Chapter 1578
The strength of this old turtle is unpredictable, Lin Yaoyang doesn't even know what level he is, if he wants to kill Lin Yaoyang, Lin Yaoyang has no chance at all.

Lin Yaoyang's mouth was a little bit bitter, and he tried to change the subject and said, "Senior, is there anyone else who has entered the next level of heaven?"

The old turtle seemed to be very interested in Lin Yaoyang, he kept staring at Lin Yaoyang tightly and did not let go, looked at Lin Yaoyang and said.

After Lin Yaoyang heard it, he guessed that those people were probably the number one in the academy.

Lin Yaoyang said: "Senior, why don't you send me in too."

The old turtle looked at Lin Yaoyang, and after hearing Lin Yaoyang's words, he was silent for a while, and said, "Yes."

Lin Yaoyang's face brightened, did he not kill himself?
However, before Lin Yaoyang had time to be happy for too long, he heard the words behind the old turtle, "Give me your green leather gourd."

Lin Yaoyang's face froze. Lin Yaoyang was not surprised that this old tortoise could see the details of the green-skinned gourd, but this old tortoise still coveted something?

The old turtle seemed to understand what Lin Yaoyang was thinking, and said: "Your strength is too weak, you can't hold this kind of thing, and I can play a much greater role than you. With this thing, I don't need it." Been here all day."

Lin Yaoyang was startled, but Lin Yaoyang didn't say anything, the green gourd flew out of Lin Yaoyang's chest spontaneously, when Lin Yaoyang saw it, his expression changed immediately, he thought that the green gourd was going to follow the old man The turtle is gone.

However, the green gourd did not fly away from Lin Yaoyang's chest, but the whole body emitted green light, wrapping Lin Yaoyang up. At this moment, Lin Yaoyang found that the shackles on his body seemed to have disappeared.

Although the shackles are still truly on him, but because of the effect of the green leather gourd, the effect of the shackles has been infinitely reduced.

The old turtle also understood what the green-skinned gourd meant.

He opened his mouth and let out a slight sigh, just a sigh, Lin Yaoyang felt like he was standing in place like a branch that was about to break, and he was about to be blown up and leave the place with this breath up.

But the lake surface behind Lin Yaoyang was set off by turbulent waves, Lin Yaoyang looked back, and Lin Yaoyang's face turned pale in bursts when he saw that kind of momentum.

The turtle head looked at Lin Yaoyang and said, "If you don't want to, I will use some means."
After Lin Yaoyang heard this, he was immediately startled. With the existence of this old turtle's strength, he still needs to use a fart to deal with him. Sigh, with a little more strength, he can blow himself to death. up.

The expression on Lin Yaoyang's face was slightly unnatural.

The old turtle said again: "Don't worry, I will naturally not bully the small with the big. Before those people wanted to enter the next level of heaven, the price they paid was to pay for the most precious thing on their body. You The most precious thing above is this green leather gourd, but you are not willing to hand it over, there is another way for you to enter the next level of heaven, and that is to pass some trials."
Lin Yaoyang was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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