel very deeply that the hidden chance is the existence connected with her flesh and blood, and the calling and summoning made her feel anxious every time she dreamed. It seems that the soul is lost, and I want to leave alone to find it.

"It's in the deepest part of my sect, where the entire sect's weapon secrets are stored, Tongxuan Hall!"

"The secret crystallization of the body refining sect is stored there, and the opportunity is there. I can even feel that it is calling me, calling me kindly!"

A group of seven people all stood up, and every time they talked about these things, they all looked excited, and even flushed, which made Mo Zhu and Qinglian have to confirm that these people really felt the same as themselves.

"For this reason, I have drawn up a plan, and I have always wanted to find out, but the security there is so heavy that it is impossible to enter, but this time is different. The two days you have come here coincide with the day when the Body Refining Sect accepts disciples. , Moreover, Senior Brother Xu Yang is attacking the Spring Dragon Realm, retreating a big plan, and guarding it tightly, even some elders and sect masters are all focused on him, so we must seize this opportunity!"

Han Yunxiao talked eloquently, with a resolute and swearing look on his face, as if this matter had been successful, but they all knew in their hearts how risky this matter was and how severe the punishment would be if caught.

"Since we have to fight, we will naturally have to pay something. Since Mo Zhu and Qinglian are here, I think it is better for us to choose a day to hit the sun. Tomorrow, tomorrow midnight, we will sneak in during the guard change of Tongxuan Palace." , what do you think?"

Han Yunxiao's words were very moving and attractive, making everyone agree, but no one nodded. They all deeply understood what this meant. After careful consideration, they really couldn't resist the unknown mystery , want to find out.

In the end, a group of nine people reached an agreement, tomorrow at midnight, let's do it!

This night was destined to be a sleepless night. In the night, suddenly there was thunder and thunder, and the rainstorm was like a waterfall. The waves of water splashed down, as if to wash away all the traces. A group of nine people completely replaced the shift changers. , and then came to the guard of Tongxuan Palace.

The torrential rain also seemed to have exploited people's vigilance. They just wanted to change shifts quickly and go back to take a hot bath in the house and get a good night's sleep. Inside the hall, there is still an elder standing there, so there will be no mistakes at all.

The more the nine people got here, the more they felt the power of the summoning, incomparably stronger!
In the mist, four people were missing from the nine people. Four people suddenly appeared in the Tongxuan Hall. Qinglian and the others probed into it, and followed the direction of the summoning. , but still remain calm and cautious.


Suddenly, just as the four of them walked into a screen, where the elder was, the elder let out a sound of surprise. Just as the four of them were about to make a change, a huge change suddenly happened in Tongxuan Hall!
Amidst the rumbling, the entire Tongxuan Hall trembled violently. This Tongxuan Hall was originally built on the mountain, and the entire hall was embedded in the mountain. At this moment, the mountain seemed to be a huge beast that had awakened. Rise up, roar and dance!

"Someone broke into Tongxuan Palace!"

Suddenly, a voice rang in the ears of everyone in the Body Refining Sect. Qinglian and the others couldn't help being startled, and suddenly realized that the strength of this Body Refining Sect is not only the completeness of the cultivation methods, but also the It's just that those elders and suzerains are so powerful.

This sect of Body Refining Sect, the entire sect, is actually alive!

The Body Refining Sect built on the mountain, the mountain body, is actually an elf with wisdom, a living mountain spirit!
No matter who it is, no matter who it is or what it does, as long as it is within this mountain, every word, deed, and action cannot escape its eyes and ears, because you seem to be living in front of its eyes, under its ears.

The mountain spirit trembled, and the whole body suddenly stood up, and a huge human face suddenly appeared in the mountain body. In the Tongxuan Hall, there were originally many stone figures carved in stone. in front of.


Mo Zhu said, the four of them all understand that there is no way to escape now, they can only rush, rush to that opportunity, perhaps, there is still a glimmer of life!
"Junior, you guys are so courageous!"

Suddenly, just as the figures of several people had just moved and hadn't parted, the figure of the elder had appeared above their heads at some point. His palms were crystal clear like jade, exuding the light of stars, and he was about to die. Stare at them.

"Yu Xin, Yu Huan, you two are members of my sect. You know that the Tongxuan Palace is not allowed to trespass, but you dare to come in and bring these two monsters with you. You are really brave enough. Don't be afraid." Zongmen's punishment?" The elder said, his voice was cold, and he was obviously irritated.


