super decomposition system

Chapter 1238 The Shadow

Chapter 1238 The Shadow
Obviously something important happened in their Zhao family, but Lin Yaoyang is too lazy to care about what happened to their Zhao family now.

The most important thing is to get out of this holy pool as soon as possible.

Especially the feeling of being watched by others made Lin Yaoyang feel a deep discomfort in his heart.

Lin Yaoyang was quite puzzled in his heart. People who can give him such a feeling needless to say, their strength must be stronger than him. If they are people from the Palace of Demons, why don't they directly attack him and give him Catch it?
Lin Yaoyang didn't think too much. He took Kelie on a journey day and night, and used the teleportation formation from time to time to rush quickly. It only took two days to reach the original place.

This is already the edge of the holy pool, and it is quite far from the Zhao family's sphere of influence.

Lin Yaoyang took out the talisman prepared in advance from the Narcissus Cave, and directly crushed it, a space crack appeared in front of him.

Without hesitation, Lin Yaoyang led Klein into the crack.

Not long after Lin Yaoyang and Ke Lie disappeared through the crack, a figure appeared where they were standing before.

Looking at the place where Lin Yaoyang disappeared, there was a trace of deep meaning in his eyes, and he also took out a small gadget in his hand, and carried it for a while at the place where Lin Yaoyang disappeared.

The thing in that person's hand emitted a gleam of light, and the black shadow also crushed it, and a space crack also appeared here.

The black shadow followed without the slightest hesitation.

It didn't take much time for Lin Yaoyang and Kelie to get their feet on the ground again. After Lin Yaoyang saw the familiar scene in front of him, he also heaved a sigh of relief, and finally returned to the Narcissus Cave.

But after Lin Yaoyang and Ke Lie returned to the Narcissus Cave, they were immediately stunned. At this time, there were many people around the holy pool, all of them were staring at the holy pool.

After seeing someone coming back, everyone immediately turned their attention to them.

When they saw that it was Lin Yaoyang, several young disciples shouted loudly: "Elder Lin is back!"

Lin Yaoyang was taken aback, did something happen?
Before he could think about it, several figures appeared in front of him. They were all elders from Narcissus Cave, and they all looked at Lin Yaoyang nervously. An elder looked at Lin Yaoyang nervously and asked, "Lin Yaoyang?" Elder, do you feel that there is something wrong in which holy pool? A few days ago, there was a terrifying energy fluctuation in this holy pool. It's as if you have transcended to the title warrior, and so many days have passed, and no disciple has returned from the holy pool, and you, Elder Lin, are the first to come back."

After hearing what the elder said, Lin Yaoyang's face immediately changed. He naturally knew what was going on. It was the fluctuation caused by Nie Juechen and Qiu Kunyuan, the head of the Qiu family.

Unexpectedly, the biggest movement was that even the Narcissus Cave outside the holy pool could feel the movement inside. Lin Yaoyang was also quite surprised.

Lin Yaoyang is still thinking about whether to tell the weirdness in the holy pool of Narcissus Grotto.

(End of this chapter)

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