super decomposition system

Chapter 1247 Invincible Pose

Chapter 1247 Invincible Pose
"Didn't you just fancy the pure-blood human emperor blood in my body? How about this? Today I will play with you slowly. Whether you want to go up one by one or come one by one, I will accompany you. As long as you can catch me, what's wrong with me going back to Cui's house with you? But if you are not strong enough and I take your life, hehe, don't let your adults come to cause trouble."

After the people around heard it, they knew that there was a good show to watch, and some people who didn't think it was a big deal immediately began to join in.

There are also some people whose eyes are also darkly gloomy, and they just take this opportunity to see how strong Lin Yaoyang is.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the juniors of the Cui family and the Wei family in front of him. After he finished speaking, many people's eyes began to flicker.

Obviously intentional, Lin Yaoyang sneered, these people haven't seen clearly what the truth is like.Do you really think you can catch yourself?

There are also many people with mocking smiles on their faces, they just feel that Lin Yaoyang is really a bit arrogant, can he face so many people by himself?

Lin Yaoyang frowned, and saw a man from the Wei family on the left holding a long whip in his hand, and whipped it towards him.

Lin Yaoyang's eyes froze, did this start? He really didn't pay attention, he didn't even say hello.

Lin Yaoyang didn't say a word, his body disappeared in place in an instant, and the eyes of the people around him suddenly changed.

So fast!

This is the exclamation in everyone's heart.

The next moment, Lin Yaoyang appeared next to the man who made the shot. The palm of his left hand was like a knife, and he slashed directly at the shoulder of his right hand that was holding the long whip.

Not even a sound came out.

The man only felt that his right shoulder was cold, and his right arm was directly broken.

The man's face suddenly changed.

Wanting to get away, Lin Yaoyang appeared in front of him, sneered, and kicked the man's stomach.

This guy's body was like a broken sack, and he flew into the sky, a full hundred meters away.

After falling to the ground, he coughed violently, and a large puddle of blood spit out from his mouth, and there were even some fragments in the blood, obviously his internal organs were all under Lin Yaoyang's kick There was quite a bit of damage underneath.

It just spit out from the mouth.

The people around immediately exclaimed, and there were many martial saints among the onlookers, and even they could barely see Lin Yaoyang's movements clearly.

This Lin Yaoyang is really a little bit too strong, facing the monks of the same realm, it is like being massacred, and directly crushed him with an invincible posture.

He didn't even give the opponent a chance to fight back.

The moment the guy who was kicked away by Lin Yaoyang made a move, many people from the Wei family also made a move.

After Lin Yaoyang finished his blow, he immediately turned his feet, turned his whole body, and rushed directly towards the woman with the mean face.

At this time, after the woman witnessed everything, her face had already turned pale. He did not expect Lin Yaoyang's strength to be so powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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