Chapter 126
I just don't know if there will be any special effect if I condense my qi on my...little brother's position when I am running the power of the ant king.

Lin Yaoyang's face turned red when he thought of this, as if he looked a little embarrassed, Lin Yaoyang secretly smirked in his heart for a while, and at the same time felt that the exercise he had obtained was really too powerful a little bit.

It's not like the effect that a book of mysterious intermediate-level exercises can provide. If it's an intermediate-level prefecture level, Lin Yaoyang can accept it a little bit.

In short, the power of the Ant King is really a bit weird, but I don't know if there will be any side effects when practicing it.

"No, there are no side effects except that the black gas used will make people look a bit evil."

The voice of the system spoke in Lin Yaoyang's mind in such a cold manner, it immediately startled Lin Yaoyang, and his whole body trembled, as if he felt that he was not well.

After Lin Yaoyang heard the system's voice, he simply asked the system, "This exercise is a little too strong, how could it be a mysterious-level intermediate-level exercise."

"My pleasure!"

After the system actually put such a sentence in Lin Yaoyang's mind, it never made any sound again.

Lin Yaoyang was stunned when he heard it?I would?What the hell kind of answer is this!Could it be that the power of the ant king really isn't a mysterious intermediate skill?But a higher level?
Thinking of this, Lin Yaoyang's heart became hot, because he felt a little too comfortable using this exercise, and the speed of recovery of the energy of the exercise itself is extremely fast. Compared with martial artists of the same level, Lin Yaoyang's recovery speed is simply amazing. That's several times their size.

Maybe everyone else's face was flushed and out of breath, but Lin Yaoyang still had the same feeling that nothing happened.

At the same time, Lin Yaoyang also had a strange feeling in his mind, that his powerful skills were obtained by trampling an ant to death, which is really a little bit of a joke.

Maybe it was true what the system said, and he was willing to do the same. Maybe this power of the ant king was an introductory skill given to him by the system.

Lin Yaoyang nodded his head, thinking that there must be nothing wrong with this.

Lin Quan, who was standing opposite Lin Yaoyang, saw Lin Yaoyang's dazed look and didn't know what he was doing, and he didn't look at him, as if he was distracted.Immediately, there was a burst of anger in my heart. This kid, standing in front of me, dare to be lost in thought?

What kind of occasion is this? Doesn't Lin Yaoyang have any compulsions in his heart?Right now, I don't want to worry about Lin Yaoyang's weirdness in his glasses just now.

There was a burst of yelling at Lin Yaoyang! "Lin Yaoyang! Don't think about fooling this old man and wasting everyone's time here again! I advise you to tell the truth quickly! Otherwise, this old man will definitely make it impossible for you to survive or die!"

Hearing that Lin Quan said this in such an arrogant tone, many elders on the field showed displeasure on their faces.

What does Lin Quan think of himself!Whoever you say you want to kill can be killed?Seeing his arrogant appearance, I really want to go up and beat this old man hard!

Some elders who didn't get along well with Lin Quan in the past, now seeing Lin Quan's arrogant and domineering appearance, all of them are itching with hatred.

But since even the Patriarch didn't say anything to blame, it's not easy for them to say anything, lest they cause trouble for themselves.

The Patriarch is also very annoyed now, his hope of dominating Qingye Town has been directly destroyed by Lin Yaoyang!Naturally, his chest went up and down with anger.

However, the Patriarch didn't notice the little supernatural power revealed by Lin Yaoyang's glasses just now. Otherwise, with Patriarch's suspicious temperament, he might directly try to test Lin Yaoyang now, so why would he talk so much nonsense?

Lin Yaoyang looked at Lin Quan and sneered, knowing that he couldn't continue the ink, so Lin Yaoyang said under the eyes of everyone: "Elder Lin Quan, although I really don't want to tell you this cruel fact, but you have to I don’t accept it! You have been deceived! Although your spiritual weapon can indeed be said to be a spiritual weapon, but your spiritual weapon is a semi-finished product... um... The meaning of semi-finished product may be I apologize for not being accurate enough, but to be precise, Elder Lin Quan, this spiritual power weapon you bought at a huge price is a defective product!"

While Lin Yaoyang was talking, he showed a heartbroken look on his face, and everyone listened to what Lin Yaoyang said very seriously.

After listening to what Lin Yaoyang said, everyone was stunned?Defective products?What the hell?Spiritual power weapons are just spiritual power weapons, how can there be such a thing as defective products!I'm afraid Lin Yaoyang is already stupid.

Lin Quan and Lin Fang standing next to Lin Quan were also stunned after hearing what Lin Yaoyang said. Then, Lin Quan finally understood what Lin Yaoyang said, and his old face turned red immediately. However, Lin Quan Didn't Lin Yaoyang blush because of what Lin Yaoyang said.

It was because Lin Quan felt that what Lin Yaoyang said was a little too ridiculous. Since the spiritual weapons had already been made, how could there be semi-finished products?

If this Lin Yaoyang wanted to make up nonsense to fool everyone, why couldn't he come up with a better idea.If Lin Yaoyang really generously admitted that he had used some demonic techniques, Lin Quan would be able to accept a little bit.

But Lin Yaoyang actually said that his spiritual weapon was a defective product, Lin Quan felt as if he had heard a big joke.

Lin Yaoyang naturally knew that these guys would not believe what they just said, and he always had to produce a little bit of evidence to stop their mouths.

So Lin Yaoyang still looked at Lin Quan with a smile on his face.After Lin Quan held back for a while, he finally laughed loudly.Said to Lin Yaoyang: "Lin Yaoyang, I thought you were not a fool, but a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid! You actually made up such nonsense"

(End of this chapter)

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