super decomposition system

Chapter 128 Demolition

Chapter 128 Demolition
Lin Quan was stunned immediately when he heard this, what's going on, there are still people who would jump out so blindly to tear down his platform?Which elder is it? !

Lin Quan's face was ugly, extremely ugly. At this moment, Lin Quan's heart was also very heavy. When Lin Quan bought this spiritual weapon today, his whole body seemed to be rejuvenated.full of energy.

He just waited for tonight to come, and then killed Lin Yaoyang cleanly to remove the obstacles for his lineage, but things backfired, and things happened completely different from what he expected.

It is not too much to say that everything is not going well. In Lin Quan's memory, it has been many years since he was so popular like today!

Even if Lin Yaoyang lost the family's precious sword at that time, although Lin Quan looked extremely angry on his face, he was actually extremely happy in his heart, and the anger on his face was just for superficial effort.

But now, Lin Quan just wished he could find out this talking guy and give him a good beating. Isn't this just to make himself unhappy?What a fucking bad luck!
Lin Quan cursed angrily in his heart, and looked towards the place where the sound came from while humming. After seeing the person who spoke, Lin Quan was stunned.

The person who spoke was also an elder, white-haired and chicken-skinned, obviously very old!Before, I sat in a corner without saying a word, just quietly watching everything that happened in the field.

If you didn't look for it carefully, you wouldn't even notice this person. Lin Quan naturally knew this person. This person is called Lin Yan. He is very old, and he is of the same generation as the Great Elder.

On weekdays, they can be regarded as the kind of people who are highly respected in the family. Even if Lin Quan is more arrogant than the Lin family, he can't dance well, but when he sees Elder Lin Yan, he still honestly dare not take offense.

When Lin Quan saw that it was Lin Yan who spoke, he was taken aback immediately. Isn't this Lin Yan from the same line as Lin Quan? It's a little bit uncomfortable.

It's also a little too much to say the least.Moreover, Elder Lin Yan said that he is the most knowledgeable person in the entire Lin family. If he could directly crush the Great Elder to death, Lin Yan would not speak easily if he was not sure enough.

It seems that such a thing really happened, and he really bought a handful of tatters from outside, Lin Quan also knew it in his heart, and a trace of bitterness permeated his heart.

Immediately afterwards, he began to greet the dead fat man who sold his spiritual weapon crazily in his heart. A defective product was actually sold at such a high price. When Lin Quan thought of the money for his painting, his heart felt deep. deep pain.

Lin Quan knew the Patriarch, if he really bought back a intact spiritual weapon, the Patriarch would definitely not let him pay back the money, if it was such a defective product, the Patriarch would get angry and use it All the money from the family has been counted on him, Lin Quan's old face is bitter again, he is so old, do he still have to bear so many foreign debts on himself?It was a little bit too uncomfortable.

Lin Quan's face was ugly. Although he knew that what Elder Lin Yan said was probably true, but Lin Quan couldn't let go of his face, so he said to Elder Lin Yan: "Elder Lin Yan, why are you helping Lin Yaoyang to fool everyone?" What? I’ve never heard of such things as spiritual weapons and defective products.”

Lin Quan's face was ugly, and he was still holding on. When the people around heard that Elder Lin Yan actually spoke, everyone's face changed, and they knew it in their hearts. They knew that Lin Quan, an old man, might really be raped I was deceived by others and bought such a defective product back.

Looking at Lin Quan's eyes are full of sarcasm.Lin Quan's old face twitched and he didn't dare to say anything.I just looked closely at Elder Lin Yan, hoping that he would be a little bit nostalgic, and because I was in the same line as him, I would say something nice to myself and make myself feel better.

After Elder Lin Yan heard what Lin Quan said, he raised his eyes to look at Lin Quan, sneered, and naturally knew what Lin Quan meant, and said to Lin Quan: "Lin Quan, there is no need for the old man to I'm playing with you all these tricks. Is the thing you bought is real or not? Don't I know better than you? I'll stop here today. Let me tell you, this sword of yours is not just the broken sword that Lin Yaoyang said. It is a defective product, and it is also the most, most, and garbage of the first-level spiritual power weapons. An ordinary semi-finished spiritual power weapon, even if it is a semi-finished product, the spiritual power that can be stored in the blade is enough for a warrior-level monk to fight at the same level. I have been using it for several hours, look at the garbage you bought, it just loses its effectiveness after just one blow. Hehe! Lin Quan, I have to say, you old guy still has good eyesight Ah! You actually spent so much money from the family to buy such a precious weapon!"

When Lin Yan said this, it could be said that his words became more and more popular. This Lin Quan, it is not too much to say that he is a pig brain.

Lin Yaoyang was stunned when he heard what Elder Lin Yan said. He didn't expect that this elder Lin Yan, who was not on good terms with his own lineage, would actually come forward to speak to him, which really made Lin Yaoyang a little strange.

This Elder Lin Yan can be said to have helped Lin Yaoyang a lot!As some of the oldest members of the Lin family, the weight of his words, compared with his own junior, must not be in the same weight class.

For what Elder Lin Yan said, he didn't even need to produce any evidence.

After Lin Yan finished speaking, he turned his head around again, looked at Lin Yaoyang and said to Lin Yaoyang: "Lin Yaoyang, you are not bad! Even I just happened to see such a record in an ancient book, so I just remembered it carefully. , I didn't expect you to have such insight at such a young age! Not bad, "

A shrewd light flashed in Lin Yan's eyes,

(End of this chapter)

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