super decomposition system

Chapter 1243 Small Gifts

Chapter 1243 Small Gifts

"People from the Cui family and the Wei family also said that Elder Lin suspected that he had obtained innate things from the ancient tree, saying that he accidentally leaked the news, but the meaning is quite obvious. The Cui family and the Wei family The people of the Wei family really have no brains. They also said such absurd things. Not to mention anything else, none of those powerful people believed it, but I am afraid that there are many fools who listen to the wind and rain. If you really believe it, you will come to Elder Lin with all your brains, tsk tsk, it will be a trouble."

The director frowned when he said this, obviously he didn't have the slightest affection for the Cui family and the Wei family.

Lin Yaoyang broke out in a cold sweat when he was uttered by these words, the speaker had no intention but the listener did.

The Cui family and the Wei family must not know that he really has innate things, so they want to pour dirty water on him.

In the end, they were really fooled, Lin Yaoyang really had such a treasure on his body.

Lin Yaoyang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, if someone really found out, he would really be in a catastrophe.

Not to mention letting Narcissus Cave protect him, it's hard to say whether he will turn his back on Lin Yaoyang immediately.

All the relationship between Lin Yaoyang and Narcissus Grotto is still based on interests. Once there are greater interests, everything will be difficult to say.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the manager with lingering fear, and found a sixth-level elixir in his hand. Lin Yaoyang felt the attributes of the aura on this guy, and immediately exchanged it for one that could harmonize the aura in his body and strengthen his attributes at the same time. The elixir came out.

Stuffed it into the hand of the manager.

The manager lowered his head slightly, and immediately exclaimed: "Shun Ling and Shui Dan?"

He has been jealous of this elixir for a long time, but although it is only a sixth-level elixir, there are not many alchemists who can refine this elixir because of their partiality.

The rare one is also extremely expensive, which he cannot afford.

So he was just thinking about it, but he didn't expect that Lin Yaoyang would actually raise his hand and take out a pill.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the manager, and said with a smile on his face: "Manager Qin's subordinates, you have worked hard here, and I would like to trouble you to tell me what else is related to me."

Manager Qin's face was flushed and he held Lin Yaoyang's hand and shook it vigorously.

Lin Yaoyang only felt that his hands were being held and shaken up and down by a pair of rough and warm hands. This feeling was really strange.

Lin Yaoyang smiled awkwardly and pulled his hand back.

At this time, Manager Qin was so happy in his heart, he didn't care about Lin Yaoyang's antagonisms, he began to talk about everything.

He also said: "An ancient race called gold-eating beasts also spoke out, saying that Elder Lin is responsible for the death of a strong man with the title of warrior in their clan. He said that they will pursue it to the end, isn't it fucking Nonsense, although Elder Lin is powerful, he has not yet reached that level. How can he kill a strong person at the level of a titled warrior? Don’t mind Elder Lin. I won’t say that you can’t reach it. The strong will definitely be defeated by you."

Lin Yaoyang smiled and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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