Chapter 1200

"A way to go?"

"Achieve the martial god body!"

The middle-aged man licked his lips and said,
Lin Yaoyang was also stunned. After talking so much, he finally came back with forgiveness. In the end, everything revolved around the goal of achieving the martial god body.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the middle-aged man and asked: "Senior, what should I do after I have achieved the body of the Martial God? Can I go to any world after I have achieved the body of the Martial God?"

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Yaoyang with a dark face and said: "Ask me, who should I ask? I'm not a strong man who has become a martial god. If I became a martial god, would you still be able to see me? Really. I found a way to leave by myself not long ago, besides, in my state, it is quite difficult to become a martial god."

When the middle-aged man said this himself, he also frowned.

Lin Yaoyang asked the reason, but the middle-aged man shook his head and said: "You don't understand, what I have come into contact with, even compared with that big world, is even worse than that, maybe my future affiliation will be different, But that’s not to say it’s all bad.”

The middle-aged man looked like he was keeping secrets, and Lin Yaoyang couldn't continue to ask. He and Ke Lie looked at each other, and they both saw the deeply shocked look in the other's eyes. Obviously, these things just learned, It is still lingering in their minds, it is too difficult to digest a little bit.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Senior, what are your plans for the future?"

After the middle-aged man heard Lin Yaoyang's words, he stared at Lin Yaoyang and said, "What's the matter, do you still want to follow me? I think it's better for you to go back to your world first, and see if you can go there It took hundreds of years to become a Martial God, and staying in this place, the strength of the Zhao family is still a little bit too strong for you, and it is not something you can stand up to."

Lin Yaoyang shook his head, his strength in this holy pool has improved by leaps and bounds, and in just a few days, he has already been promoted to the Wuji level.

Although this place is dangerous, danger and opportunity coexist. It is basically impossible to become a strong one in a safe and secure way.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the middle-aged man and said: "Senior, I plan to find some more opportunities in this holy pool. If I really can't stay any longer, I will leave here again. After all, there are still quite a lot of treasures in this place."

When Lin Yaoyang said this, he also laughed. Lin Yaoyang is still quite happy now. The power of that longbow that he can or get is really too terrifying, and Lin Yaoyang can't forget it.

After hearing Lin Yaoyang's words, the middle-aged man nodded, instead of telling Lin Yaoyang to go back, he began to think.

After thinking for a long time, he said to Lin Yaoyang: "How about this, please do me a favor, and I will..."

But the middle-aged man hadn't finished speaking, Lin Yaoyang pulled Ke Lie and walked towards the bottom of the sentry tower.

Looking at the middle-aged man, he said, "Senior, we will meet again in the mountains and rivers. This junior will take a step ahead. See you by fate! Farewell!"

The middle-aged man's face darkened, he looked at Lin Yaoyang and said, "You kid. What are you thinking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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