super decomposition system

Chapter 1282 Give You This Combat Skill

Chapter 1282 Give You This Combat Skill
After finishing speaking, Lin Yaoyang palmed it directly, and threw a book of exercises directly at the man in the fine clothes.

The man in the blue costume reached out and grabbed the exercise book, and he could feel that Lin Yaoyang also used a lot of tricks on the cheat book.

If I use my physical body to follow up, there is a high possibility that something will go wrong.

Sure enough, when the man in Chinese clothes caught it with his own hands, he immediately felt a shock all over his body, and a huge force came from the exercise.

At the same time, all the viscera and six internal organs in his body began to vibrate under the huge force, and the whole person was extremely uncomfortable.

Even his body took a few steps back unconsciously, dispelling the huge force.

Lin Yaoyang watched the man's movements, and said with a distressed look on his face: "Oh, what's wrong with you, can't you pick up the book? I think you have to go home and make up your body."

The man in Chinese clothes lowered his head and looked at his hands, there were a few clear big characters written on the first page of the exercise.

"Yellow-level low-level combat skill, Crushing Stone Palm!"

The complexion of the man in the Chinese costume suddenly turned livid.

The combat skill in his hand was thrown directly into the crowd.

People with good deeds caught it in their hands.

When he got it in his hand, it turned out to be a gravel palm. He started to laugh out loud, and then read out the name of the combat skill aloud.

"Huang-level combat skill Crushing Stone Palm, hahaha, I can do it with your grandfather, do you want me to teach you instead of brother Lin?"


The surrounding laughter kept coming and going, and after seeing that the thing Lin Yaoyang threw was actually a book of yellow-level combat skills, these people all laughed, and at the same time, there was a look of admiration for Lin Yaoyang, what a talent! !

The man in the Chinese costume suddenly turned livid.

Looking at Lin Yaoyang, he said in a low voice, "You're courting death!"

After that, he disappeared directly in place, a silver light flashed on his body, and he directly attacked Lin Yaoyang.

Guo Yuehong left here directly with Kelie next to him.

Those onlookers all consciously moved out of the way, they all knew that there must be a fight here today, although this man in Chinese clothes is annoying, but they can also feel that he is not a simple character.

I just don't know how it will compare with Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang's purpose was to provoke this man to let him attack first, and Lin Yaoyang's heart already had an infinite killing intent towards this man.

It was the first time he saw a woman who swaggered in front of him and wanted to snatch him.

If this kind of person is not killed, why not keep it and take it home for the holiday?

Lin Yaoyang's imposing manner was overwhelming, his whole body was surging with energy and blood, and the powerful heartbeat resounded in the ears of everyone around him like a drum.

With the vibration of his heartbeat, Lin Yaoyang locked onto the missing man in an instant.

A fist with his left hand bombarded that position.

Where Lin Yaoyang's left hand passed, even the space became distorted, and that thing became blurred with eyes.

The man in the fancy dress didn't realize that Lin Yaoyang was able to find his location so quickly.

But the man was unhurried, and his figure reappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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