super decomposition system

Chapter 1575: Go Back in Time

Chapter 1575: Go Back in Time
Even Lin Yaoyang could feel the strong killing intent. When he looked back, he saw only a few people sending energy from his body to a giant sword at the same time.

And the top of the giant sword began to shine more and more.

Lin Yaoyang was startled, and wanted to interrupt the actions of those people, but those people summoned the flame stone man earlier, they clearly wanted to sacrifice the flame stone man to ensure that their progress would not be interrupted.

Although they didn't expect Lin Yaoyang to get rid of the flame stone man so quickly, they became a little hasty.

But fortunately, they finally completed the energy required to activate the giant sword.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the giant sword not far in front of him, and cursed loudly in his heart, did these people have shit luck in this Hundred Heavens, why did they pick up everything.

This is really a little bit unreasonable.

Lin Yaoyang frowned, trying to avoid it, because the long sword made him feel a little bit too bad.

Lin Yaoyang felt that if he was attacked, his life might be in danger.

Where did they find this kind of thing? Lin Yaoyang didn't believe that it was a kind of forbidden weapon brought by themselves. The aura on it was a little too strange, and it was not the aura of their world at all.

But now is not the time for Lin Yaoyang to think about these things. Lin Yaoyang watched the long sword fly towards him in an instant, as if it could cut through the void. Lin Yaoyang wanted to avoid it, but which long sword seemed to have eyes, He followed closely behind Lin Yaoyang, as if he would not give up if he could not catch up with Lin Yaoyang.

Lin Yaoyang's face was ugly. If he had no way to escape, he had only one way, and that was to fight this thing head-on.

Lin Yaoyang looked at the people standing behind him. At this time, many of them had already escaped from the goblins, and they were standing there looking like they were watching the excitement.

Seeing Lin Yaoyang looking very embarrassed being pursued by this giant sword made their hearts feel inexplicably refreshed.

Lin Yaoyang thought about it. At the beginning, Fuxuan told him that the Great Six Paths and Five Elements Reincarnation Art can do anything. After Lin Yaoyang obtained it, he did not study less on weekdays, but apart from the element control Lin Yaoyang became more and more sophisticated, Lin Yaoyang did not. What other gains did Lin Yaoyang get, which made Lin Yaoyang a little frustrated. Is it because he is not qualified enough?

When Lin Yaoyang thought of this, he felt that something was wrong, and his aptitude was already quite superior.

Is my cultivation method wrong?It doesn't make sense.

Lin Yaoyang has always been a little puzzled, now that he has fallen into this situation, Lin Yaoyang directly brought out what he usually thinks about but dare not do at all.

Holding an elemental ball in one hand, Lin Yaoyang kneaded it together abruptly, and then directly hit his body.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yaoyang tore a crack in front of him.

When the giant sword was about to reach Lin Yaoyang, Lin Yaoyang's body suddenly became unreal.

(End of this chapter)

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