super decomposition system

Chapter 147 Absorption

Chapter 147 Absorption
Lin Yaoyang gradually began to feel a chill in his heart, it was a little scary, holding the Lingyin book in his hand, but he seemed to be unsteady under his feet, and hurried back several steps.It looked a little flustered.


There was another muffled sound from Wujieshenhu, and Lin Yaoyang was caught off guard and was startled again.

The main reason is that the fire mouse attracted most of Lin Yaoyang's attention, and he didn't pay attention to this side.
Lin Yaoyang quickly shifted his gaze to the other side. Now it seems that the Fire Rat has not done anything unusual, and if it is really a monster, if it wants to be unfavorable to him, there are already countless The opportunity to attack himself.

The Fire Rat was hidden behind his neck and in his hair for an unknown amount of time.

If he really wanted to do something, Lin Yaoyang's body was already cold, and the fire mouse was only acting a little strange now, this kind of abnormality could only be used as a perfunctory for himself by saying that it was a special fire mouse.

The most urgent task is to deal with Wujie Shenhu here. After the cocoon that Wujie Shenhu turned into was a dull explosion, incomparably pure energy began to emerge from the cocoon.

Lin Yaoyang just took a mouthful silently, and his eyes lit up immediately, this energy is Qi!Incomparably pure Qi!
This kind of energy is the Qi that Lin Yaoyang absorbed from the air during his daily cultivation.

It's just that the qi released from the cocoon of the Wujie Shenhu is completely different from the qi absorbed by Lin Yaoyang during his usual practice.

The purity of this kind of qi is hundreds or even thousands of times that of the one obtained by self-cultivation!Taking such a sip can offset Lin Yaoyang's normal practice for at least one or two months, or even more.This kind of qi has no master.

It means that as long as it is absorbed into the body, it can be used for oneself. Lin Yaoyang just took two or three mouthfuls, and instantly felt that his whole body seemed to start to heat up. Lin Yaoyang only felt that he had just entered The realm of the seventh-level martial artist who has not yet reached the stage has just stabilized and is about to be promoted again!
Soon to be an eighth-level martial artist!Lin Yaoyang's face was filled with joy!This is a good fortune that flew to his face for no reason. This kind of good fortune is something that you can't ask for in ordinary times. Naturally, Lin Yaoyang can't let it go.

Immediately, Lin Yaoyang sat cross-legged on the ground, and began to perform his exercises with all his strength, greedily absorbing the pure energy leaked from Wujieshenhu's cocoon.

Moreover, I don't know if the spirit spectrum has played a role. The energy leaked by the Wujie Shenhu originally flew around.

Now it is true that the mask formed by the Lingyin Spectrum has honestly shut all of Lin Yaoyang in this room.

Lin Yaoyang was using his power of the Ant King with all his strength, and his whole body was like a black hole, frantically absorbing the energy leaked from Wujieshenhu.

Later, after Lin Yaoyang's power of the ant king absorbed the energy in the entire room, Lin Yaoyang was still not satisfied, as if he had hit his idea on the Wujie Shenhu who was still a big cocoon.

The black light spread towards the cocoon that Wujieshenhu turned into.Now with the help of pure energy, Lin Yaoyang has become a monk at the level of a ninth-level martial artist.

Because of Lin Yaoyang's own particularity, Lin Yaoyang simply couldn't experience the painful opportunity of ordinary people to break through.

For Lin Yaoyang, upgrading is just a simple reminder, and immediately after, Lin Yaoyang will feel that the strength of his whole body has begun to increase greatly.

"Congratulations... user Lin Yaoyang became an eighth-level martial artist! Reward 500 points."

"Congratulations... user Lin Yaoyang has become a ninth-level martial artist! 500 reward points."

Lin Yaoyang was a little excited when he heard that he had become an eighth-level martial artist at first, but after a short while, Lin Yaoyang felt his body heat up again, and a voice came from his mind, congratulations user, Lin Yaoyang has become a ninth-level martial artist, Lin Yaoyang became a little numb right now.

Before, Lin Yaoyang never thought that it would be such a simple matter to be promoted to the cultivation level.

The eighth and ninth levels of each major level are a watershed. The difficulty of promotion to these two levels can be said to be more than the sum of the previous seven levels.

But himself, just under two cold prompts, he was directly promoted. Lin Yaoyang didn't know whether he should be happy or sad now. If he was sad, he should let others know. In a few minutes, he actually jumped two levels in a row.

Now he is still saying that he is sad, I don't know how many people will come up to beat Lin Yaoyang with their lives.

Lin Yaoyang thought in his mind, or he could take advantage of this wave of opportunities and directly advance to the level of martial arts. In this way, if he is in Qingye Town, he can be said to be truly safe.

With the strength of martial arts, even Manager Zhao, Lin Yaoyang has the confidence to fight that guy a few tricks.

As long as I am a little bit more refined in my revisions, it is not difficult to defeat Director Zhao. Even if there is really nothing to do with Director Zhao, since I still have the Amethyst Sky Thunder in my hand, I can still defeat Director Zhao. pose a deadly threat.

As long as Lin Yaoyang is given more time to develop, even if Director Zhao finds out that Lin Yaoyang is deceiving him, there is nothing he can do.

Lin Yaoyang still didn't really want to kill Manager Zhao, after all, he didn't do anything out of the ordinary to himself, if he was defeated by then, and Manager Zhao was sensible, Lin Yaoyang wouldn't mind letting Manager Zhao go.

However, the prerequisite is very important, he has to be sensible!Lin Yaoyang made up his mind to seize this opportunity and rush directly to the martial arts level.

He didn't suppress his skills any more, and he started to fully operate his skills. The black energy of the power of the ant king spread over, tightly blocking the white cocoon that Wu Jieshenhu turned into.

A small opening revealed by an inexplicable explosion.

It was the small opening that caused Wujie Shenhu to continuously lose energy, and Lin Yaoyang was able to see this advantage.

After Lin Yaoyang's black energy blocked the hole, he began to frantically absorb the energy in the white cocoon.

Lin Yaoyang only felt that he was comfortable all over.

(End of this chapter)

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