Yuxin and Yuhuan were taken aback for a moment, and they couldn't help but fight a cold war. The punishment of the Body Refining Sect is not expelled from the sect, nor beheaded, but tortured!

It is a kind of torture that studies the body to the extreme. Under this kind of torture, your soul will want to die, and you will not be able to bear it. Your soul will suffer to death!

But if tortured to a certain extent, it can also exercise a person's spiritual power, that is, the soul, and can make one's own soul stronger. However, for people like them who break the rules, the punishment is endless eternal torture !

"Elder, please listen to us. We absolutely dare not trespass in the forbidden area, but we feel that there is a kind of inheritance calling us in the dark. We must come here, we must enter here. Please, elder Mingjian, take us there. .”

Yu Xin opened her mouth and fell to her knees with a thud, her tone trembling.


The elder was taken aback, but couldn't help sneering, and said: "There are countless treasures in my Tongxuan Palace, and there are even unknown and powerful fetishes, and you are not the only one who said that there are inheritances. Could it be that our Body Refining Sect will give up all the treasures? send off?"

"Besides, the two of you have violated the rules of the sect. These two outsiders are absolutely not allowed to come here! Anyone who trespasses on the forbidden area will be killed!"

The elder shouted, the jade-like palm slammed down, and the turbulent aura squeezed the space to burst. This is just the power of the physical acupoints condensed to the extreme. It is the power of a dragon and a tiger, as if the ancient god of war is reborn, truly mighty and fierce!

Mo Zhu called, with a slightly dazed expression on his face. He was regretting, regretting what inheritance he was chasing, regretting what exploration he was thinking about. The two of them were like the couple of gods and immortals. Why bother to trouble themselves? It is extremely painful!

"Black bamboo!!!"

In the same mood, Qinglian also felt pain in her heart. If she wanted to blame, she could only blame herself for being too weak. If she wanted to blame, she could only blame her for being too suspicious. I have never had it in my life.

The two of them never thought of this moment, Qinglian's heart was trembling, at this moment, she suddenly thought of a person, that person can definitely save her, but where is he?

"Immortal! Immortal!"

Shouting in her mouth, it took almost an instant for the palm to fall, and at this instant, Qinglian couldn't help calling out, her tone was anxious and sincere, but she just said: "Help him!!"


Just when the palm was about to touch Xiao Yu and Mo Zhu's foreheads, even the strong wind had scratched their cheek skin, their robes were bulging and about to shatter, and the whole person was about to be crushed by the palm, at this critical moment , A space ripple suddenly rippled out, freezing everything directly.

Whether it was the elder, the mountain monster elf, or the entire sect of the Body Refining Sect, they all stopped at this moment. Qinglian's body was also blocked by the power of time and space, but her spiritual knowledge and wisdom were not affected. Without disappearing, she could almost feel the passage of time.

In his eyes, the figure of a person gradually solidified in this hall. That person, with a smile on his face, looked kind and warm. ?

"Finally remember me?"

Bai Hong opened her mouth, flicked her fingers lightly, Qing Lian's body trembled, and immediately regained her freedom, without even having time to thank Bai Hong, she immediately moved Mo Zhu's figure away from the range of the elder's attack, all this, Bai Hong Look in the eyes, do not speak.

After everything was dealt with, Qinglian thanked Bai Hong: "Immortal! You really are an immortal! I knew you were real and you would appear, immortal, please ask me..."

Bai Hong raised her hand, interrupting Qinglian's words, then pointed to the back of the palace screen, and said: "All the answers are there, everything is waiting for you to solve it yourself, go."

Qinglian was startled, then turned around suspiciously, and looked at the screen. It was a picture screen of a tiger descending the mountain. Behind the screen, a stone platform could be vaguely seen. On the stone platform, it seemed to be... sword?

Just when Qinglian walked in front of the screen, everything returned to normal. The elder's palm fell into the air and hit the ground, shaking the entire Tongxuan Hall. Not hurt at all.

And Baihong has long since disappeared, as if everything just now was just a trance, a dream.

But at this moment, Qinglian felt the fierce and strong call of the opportunity, the feeling as if she wanted to seduce her own soul, which made her tear the screen suddenly under the astonishment of everyone, and came to the stone in a blink of an eye. before the stage.

