super decomposition system

Chapter 1223 Melting Knife

Chapter 1223 Melting Knife
The Martial Saint glanced at Lin Yaoyang and Qiu Chuji, and just as he finished speaking, he disappeared in place and rushed towards where Lin Yaoyang and Qiu Chuji were.

But Lin Yaoyang and Qiu Chuji are not ordinary people, they are dragons and phoenixes among human beings.

Before, I was always on guard against this Martial Saint, but after seeing him move, I also moved at the same time.

The figure disappeared in place. You must know that Lin Yaoyang's current strength is at its peak, but he can match the speed of some ordinary martial saints.

After Lin Yaoyang disappeared in place, there were five figures left behind, which were the phantoms of Lin Yaoyang's ant soldiers.

At this time, a rune in Lin Yaoyang's hand was flashing, and ant soldiers in fiery red armor began to drill out of the surrounding soil. When Lin Yaoyang first felt something was wrong, he started to stand here and arrange it.

Even Old Qiu didn't notice Lin Yaoyang's little trick.

At this time, those fiery red ant soldier phantoms all drilled out of the soil, each with a standard long knife that Lin Yaoyang was familiar with, and the five ant soldier phantoms that differentiated from Lin Yaoyang's body moved towards the figure of the martial saint welcome up,
There was no sign of fear at all, the martial sage snorted coldly, looking at the phantoms of these ant soldiers who were no more than martial arts level, his eyes showed a look of disdain.

"It's just a small path, can a few ants block me? It's fantastic!"

The warrior sage flickered in the light of the sword.Turning around calmly inside, none of the phantoms of the ant soldiers hit the martial saint.

But no matter how much this martial sage could dodge, there were too many phantoms of these ant soldiers. Finally, there was a knife that he couldn't dodge anyway, so he could only draw a short knife from his sleeve robe. The stick greeted him.

Originally, the Martial Saint thought that he could easily shake away the phantom of the fiery red ant soldier.

But when the attack of the ant soldier phantom confronted him, the martial saint was surprised to find that he felt a huge and somewhat terrifying force coming from his short stick.

At the same time, he watched helplessly that the short stick in his hand began to melt rapidly under the attack of a standard long knife, like ice touching hot steel.

The weapon in your hand can't resist it?

A gleam of shock flashed in the eyes of this Martial Saint. Seeing that the short stick in his hand was melting, a deep distressed look flashed in his eyes. He usually treasures his stick very much. Where did he receive such grievances.

A palm blasted directly, and blasted towards the phantom of the ant soldier in front of him.

No matter what, he is still a martial sage, no matter how powerful this ant soldier phantom is, in front of a not weak martial sage, accepting his full-strength palm, there is only a possibility of dissipating.

The phantom figure of the fiery red ant soldier disappeared instantly.

But the standard long knife was still on his short stick.

The martial saint looked at this simple and outrageous long knife in his eyes, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

He reached out to try to pull it off, but when his hand just touched it.

Like being stabbed.

(End of this chapter)

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