Chapter 1235
"So, even though that person was desperately trying, he still couldn't go against the sky, cleared the restrictions on himself, and returned to the world he was in. So this person didn't dare in his heart, and the resentment he could not pour out. The magic skills have been passed down, and a force called the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons has been established. All the people in the force have practiced magic skills. Those people in the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons are all quite powerful. Their only goal is to achieve the body of Valkyrie, break the shackles and return to that world. However, they, the descendants of the Temple of All Demons, are actually much simpler than the founders of the Temple of All Demons. After all, they All I need is to raise my own strength to the level of a martial god. But after so many years, no one has been able to complete it. It seems that they were not born in the original world, nor did they practice in that world, so The magic skills left by the founders of the Temple of All Demons are not a very suitable method for them. They can only take what they can use, and then improve it themselves, but that's all, let them The strength of the Hall of Demons has become unprecedentedly powerful. In this life, the most powerful person in the Hall of Demons is the man named Nie Juechen, known as the Holy Son, who has a very high status in the Hall of Demons. status. Looking at today's appearance, it is obvious that he has already used that magical power to become a half-step martial god, but because of some problems in his cultivation, he needs to replace his physical body. I think Shalltear has taken a fancy to it Lin Xiaoyou is gone, I want to arrest Xiaoyou."

After Qiu Chuyi finished speaking, he looked at Lin Yaoyang next to him.

When Klie next to him heard it, he immediately opened his eyes wide. When he was waiting inside the mansion, he also felt the terrifying fluctuations outside.

The terrifying fluctuation even made him tremble from a long distance away.

Now he knew that it was actually a fluctuation created by a half-step Valkyrie level powerhouse?

Kret was shocked, knowing that there was a half-step warrior in the holy pool was enough to surprise him.

As a result, another one popped out now?The strength of the people in this holy pool is just a little bit too strong.

Lin Yaoyang also had some lingering fears at this time, thinking that he was actually being targeted by a half-step martial god-level powerhouse, and this was just Shalltiya's targeting, if that Nie Juechen did it himself.

Even if Mr. Qiu blew himself up in order to protect himself, it was impossible to stop Nie Juechen.

A half-step martial god, if there are no other half-step martial gods, then he is no different from the master of a world.

What can stop them?

With Lin Yaoyang's current imagination, it is unimaginable.

Qiu Chu looked at Lin Yaoyang with a complicated expression, thought for a while and said, "Little friend, maybe the ancestor had already seen what was about to happen."

Lin Yaoyang immediately understood what this meant. It was telling him that his ancestor had taken a fancy to him, and he was going to work hard to improve his strength to fight against this Nie Juechen.

Lin Yaoyang just wanted to say that he took a fancy to him!
(End of this chapter)

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