And on that stone platform, there was indeed a sword, to be precise, a broken sword, a "broken sword" that was broken, broken, scarred, riddled with holes, and even rusted.

But it was this sword that attracted Qinglian's palm, causing her to touch it involuntarily.

"Dare you!!!"

The elder shouted violently, his figure was violent, he pointed his finger to the ground, and flew into the air, and in an instant he came behind Qinglian, raised his fist and smashed it down.

But the moment he arrived, Qinglian's fingers had already touched the hilt of the broken sword. The sword was blood red, as if it had been soaked in blood. Into Qinglian's body.

In an instant, her body trembled slightly, and her whole mind was formed in an instant. Countless memory fragments poured into it as if a bank had burst. flew out.

"The Remnant Rain Sword..."

Tears welled up in Xiao Yu's eyes, and she gently picked up the broken sword, but the tears rolled down and fell on the Remnant Rain Sword. Suddenly, the whole world trembled, the world trembled, and countless The fragments began to gather from all over the world, and gathered towards the Body Refining Sect.

Some of those fragments are in the depths of the earth, the heart of the earth's core, some are at the end of the ocean, on the cliffs of the sea, and some are in the vast starry sky and stars. At this moment, the earth's core is surging, the ocean is rolling, and the stars are bursting. Countless bloody shards converged in one direction.

"A body of flesh and blood, condensed into a god, supernatural powers and nine orifices, merged into one!"

In a secret room of Body Refining Sect, Xu Yang sat cross-legged on a stone bed. The stone bed exuded a gray aura, definitely not ordinary, and the acupoints all over his body were like stars, emitting With a dazzling light, it was faintly visible that a stream of air was penetrating all the acupuncture points around him.

There are nine dazzling acupuncture points on his body. They are the nine major acupuncture points of the human body. At this moment, the air flow is about to penetrate his whole body!
"Someone broke into Tongxuan Palace!"

Suddenly, at this extremely critical juncture, a voice broke into his ears, causing his body to tremble involuntarily, and the air trembled, almost dissipating!

"Don't be distracted!"

A thunderous sound broke into his brain, causing his mind to calm down suddenly, and his whole body took a long breath, and he returned to the state just now.

"Nine orifices unite, one life is two, two is three, three is all things!"


In an instant, the air flow in his body completely pierced through the nine acupoints, his whole aura suddenly soared, and everything in the sky, earth, stars, and stars trembled. When Qinglian held the Remnant Rain Sword.


Roaring up to the sky, Xuyang roared, and the originally fierce Spring Dragon Realm breath suddenly began to surge again. Bai Hong and others were on the long river of fate, and immediately saw that the long river was rolling, and suddenly a stream of light ran through the past and the future , falling on Xu Yang's body in an instant, that is Xuanyuan Shenglong's inheritance!
In other words, it is the inheritance of the fate of the last era. It is not only the inheritance of Xuanyuan Shenglong alone, but also the inheritance of countless creatures controlled by Heavenly Dao. All of these have been applied to him. Now, his power is soaring all the way. It was directly promoted to 880 eight eras!

clap la la...

The bloody flowing light fragments gathered on the broken sword in Xiao Yu's hand like a chain, making the aura on her body long and long, and the flowing aura also infected Mo Zhu and the others. They all involuntarily closed their eyes, The scenes in my mind were shown one by one like a horse watching flowers, and just a short breath, all of them woke up.

"Tianji Great Grinding Disc!"

"The secret key!"

"Ink Feather Fan!"

"Demon Sword Guixie!"

For a moment, a group of nine people, nine torrents across the sky, all their magic weapons reunited and appeared beside her, Xiao Yu had a smile on her face, she raised her head, as if she saw a white rainbow, her eyes were full of tears, she looked Seeing the stunned elder suddenly soar into the air.

"Blood moon blossoms."

The vermilion lips parted slightly, and the Can Yu Sword streaked a blood-colored light in mid-air, visible to the naked eye, a full moon suddenly appeared on a rainy night, but the moonlight suddenly changed color, and a layer of bloody light covered it, making it even more beautiful. A bit weird.

Not only that, the position where Xiaoyu rushed out, facing the blood moon, was an extremely beautiful blood-colored rose. At first, the rose was a flower bone, and a woman jumped onto the bone lightly, holding a long sword , with a slight shake, that bloody bone suddenly burst open!
The moment the flowers bloom, it is so beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people tremble!

(End of this chapter)

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