super decomposition system

Chapter 1266 What a pity

Chapter 1266 What a pity

That kind of looming feeling can even make those people start to go crazy.

Although there are quite a few beautiful women in this field, but compared with Guo Yuehong, that kind of temperament is simply heaven and earth. Compared with him, they seem to be pale

After the women noticed the change in the eyes of the men in the field, their complexions changed immediately, and the eyes they looked at Guo Yuehong began to become less friendly.

But they could all notice that the aura in Guo Yuehong's body was not weak, even stronger than them, and the vigilant look in each of their eyes became even more tense.

There was another woman who looked at the nympho men next to her with disdain, and said dissatisfiedly: "Little vixen."

The voice was not loud, but many people could hear it, and many men's faces changed. How can a woman like Guo Yuehong be insulted by the words "little vixen"?
Many men looked back at the woman in dissatisfaction, and the woman looked back at them with a very disdainful expression.

Lin Yaoyang also noticed the movement below, and looked at the woman with a trace of coldness in his eyes.

Guo Yuehong grabbed Lin Yaoyang's hand, and whispered to Lin Yaoyang: "You are still very weak now, so don't get angry easily, you are just a clown, why should you care about it?"

When Lin Yaoyang saw Guo Yuehong, he said the same thing himself, so he couldn't get angry again, but he still looked at Guo Yuehong and said, "If she talks about others, I won't care."

After Lin Yaoyang finished speaking, there was no more to say, but Guo Yuehong still understood what he meant, looked at Lin Yaoyang and smiled.

The men below saw the intimate behavior of Lin Yaoyang and Guo Yuehong, their eyes turned red, looking at Lin Yaoyang, there was a look of jealousy in their eyes.

Lin Yaoyang's mood is quite comfortable now, and his little vanity has been greatly satisfied at this time, and what Guo Yuehong brought out is quite worthy. ,

Lin Yaoyang didn't want to stand here and continue to be the focus of everyone, so he decided to find a room to rest and recover his strength.

But below, it seemed that someone recognized Lin Yaoyang, and exclaimed: "Isn't this man Lin Yaoyang in hot clothes outside? How come he also came to Yuzhang Academy?"

Someone said: "Just now I saw it outside. This Lin Yaoyang was brought to the academy by the guardian elder, Elder Kong. How could this kid, He De, be able to let Elder Kong personally bring him in?"

For a while, the eyes of the people below looking at Lin Yaoyang suddenly became more exciting, but Lin Yaoyang had long been prepared to be recognized by others, but what he didn't expect was that his reputation would be spread like this Far away, even Yuzhang Academy is known.

"I thought that the person next to Lin Yaoyang was Guo Yuehong. I didn't expect such a beautiful woman. What a pity."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity to follow Lin Yaoyang?"

"Aren't you afraid that Lin Yaoyang will come to settle accounts with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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