super decomposition system

Chapter 114 Lin Quan's Little Thoughts

Chapter 114 Lin Quan's Little Thoughts

Sitting in the first place and winning the Patriarch of the Lin family, he was taken aback when he heard it, and then quickly said: "Elder Lin Quan was joking, you found such a weapon for the family, what a great achievement! How could I Do you still care about how much money you have said? You must know that spiritual power weapons are something you can’t ask for. This time, we can buy them back with gold coins. How can our Lin family get lucky? Elder Lin, look at you This is talking about something. Quickly open it and release the power, it will open my eyes."

Lin Quan, an old man, pretended to be very moved and said to the Patriarch, it seemed that he was about to burst into tears, and those who didn't know thought that this old man had gone through some miserable experience. tears thing.

"Thank you, Patriarch, for not blaming the blame! I, Lin Quan, will always contribute to the family even if I try my best. It's just that I'm not like some people. After living for so long, besides consuming the resources of the family, not only Not contributing to the family, having a son wasted a lot of the family's financial and material resources, and even lost the family's most precious sword, tsk tsk tsk, people are more angry than others."

As Lin Quan was talking, he changed the topic again, and began to target Lin Qinghe who was sitting not far away. Lin Qinghe finally couldn't help it, and immediately stood still, and said to Elder Lin Quan with an ugly face: "Lin Quan , if you have farts, hurry up and let it go, stop talking here, Lin Yaoyang hasn't come back yet, everything has not become a certainty, who knows if he can also find a spiritual weapon to come back."

Although Lin Qinghe said so, his heart was beating drums, and he didn't have the slightest confidence.Lin Yaoyang, I hope you don't let your father down!
Elder Lin Quan had a sneer on his face when he heard it, and then said: "Well, I hope what you said can really come true, spiritual weapon, hey!"

Although Elder Lin Quan seemed to agree with him, the expression on his face showed no sign of approval at all.

Lin Qinghe's expression turned ugly again, and the patriarch who was sitting at the top also had a slightly darkened expression, and said to Lin Quan: "Elder Lin Quan, open my eyes first."

After finishing speaking, the Patriarch turned his head again, and said to Lin Qinghe: "Lin Qinghe, if your son Lin Yaoyang fails to return to the Lin family after Elder Lin Quan has demonstrated for us, then I will If it could be regarded as him running away, I will clear Lin Yaoyang out of the Lin family, he is no longer a member of our Lin family, and I will also remove his Lin Yaoyang's name from the genealogy."

After Lin Qinghe and Lin Yaoyang's mother heard this, their faces changed drastically in an instant. Lin Qinghe hurriedly said: "Patriarch, you can't do this! It's still early!"

The patriarch's face suddenly changed, and he said to Lin Qinghe, "Lin Qinghe, pay attention that you are talking to the Patriarch of the Lin family! You have given Lin Yaoyang three days, and you have done your best! Don't make further progress! Okay! No more! Don't say any more! I've made up my mind!"

Lin Yaoyang's mother's face suddenly turned white, and Lin Qinghe's face was not very good-looking, but Lin Yaoyang, who was lying on the roof, looked indifferent, and whispered: "I really want to answer this shit. Like the Lin family, really, what kind of onions are you pretending to be?"

Lin Yaoyang turned his gaze over there, seeing his father, Lin Qinghe, sitting there as if he was under a lot of pressure at this moment, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't help saying to himself in his heart: "Dad, don't worry, I won't embarrass you." Then he shifted his gaze to Lin Quan below. The "spiritual weapon" that Lin Quan took out not only Not only the Lin family members below were attracted, even Lin Yaoyang himself was also attracted.

Because Lin Yaoyang looked at the hilt of this sword, it was a little too familiar, and he was sure that he had seen it before, but he just forgot when it was.

Seeing now that Lin Quan actually took it out, he naturally felt very strange. Lin Quan, who was standing below, heard the Patriarch's words like this, and his face was overjoyed. He couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart, The owner of the house is really his own family.

They cooperated so well. Lin Quan was very happy at this moment. From her point of view, Lin Yaoyang would definitely not come back.

Even if Lin Yaoyang really came back with a spiritual weapon tomorrow, it would be too late. The Patriarch would definitely remove Lin Yaoyang's name from the family tree overnight.You don't have to worry about it at all.

Lin Quan was very satisfied with such a simple removal of a serious problem in his heart. The main reason was that Lin Yaoyang's cultivation speed was really too fast. 01:30 o'clock, that is a very exaggerated gap.

Immediately, Elder Lin Quan couldn't help being angry. He was very vigilant, thinking that when Lin Yaoyang grew up, he would threaten the status of their lineage. Confident, for Lin Yaoyang, he is always smiling, a man who likes to have a family.

In fact, at that moment, Lin Quan was already secretly thinking about how to deal with Lin Yaoyang.After Lin Yaoyang was abolished, Lin Quan was still dissatisfied, and felt that he had to drive Lin Yaoyang out of the Lin family completely or kill him directly, so that he could feel at ease.

That's why Lin Quan has the look of targeting everywhere.Moreover, Lin Quan asked himself, even if it was tomorrow, Lin Yaoyang really came back after finding a weapon from the outside, and, moreover, it was the same spiritual weapon as himself.

Lin Quan also had an excuse to snatch Lin Yaoyang's spiritual weapon directly. Anyway, Lin Yaoyang is also a useless person with no strength. Moreover, Lin Yaoyang broke the family's sword. He can also say that he asked Lin Yaoyang to compensate the family. There is a valid reason.

Lin Quan's heart aches when he thinks of the spiritual power weapon he bought from some fat man at a huge price, but when he thinks of what he got tenderly and solidly, Lin Quan's heart regains balance.

Moreover, this is a spiritual weapon, as the Patriarch said, if he can buy it back with gold coins, then he has had a lot of luck, and why do he force so much.

Lin Quan comforted himself in his heart and said, after a while, Lin Quan put his hand on the hilt of the sword and held it.

(End of this chapter)

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