Chapter 1173
Lin Yaoyang tightened the somewhat tight clothes on his body, then looked down at the two strange protrusions on his chest.

I have to sigh that the combat skills given to me by my third uncle are really powerful, there is nothing I can't do unless I can't think of it.

Even this place can be imitated exactly the same.

Lin Yaoyang couldn't help but reached out and rubbed it a few times. That strange feeling made Lin Yaoyang, a tough virgin who had experienced many battles, couldn't help but blush his face.

"Seeing how promising you are, you can even blush when you touch your own chest! You are so promising, Guo Yuehong is still waiting at home."

Lin Yaoyang couldn't help thinking badly, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yes, Lin Yaoyang knocked out one of the dancers in the group, changed into his clothes and mixed in with the group of people.

Walking at the end of the team, it seems that the quality of these dancers is still quite high. No one spoke along the way. Although a few dancers glanced at Lin Yaoyang and felt that his current appearance was a bit unnatural, they still Did not say anything.

The regret in Lin Yaoyang's heart, he came up with this idea in a jerk of his brain, but the action was faster than his brain, and he went up and started to act without weighing the pros and cons.

Now Lin Yaoyang had absolutely no way out, thinking that he might have to dance later, Lin Yaoyang's face turned slightly pale in bursts.

But Lin Yaoyang is still very confident in his ability to imitate. Although he can't say how good he dances, he can still learn the movements of the dancers next to him with a seven or eight score.

It's just pity for the dancer who was knocked out by Lin Yaoyang, she was lying naked in a forest with some close-fitting clothes on her body.

God knows how broken it will be when he wakes up.

Lin Yaoyang followed these dancing girls towards the depths of the courtyard. Along the way, Lin Yaoyang could see many people paying attention to them, some men's gazes were undisguised and hot on Lin Yaoyang and the others. Pieces of exposed large white meat were peeking out.

Lin Yaoyang's face turned slightly pale. The experience of being looked at by a man with such excited eyes on the flesh on his body was a little bit too terrifying.

Lin Yaoyang swore that he would never pretend to be a woman again in his life.

Lin Yaoyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, quickly quickened his pace, and followed the people in front.

Not long after, Lin Yaoyang and the others came to the door of a large hall.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the main hall in front of him, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he was very grateful for his decision to dress up as a dancing girl.

After arriving at this place, the auras of the people around Lin Yaoyang have become stronger. They are generally at the fifth and fifth levels, and most of them are of a certain age. In this place have certain rights.

However, Lin Yaoyang could tell that these people were not really powerful people in this holy pool.

This age is still at the level of Wuji, even in this world, I am afraid that the achievements of this life will stop here.

It is quite difficult to make further progress.

(End of this chapter)

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