super decomposition system

Chapter 1171 I'm afraid you're unlucky

Chapter 1171 I'm afraid you're unlucky
Lin Yaoyang's complexion suddenly became tense, and he had forgotten such a stubble, the middle-aged man looked at Lin Yaoyang again and said: "This matter, it is simple and simple, the two guys you caught, they stayed One piece, not in the headquarters of the Zhao family, you can rest assured. They were one of the main reasons why I was killed in the first place. They can't be easily killed. They have to be captured alive. "

Lin Yaoyang's face turned dark immediately, he was just thinking about various ways to kill those two guys in his mind, and now the middle-aged man actually told himself not to fool them, but to be himself The existence that has just been promoted to the level of Wuji captures him alive?
Lin Yaoyang's face darkened, and he didn't intend to speak anymore. He looked at the middle-aged man in front of him, and waited for him to make more weird requests.

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Yaoyang's huge size: "Don't worry, there will be a way to help you catch them,"

As he said that, he threw two ropes at Lin Yaoyang. The ropes were made of white bones and connected by the tendons of unknown animals.

Each bone has a variety of complicated patterns on it.

Obviously each rune has its own function.

The middle-aged man watched Lin Yaoyang catch the rope. After thinking for a while, he shook his hand again and threw out another one. He looked at Lin Yaoyang and said, "This rope is for one-time use. Then you have to take them out again." When they are seriously injured, activate the rope and throw it out. After the rope controls them, their physical body will not be able to function, and the spirit will be forced out. You come here to find me with their spirit and physical body That’s right. Also, if they are seriously injured, it’s okay to die immediately, but you must use this rope to hang their lives, or if they die, all previous efforts will be wasted. Also.”

Lin Yaoyang looked at the three ropes in his hands, and said with a puzzled look in his eyes: "There are only two people, so why are you throwing three to me?"

The middle-aged man said with a smirk on his face: "Oh, this rope has a chance to be released. I'm afraid you will be unlucky and fail. It will be gone after you use it up."


Lin Yaoyang wanted to strangle this guy to death now, and this middle-aged man started to tell Lin Yaoyang where his target was again.

"The person you asked to catch is called Wang Chongyang, and his spirit beast companion, a spider."

After Lin Yaoyang heard the spider, he suddenly moved and looked at his right arm.

Facing the middle-aged man, he said, "It doesn't matter if I toss the monster's body a little bit."

"It's okay, just do whatever you want. Just don't make it fall apart, hehe, why, are you confident now?"

Lin Yaoyang looked at this guy unhappily, and said, "Do I have any other choice?"

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Yaoyang seriously and said.

Lin Yaoyang spread his hands, and the middle-aged man turned around again, looked at Ke Lie and said, "Come on, little piggy, don't leave, stay here with me to drink and chat, the difficult things make this Guys just do it."

When Kret heard that, his face was overjoyed, "Okay, okay,"

Lin Yaoyang's already dark face was as black as coal now.

(End of this chapter)

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