Chapter 1160
Lin Yaoyang knew exactly what he was holding in his hand at this moment.

It's the heart of this guy. In fact, Lin Yaoyang himself can't believe all this happened. The improvement that this arm gave Lin Yaoyang is too terrifying.

Although Lin Yaoyang did not make a qualitative leap in the realm, but Lin Yaoyang saw the physical strength of the titled warrior level powerhouse a little bit, and he felt a sense of shock.

Usually, Lin Yaoyang has always thought about what it would be like to truly reach the level of a titled warrior, but at this moment Lin Yaoyang only felt a little bit of strength.

The shock in Lin Yaoyang's heart was unbearable.

Lin Yaoyang didn't hesitate any longer, he clenched the guy's heart in his hand, and directly clenched his fist hard.


A small cracking sound came from the position of this guy's chest.

The voice was so low that only Lin Yaoyang, the guy opposite and this guy could hear it, but it was enough.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the guy in front of him, the light in his eyes was unbelievable at the beginning, and then the vitality in his eyes gradually faded away.

All this happened in an extremely short period of time.

Lin Yaoyang felt that the guy in his hand had turned into a mass of dead flesh, and with a shake of his hand, he shook it off his seat.

The bony arm was covered with this guy's blood, but the blood didn't stay on Lin Yaoyang's arm for long, either it was wrapped up by Lin Yaoyang's ant king power and swallowed quickly, or it flowed along the smooth bone It slid down to the ground.

The guy who went to help the guy whose calf was cut off by the phantom of the ant soldier didn't hear the movement here for a long time, and looked back.

Just seeing Lin Yaoyang pulling his arm out of his companion's chest, he was dumbfounded.


He just muttered such a sentence.

Then he turned around and went to help his companion, but it was too late at this time, Lin Yaoyang's ant king's power swallowed a lot of the blood of the guy who was killed by Lin Yaoyang's blow.

Suddenly, the phantom of the ant soldier seemed to have been enhanced, and the whole body began to flicker with red light, and the speed of swinging the long knife in his hand became faster.

With one slash, it was like chopping melons and vegetables, splitting the head of the guy who fell on the ground with only fear in his eyes and no intention of fighting back.

Seeing this, the rest of the guys didn't dare to make any more moves, run away!
This is the only thing he can do, not to mention that he is full of doubts about whether he can take Lin Yaoyang down now, even if he has the strength to take Lin Yaoyang down, he has long since lost Lin Yaoyang Fighting intent.

As if the soles of his feet were oiled, he quickly ran in one direction, and disappeared in the distance of the horizon in a short while.

Lin Yaoyang looked at that guy's back, and didn't intend to chase after him. Of course, he didn't want to catch up, but Lin Yaoyang wanted revenge, and he wanted to take revenge for his broken arm.

(End of this chapter)

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